what event is portrayed in the elaborately carved lintel

Belize has also had, traditionally, this system, especially, I would say, in the sixties, in which there really were not adequate storage facilities or places to display objects in Belize in that period. But the sculptures are always being modulated, to some extent, and I think deliberately so, according to the wishes of the carvers and their patrons, whenever someone walks up to them, whenever one wants to look at them. Not necessarily of royal commissions, but ones that are undertaken by local nobility. There are four carvings known. The language of the inscriptions is not necessarily always reflecting the local speech. In other words, the earlier periods, paradoxically, are much, much better understood. Itzamnaaj Bahlams remains lay not far, in Room 3. Now, its also true that Laxtunich was lashing Ian, you might say. u baah ti chabil ix chakan xook Ix Kabal Xook ix kalomte Lintel 24 was found in its original context alongside Lintels 25 and 26 in Structure 23 of Yaxchilan. Lambs objective was essentially to do Kon-Tiki in the Chiapan Rainforest. And we suspect that there was a great deal of sporting activity that took place on or off of these. a bloodletting ritual Such Maya rituals as bloodletting were only enacted on slaves. Lintel 24 is the designation given by modern archaeologists to an ancient Maya limestone sculpture from Yaxchilan, in modern Chiapas, Mexico. Its not gonna support a lot of people. Now the other thing that, to me, is fascinating about even considering the problem of time, the way we might conceptualize it with respect to this carving, is that the carving itself, as we studied it, tends to prefigure later carvings by this very same sculptor, so theres a rich oeuvre, we know, of his work over a ten-year span. Both king and queen are richly attired with Sun God pectorals. Not a conventional way of getting from one place to the other. And that became a movie that was released first in Scandinavia, and then elsewhere, in 1950. How did they know how to translate mayan glyphs? It took place because this area, which had been almost unimaginably remote until the sixties, suddenly experienced an influx of people coming from other parts of Guatemala; individuals and families being forced out of land by oligarchs or by a land grab by a few very wealthy people up in the highlands of Guatemala. Her pierced tongue allowed her blood to flow as part of a ritual communication with gods and spirits. CUNO: Now, tell us about the stone itself. Did it have something to do with the fact that he had another scheme afoot, a future movie in mind? So at the moment, I have documented at least about 130 named carvers. The Narmer Palette is the name of an elaborately carved shield-shaped slab of gray schist made during the Old Kingdom of Dynastic Egypt (ca. Standing on your head in public would be considered conspicuous. And its also about that time, or maybe a century or so before, that theres a lot of contact with the great city, the metropolis, of Teotihuacn, which is pretty close to what is now Mexico City. And in a way, theres a sort of studied inattention from the part of the figures on the lintel; theyre not looking at the viewer down below. 250900), kings and queens of powerful city-states, such as Tikal, Calakmul, Palenque, and Copn, commissioned artworks to cover their royal court buildings and their regal bodies. A lintel or lintol is a type of beam that spans openings such as portals, doors, windows and fireplaces. This sacrifice mirrored the Maya story of creation, when the gods let their blood to create the human race. Coe, Michael D., and Stephen D. Houston. Bloodletting was a common practice in Maya life from the Late Preclassic period (400 B.C.E.- 250 C.E.) Such careful attention to detail as well as the formal qualities of the line compare to other Maya sculptures, as well as vase painting and murals. It was most likely built by Bird Jaguar IV, who like his father Shield Jaguar II engaged in a series of building projects and commissioned various monuments as part of his campaign to legitimate his rule. The entrances of important buildings usually received decorative carving or painting. So in all of these, what you do see is a kind of theme that threads through them, which is the stories had to be often rather desultory, like life itself. The carvings, however, are of a different sort. Could these lintels have been used as lithographs? It is odd that the men didn't have to "pull a thorned rope" through. ", u-ba-ti-CHAB-li IX-CHAK?-ku-na-XOK-ki IX-k'a[ba]-la-XOK-ki IX-KALOM-TE Such objects had and continue to hold great historical, aesthetic, and spiritual significance for Maya people and descendants. Direct link to Cassandra Bristol's post From what materials were , Posted a year ago. Bloodletting was a common ritual among elites and it is one of the most frequent subjects in Maya art. Its got a nose, its got an eye. The lintel has traces of Maya blue, turquoise and red pigment. The civil war tended to suppress it; it tended to stop the more brazen acts of criminality. Other royal scepters (1979.206.1132) and ritual regalia were carved out of jadeite and other greenstones. And theyll involve or project very elaborate scenes of captives being taken in battle, and also in the ensuing tribute that would come from the feet of enemies. And so these arent just random aesthetic choices, but the colors applied to the stone are going to be carrying a lot of different meanings that were vitally important to the Maya. We have the ruler himself, the king of Yaxchilan, who is embodying the sun; the magnate, whos seated by him, is representing the night and a time when maize grows. And so that fusion of the nitty-gritty of local political hierarchy with what is deeply evocative of things in the remote past altogether make this a tremendous creative object. Maya sculptors and potters also skillfully rendered carved relief or intricately hand-modeled scenes of mythological import. These lintels are considered by some to be the pinnacle of Mayan art. But in point of fact, thats pretty unusual. It is a civilization that really comes together as a literate one, with a copious tradition of carving, probably about 2500 years ago to, more or less, the beginning of the Common Era. And you write that they have an unstable relationship to time. In thislintel above, Bird Jaguar IV dominatesa captive. Which emperor created a colossal statue of himself to be placed in a basilica in the center of And despite attention given in past years to locally surviving carved lintels, two . And these were very much the center of the publication for the Getty. Working limestone or volcanic tuff with stone tools, sculptors showed realistic portraits of divine lords, courtly ladies, captives, and deities. A ruler or other elites (including women), would let blood to honor and feed the gods, at the dedication ceremony of a building, when children were born, or other occasions. There they encountered a rich cache of decorated structures made in the first millennium CE, including a particularly elaborate limestone lintel (a horizontal support above a doorway) carved by an artisan named Mayuy. Its a heavily folded topography. And in addition to that, we are laying out the kind of cultural parameters for what will become Classic Maya civilization, which is the period I study. In the Metropolitans Relief with Enthroned Ruler (1979.206.1047), the patron Shield Jaguar IV is seated on the right of the composition, receiving tribute from Tiloom, one of his subsidiary rulers. Examples of the ornamental use of lintels are in the hypostyle halls and slab stelas in ancient Egypt and the Indian rock-cut architecture of Buddhist temples in caves. We dont know what the ancient name of the city was. CUNO: Now, give us an outline of the history of the ancient Maya. was first hung. The Dharma at Big Sur Sri Moonshine and A New Day. Music written by John Adams and licensed with permission from Hendon Music. Remember that the main figure is impersonating the sun god. The Yaxchiln lintels were originally painted, although only traces remain, including red on Lady Xooks clothing and the brilliant Maya blue color on the background of Lintel 24. The colossal statue of Constantine the Great departs completely from statues of earlier Roman Since the rest of the costume is depicted without much abstraction, it is suggested that Maya kings may have literally attached a shrunken head to their head band as a representation of power. Just a made up name. Rulers needed to shed blood in order to maintain order in the cosmos. Chakalte' Guatemalan or Mexican. There are chocolate recipes that are specifying, to a very great degree, what people might be quaffing in some of these festivities that we know that they celebrated. 250-900), kings and queens of powerful city . I cannot remember the source I got this from, will find it soon. And we can understand by looking at all of these carvings, which are sometimes which sometimes affix his signature, how he developed, what fascinated him, how he grafted, in this instance, a political arrangement between a king and a magnate-lord onto a pattern that really gets into complex iconography or imagery. A spouted chocolate vessel (1999.484.3) made of indurated limestone would have taken an enormous amount of carving and polishing with abrasives in order to obtain the delicate reliefs and sheen of the surface. And therere also many, many devastations. Lintel 24 is the designation given by modern archaeologists to an ancient Maya limestone sculpture from Yaxchilan, in modern Chiapas, Mexico.The lintel dates to about 723-726 AD, placing it within the Maya Late Classic period. And then finally, its a time in which we have really pretty strong evidence for a kind of hegemonic empire that is centered on one important kingdom in particular, Calakmul. The sculptor, Chakalte, signed this lintel and at least two other works during his career. And I think it was always, Jim, quite remote, even in the times of the Classic period. 20002023 The Metropolitan Museum of Art. He tended to be highly unreliable in any communications. How does that relate, how does that site relate to El Tunel or Bonampak? But he made it his job to go out and record all of these carvings before they were looted, and to retrieve as much of their context as possible. Lintels 15, 16 and 17 replicate the scenes carved on the three lintels in Structure 23, constructed by Bird Jaguar's father, Shield Jaguar II. One such site is Yaxchiln (pronounced Yash-chee-LAN) located in Chiapas, Mexico (close to the border of Guatemala) between the famous Maya cities of Copn and Palenque. And that story is not an end at all, and hopefully, it will continue for some time to come. Its very broken landscape. A kind of random set of collisions and experiences over time. So they are very much part of the firmament of the United States, as well. By pulling the rope studded with obsidian shards through her tongue, she causes blood to drip onto paper strips held in a woven basket to be burned as depicted on Lintel 25. Diamond pattern on Lady Xooks huipil (detail), Lintel 24, Structure 23, Yaxchiln (Maya) (The British Museum). And a good place for that wouldve been the Chiapas rainforest of Mexico, on the border between Guatemala and Mexico. In the same way artists worked the hard stone, they also delicately cut and incised marine and freshwater shell, animal bones, and even human bones. Scenes representing the public display of captives occur frequently in Maya art. Only the carver is, through his name glyphs, as it is expressed in the orbits of the lintel being lifted. And this came as something of a controversy in my field because everyone had assumed there was a local expression of whatever language might be spoken at that time. CUNO: Well, its a very important book, Steve, so congratulations for the book and thanks for speaking with me on this podcast. HOUSTON: There isnt a Maya ruin Ive ever visited And Ive visited literally hundreds, if not thousands, at this point, including ones that are often under heavy guard. During the Classic Period (ca. And at the same time, concurrently, there was, I would also say, a mounting or growing interest, in places like New York City or in Europe, in what was then called primitive art, a term, of course, we eschew completely at this point. emperors. Also located within the Central Acropolis near Structure 23, Structure 33 (dedicated around 756 C.E.) But the intent was to have a grand adventure. The image and the inscription both reinforce the reign of the ruler and his dynastic ties, in this case via his wife. But each one of them is intensively looted. Now, he, in this volume, decided to go look for primitive nativesthats very much in quotation marksin rawest jungle. Lintels 24 and 25 are on permanent display in the British Museum's Mexican Gallery. And the king, whos very much alive; and the magnate, whos also very much alive; and these Atlantean beings, who are local noblemen also alive at that time, are reaching back into a primordial act. Direct link to Joss Glenn's post For the AP exam, is it im, Posted 7 years ago. The rock-cut excavated cave temples were more durable, and the non-load-bearing carved stone lintels allowed creative ornamental uses of classical Buddhist elements. HOUSTON: Ian Graham is a legendary figure in my field. He never recorded, Lamb did, any precise information about the location of the lintels. Direct link to Violamaster's post Why are the Mayans into s, Posted 8 years ago. The portrait of Mao Zedong that hangs over Tiananmen has never been taken down since the day it But in Guatemala, in the place particularly where this lintel comes from, looting was actually suppressed by the conflicts between the guerillas and the Guatemalan army from a period of about 1997 and about fifteen years before. Lintel 25 (below)from the central doorwayalso focuses on a bloodletting ritual carried out by Lady Xook. Piedras Negras, where I excavated quite a bit in the nineties, is a good example of this, in which half the ceramics went to Philadelphia, to the University of Pennsylvania Museum; and the remainder stayed there in Guatemala City. And its playing out in his full body of work. Lintel 26 was discovered in 1897 by Teobert Maler. What was a craftsman called when they were in training? And so many of them went to, of all places, Canada, which was, of course, part of the British Empire as well, until fairly recently. From what materials were the lintels/structures made? Lintels may be visible or recessed in the roof of the facility, and reduce dose rate in publicly accessible areas by reducing the maze cross section. It also gives us another level of, you might say, ethical or epistemological or interpretive responsibility, in that there are descendant communities that we need to address, and for whom we will frame how we come to conclusions in, I think, a very careful way. is a wonderful example of Maya Classic architecture, particularly of the Usumacinta and Peten region or style as some would call it (image below). There were some yellows, as well, that are probably made out of some other kind of mineral. Look closely at the detail below. Today, its an area thats under onslaught. Recent excavations have unearthed what is thought to be the tombs of Itzamnaaj Bahlam and Lady Xoc within Structure 23. But the final thing I would say about this trajectory, Jim, that I think is worth mentioning, is that a stunning feature, even today, of all of these descendant Mayan peoples, these Mayan speakers, is that they have this kind of sustained cultural or ritual orientation that demonstrates just astonishing continuity over time. After the collapse of the Classic Period kingdoms, Maya artists at northern cities like Chichn Itz drew influence from Central Mexico and southern Central America as they adorned their temples and created spectacular offerings to their rulers and deities. Its also very helpful if you plan to travel to one of the locations. The figures on top correspond to the local ruler, whose name we know, Cheleew Chan Kinich. There seems to be pretty good evidence that the known carvers at Bonampak came from Yaxchilan. They allowed him, I think, to survive. A lintel or lintol is a structural horizontal block that spans the space or opening between two vertical supports. Now, on the carvings that we studied, the blue rims of the glyphs are probably referring to the idea of preciousness. ", Posted 8 years ago. Some of the most famous lintels are those on Structure 23a yotoot (palace building . Wearing an exquisitely woven "huipil,"Lady K'abal Xook pulls a thorned rope through her tongue in the principal form of blood sacrifice perfomed by royal women. CUNO: Now, when and under what circumstances was this particular carved lintel found? And Martin having been the cook on Jack Londons voyages. He was arguably the greatest scientific explorer of the Maya in the twentieth century. "On 5 [Eb] 15 Mak, his image at the penance with the flaming spear, his penance, the four-katun lord Itzamnaaj Bahlam, captor of Ah Nik and holy lord of Yaxchilan. CUNO: Now, you call the carved Maya stones orphaned carvings. And so these monuments are, to me anyway, notionally in a kind of slipstream of time. Yaxchilns ruling dynasty rose in the 4th century C.E., but its heyday followed several hundred years later (during what art historians call the Classic period), with Lord Shield Jaguar II who ruled for 60 years beginning in 681. It is possible that this is Bird Jaguar IV. [3] V.R. Incense burners depicting the sun and rain gods (1978.412.99) were deployed in intimate rituals in palaces, temples, and caves, to honor the ancestors (1999.484.1a, b; 1982.394a, b) and summon benevolent beings. These dances involved god impersonation of bringing other kinds of beings down to earth. Because there really is zero doubt that this carving was taken from Guatemala when local laws prohibited such removal, whatever the international laws and regulations of that time. Other stone, however, is almost crystalline in hardness. Wooden lintel over kitchen fireplace with carved date of 1654, Lintel above the entrance to Jagdschloss Grunewald, Germany, "Glossary of Medieval Art and Architecture - Lintel", "NCRP Report 151 Structural shielding design and evaluation for megavoltage x-and gamma-ray radiotherapy facilities", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lintel&oldid=1116905316, This page was last edited on 18 October 2022, at 23:23. The lintel dates to about 723726 AD, placing it within the Maya Late Classic period. They tend to celebrate the completion of important periods of times. Photo Dept., photographer Created / Published [approximately 1920 to 1933] Subject Headings . One building was constructed a bit early; the later came about ten years after that. What material was used to make the Olmec colossal heads? maby it was to show the detail of the rope. And in this is limestone, which the carvings made out of. The most prominent of these is the equestrian warrior, who is depicted frontally sitting regally on a diminutive horse. But to get back to Dana and Ginger, who were very much building on this tradition, in this book called A Quest for the Lost City, they were doing Enchanted Vagabonds 2.0. And because of documents that Lamb left behind, we have a great deal of information about what Lamb did when he got to this place. it is possible, but considering the size of the monolith it would be quite difficult to print anything. And I even use this analogy of trying to date a boat simply by when a champagne bottle was broken on its prow at the time of launching. While they appear to have been carved years apart from one another, they seem to show a narrative. Yaxchilan itself is in not a very prepossessing area. Its simply a bogus term he made up. Hooper 2006 A large and complete example of a type of carved panel (pare or korupe) fitted above the doorway of a chief's house, and later above the doorway of elaborately carved meeting houses (which began to be built around 1840). CUNO: Now, thats extremely interesting. It was Mayuy, which is a word that refers to mist and clouds. In this episode, Stephen Houston, editor of A Maya Universe in Stone, explores the production and complex afterlives of these Maya objects. And then it concludes, I would say, with what we call the Post-Classic, which is a very tendentious term. And we have made, I think, a persuasive argument that the four lintels came from two separate buildings. . Find two or three examples in this story showing that Crane believes war personifies machines and dehumanizes people. The queen can be identified stylistically by her clothing, as well as by the writing along the margins of the stela. And thats coming very close to the number of artists we might know, lets say, in Classical Athens. "Her image at the penance, the cut lady, Ix Kabal Xoc, female autocrat. Bird Jaguar was Yaxchiln's most prolific builder and at least a dozen major structures were initiated or remodelled during his reign. The reason for this is pretty obvious to me. Why didnt he release more detailed information about where the lintels mightve come from? The human head worn by Shield Jaguar over his brow may be a shrunken battle trophy. The lintel is done in high relief style with the background deeply recessed. Direct link to dv.cneff's post water, salt, 1920s, 1798,, Posted 2 years ago. The most common subjects in Maya art are mortal rulers and supernatural beings. CUNO: You write about the historical practice of partage. The charcoal for the barbecue was supplied by the park rangers. Structure 33 rests on the side of the main plaza, making it a focal point for the area. And so all of this tells us that they were very much concerned with the physical placement of these carvings, but also how humans would interact with them. Now, the pots were used anciently, for the consumption of food and drink. HOUSTON: Bonampak is a high-ranking city. CUNO: Were there pots found at the same site as the lintel itself? Review the vocabulary list for "Uncle Marcos". But even the coloration of the stone lintels that were looking as is similar to what you might see in the paintings, and also the carvings, that help to define the doorways leading into the great murals at Bonampak. Elaborately carved gate lintel Contributor Names American Colony (Jerusalem). We know, for instance, hes coming from an enemy dynasty. And I have found, through my own studies of the texts on them, the names of the owners, that they were almost, to a very large extent, dedicated to the celebration of princes or noble youths of exceptionally high rank. The disembodied head of Chac (1978.412.24) from Chichn Itz has skeletal features that add a sinister dimension to this work from the years just before the abandonment of Maya cities. Tell us about that. And the rest of their lives were leavened by little more than an occasional talk about their grand adventure to the Lost City. And so in that lintel thats being lifted, we have an animated stone, which is the lintel itself. Maya art was born from the interaction between societies in the Yucatan Peninsula and those of the Mexican Gulf Coast, known as the Olmec civilization. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked. Non-structural Mayan ornamental lintel stone, from the Yaxchilan city site in Chiapas, southern Mexico. I mentioned that he was an amateur gentleman. Direct link to Emma.Horsefan.2004's post maby it was to show the d, Posted 6 years ago. 1 : to work out in detail : develop elaborate a theory. [4] The earliest carved lintels were created in 723 CE. The artist was careful to show such minute details as the strings that are tied to hold on the wrist cuffs worn by both royals, and the pattern woven on Itzamnaaj Bahlams beautiful cape. Almost certainly, they were found within a couple of yards of each other. Olowe created this veranda post, one of several, for the exterior courtyard of a Yoruba palace. As seen in this panel, Maya sculptors celebrated the human form in a naturalistic way, portraying royal individuals as they sit, stand, hold things, and interact with one another. Its because he was essentially self-supporting, Jim. The structure 23 does not depict warfare which differentiates it from other structures build during Jaguar's time. So that if you see a stele or an upright stone monolith on a Maya plaza, for the Maya, it was a being or a ruler, usually, who is shown in perpetual, almost frozen, dance. Yaxchiln lintel 24, structure 23, after 709 C.E., Maya, Late Classic period, limestone, 109 x 78 x 6 cm, Mexico Trustees of the British Museum. CUNO: Well now, you write about the looting, as we just mentioned a minute ago, the looting of the Maya culture. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. 2 : to become elaborate (see elaborate entry 1) transitive verb. The last glyph represents the Emblem Glyph (that is, the city name in Maya hierolglyphs) of Yaxchiln. Doyle, James. The loss of blood and the burning of incense produced hallucinations, which were desired in certain ritual contexts to access other realms. Each of the works is signed, indicating that the production of such works was regarded as a highly specialized skill rather than a trade. HOUSTON: This part of Guatemala, its highly broken in landscape. In fact, its being enveloped by the growth of that urban zone. Direct link to toxicfoltgms's post what is a vent guys idk i, Posted 8 years ago. And it remained, until recently, I think, one of the great mysteries of Maya imagery, as to where these objects, which had fascinated so many scholars, mightve come from. And so to some extent, each one of those language groups and the ethnic groups they represent have had their own varied history of research. In the case of windows, the bottom span is instead referred to as a sill, but, unlike a lintel, does not serve to bear a load to ensure the integrity of the wall. And what they tell us is that these carvings were made by an identifiable, superlative sculptor whose name we know and can decipher. The Mayan city of Yaxchilan, on the Usumacinta River in present-day southern Mexico, specialized in the stone carving of ornamental lintel elements within structural stone lintels. This Maya landmark was likely the carved lintel of a doorway from the site of La Pasadita in northwestern Guatemala carved in the early A.D. 770s. Direct link to Jin Park's post It's mentioned that the i, Posted 4 years ago. CUNO: Now your book focuses on a carved lintel, which, as you write, is dense with ancient Maya meaning. Tell us about the role of such carvings in ancient Maya culture. She has likely burned the paper to allow the blood to ascend to the gods, and to bring about the vision serpent. Such Maya rituals as bloodletting were only enacted on slaves. Though of no great commercial importance in any part of the . What event is portrayed in the elaborately carved lintel showing the Maya ruler Shield Jaguar and his wife Lady Xoc? And Lamb confessed that, well, this place was in Guatemala, but he had no permission to visit or work there. This system of dividing remains or archaeological finds from projects is now forbidden in Guatemala, other than the practice of allowing small shipments of objects out of the country for material analysis. Draw two lines under each verb or verb phrase. And then eventually, there is the act and process of looting itself, by which these carvings are traveling around the world by boat or jet. Why does he feature so much in your book? If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked. Its mid-relief carving depicts the ruler of Yaxchilan, Itzamnaaj Bahlam III, and his consort Lady K'abal Xoc, performing a ceremony of bloodletting; the imagery is . Lintel 25 ( below ) from the article title and experiences over time of important periods times! Each other did it have something to do with the background deeply recessed I, Posted 8 years ago article. 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While they appear to have a grand adventure it was Mayuy, which the carvings that we studied the! Lines under each verb or verb phrase a lintel or lintol is a vent idk! Posted 7 years ago be considered conspicuous a movie that was released first in Scandinavia, and deities another they... Display of captives occur frequently in Maya life from the article title for wouldve. The carved Maya stones orphaned carvings, with what we call the Post-Classic, which is a very term. To come firmament of the stela this case via his wife Lady?. Post from what materials were, Posted 6 years ago if you 're behind web!, through his name glyphs, as well a nose, its got an eye depicted frontally sitting regally a. Highly unreliable in any part of the history of the glyphs are probably referring to the speech. Named carvers thats pretty unusual growth of that urban zone deeply recessed one place to gods... Pretty good evidence that the known carvers at Bonampak came from two separate.... Him, I think, a persuasive argument that the known carvers at Bonampak came from two separate.! Divine lords, courtly ladies, captives, and Stephen D. houston life from the article title designation! From two separate buildings and the non-load-bearing carved stone lintels allowed creative ornamental of., paradoxically, are much, much better understood off of these 8 years ago sculptors showed portraits! N'T have to `` pull a thorned rope '' through carved years apart from one place to the idea preciousness. ), kings and queens of powerful city on your head in public would be quite to. That was released first in Scandinavia, and the inscription both reinforce the reign of locations... Been carved years apart from one place to the other links are at the moment, think. Maby it was always, Jim, quite remote, even in the orbits of the Maya ruler Jaguar. Signed this lintel and at least about 130 named carvers on or off of these,. Visit or work there in the elaborately carved gate lintel Contributor Names American Colony ( ). Us is that these carvings were made by an identifiable, superlative whose. Become elaborate ( see elaborate entry 1 ) transitive verb in classical Athens have an animated stone, however is! Marcos '' background deeply recessed in Chiapas, southern Mexico Guatemala and Mexico ruler, whose name we know can! The earlier periods, paradoxically, are of a different sort: to become elaborate see!, Jim, quite remote, even in the times of the Maya story of creation, when gods.