I have few questions for you about this setup. Fortunately, no damage done, and you can easily revert your changes. Possibly not the optimal position but was really easy to install and I knew Id only be getting a relative indicative temperature anyway. Started by Rocky47. Auber Instruments PID Kit for Gaggia Classic. Main Output: SSR: Open circuit: 4V, Closed Circuit: 24V40mA DC This feature allows you to operate the brew pump manually, with the timer as a reference. People are reporting a difference of up to 24 deg F / 13 deg C between the PID/thermocouple and the water temp. I grabbed some screws from my parts bin, I took whatever I could find that was the same color as my filament, and that would fit the holes and hold reasonably well. The label on REX-C100 says that it is produced by RKC, Japan but you never know for sure :-). Hello, A cheap multimeter is all you need. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32975122837.html?spm=a2g0s.8937460.0.0.11b02e0edh0ELd. Auber Instruments PID Kit for Gaggia Classic. This is the only concern left for me. The on/off temperature can be adjusted by the user. Users can see the boiler temperature on the PID controller directly and also easily adjust the brew water temperature to suit their own tastes. The cup warmer does seem a bit hotter than before (but have only used twice since installing, so Ill have to pay attention). The ability to make good espresso is one of the most coveted skills in the coffee world. If the thermocouple wire is too long, coil it up inside the machine, well away from the boiler or any uninsulated connections, using zip ties to hold the coil in place. Ive been hearing the solenoid valve click several times while on steam mode as well, and the group head releasing steam on occasions, which also make me worry in terms of the wiring, or the parts just need replacement. That is confusing. 3. Hi, thanks for the articely, it was great help to do the initial steps. and I didnt work straight through, but I would say the PID took me about 2 hours, not counting the down time due to the crossed power wires. Basic tools screwdrivers, pliers, a socket wrench, and a small amount of rubbing alcohol. Do you have any idea how to do? Thanks for the info, D. Your experience further goes to show that there is no standardized wire color coding in the GCP, even though black is usually hot and white is neutral. Thanks for the catch, I will correct the article. May I have your help about finding out which ones I should get from Shades? Resetting or Taking out a Brewing Unit for Cleaning. Thanks Alex! Most assembly guides recommend using some thermal paste between the SSR and the Classic to ensure that any heat from the SSR is dumped to the chassis. Hello Chris, I plan to do this shortly for my old gaggia classic. Im all for freedom of expression and creativity, but not when it might electrocute someone. Hi Chris Bliss. . $136.08. I was initially concerned about my wiring (and my GFI) but its reassuring to hear you have the same side effects. My only concern is the diagramm I downloaded from whole latte love shows different connections then what I have seen in my unit Cheers. Power supply : 90-265V AC/DC Does anyone else have this kit? The countdown extraction timer contains three segments: pre-infusion pulse (Tp), soak (Td), and brew (Tb). great article !!!! The PID kit you described should work, but like the C-100 kit the I used, the included thermocouple wont fit in the Gaggia Classic. It should work as a replacement for the C-100 and SSR, but because the SSR is built into the PID, so your wiring will be a bit different. Since installing the modification, I get a huge amount of steam and spray coming out of the portafilter when I first operate the pump so much so, that it sprays all over the worktop around the machine! Disconnect the two connectors from the brew thermostat, which is located on the bottom left-hand side of the boiler as you face the machine. You would need to put the boiler heater element between the controller terminals 2 and 3. Thank you for making it. Mounting Dimension: DIN: 1/16 (48mmX48mmX80mm) If you have questions regarding ourcoffee kits, please check ourHelp Centerfirst. This is probably the most difficult part of the installation. Have had the parts sitting around for months and no time to install! When the steam switch is turned on, the on/off temperature of the heater is controlled to 1 degree (F or C) difference as compared with the original thermostat's >10C (or 20F) difference. For the Classic Pro, this requires either shortening the spring in the OPV valve through trial and error, or ordering a spring kit from Mr. You should now have two mains wires, two 12 volt wires, and the shielded thermocouple wire running out of the back of the Classic. I start to run the steam at about 130 in the heating cycle on my setup. Then use the left/right buttons to select the digits to increase and decrease, and the up/down buttons to change the digits. Hello, thanks for the nice and valuable text. I know wiring might be different colours but is everything in the same place? Chris thank you so much. Does the wiring youve supplied automatically shut the PID unit off when you engage the steam switch? (For orders placed recently in 2022) If you placed the order as a guest, you cantry the, (For orders placed a while ago) Please log in and download the manual from your order history page. One end is connected to the mains connector at the back (where it is showing N sign), the other end is connected to the back of the on off switch (as you showed on the picture above). Hi Chris, Silver case Black case TopBox with logo TopBox with gauge hole. What you describe looks very much like the steam thermostat cycle. Our provided installation manual is based on the Gaggia Classic 2016 (model# RI9403/11). Thermocouple: J,S,K,E,Wre3 ~ Wre25 I am now waiting for my PID unit and thermocouple with M4 head to arrive this week. Would you be able to post starting values for the PID kit please? Otherwise, it all works properly now. ), Basicknowledge of electronics wiring and safety. if a brew alone can do it with some limit to prevent steam from blowing thermal fuse that maybe interesting and simple. The solution is PID control via means of an industrial temperature controller; this is a common modification amongst the Gaggia and Rancillio community. 1: This kit fits the Gaggia Classic Pro (RI9380/46, released in early 2019), Gaggia Classic & Home (which has the traditional Gaggia aluminum boiler)including 14101, RI8161/40, and RI9303 models. As for your PID always remaining on, it looks like you wired it to the unswitched mains, instead of the switched power. Somebody else (Andrue) had also pointed this error out. i ordered K type and PT100 both for M4. Shop. Your wiring looks right. Hi Kraken. But I would definitely read the instructions that come with whatever you receive! You can search on Reddit, a few people have made these modifications. Do you observe the same temperature ranges? The cable between the SSR and boiler heating element needs to be heavier, at least 14 awg, and ideally silicone-coated. Wear a glove when reaching in from below, otherwise bloodletting is likely. Also really awesome write up. Or do you think the same set will work with QB-T7100? Popular categories from this store. Good idea Chris. I have briefly thought about pre-infusion but the REX C-100 is not capable of this. This PID controller kit is designed to retrofit into the European Gaggia Classic espresso machines made after 2015 (model# RI9403). A Gaggia Classic Pro installed with KIT-GGP. Accuracy: 0.2% There is definitely a falloff from the temperature reported by the thermocouple at the boiler and what you will measure at the group head. I adjusted the calibration offset on the PID +5.5 degrees to read 212 degrees.Have you any suggestions of more accurately calibrating the PID and TC? My theory at the moment would be that due to the PID control the heater is sometimes on at higher temperatures. Warranty: 6-month limited warranty with a 30-day money-back guarantee is offered. The Auber pretends to add a couple of things, but functionally, they're very much the same. It is suitable for other colored espresso machines. 3 months later, Ive finally set up the PID and honestly, its a gamechanger! Should this be cause for concern, maybe caused by an error in wiring the PID? The GC comes from the factory with a simple thermostat that turns on at a certain pre-set temperature, and turns off at another pre-set temperature. If youre not comfortable installing this yourself, and taking on any followup maintenance, I think you would be much better off purchasing a machine that comes with a PID from the factory. The KIT-GG PID controller kit replaces the function of the mechanical coffee thermostat. The most I can say is these work for me, and are probably not optimum. Ill be using a xmt7100 (modified) for two SRRs and also tweaked for 12v out for led mod any help would be appreciated. With this tight temperature control, you do not have to surf the temperature for frothing because the heater will kick on much sooner than the original thermostat. Thank you for your time. If not, can you think of any potential mistakes I made along the way? Youre giving up one of the two temperature readouts, so youll probably only see the actual temperature, as opposed to the target temperature, and I guess you can switch between the two with a button press. The default target temperature on the PID will almost certainly not be correct. Youre probably fine with either one. Im in North America btw. The image I used is wrong and confusing, and I have now updated it. PID Kit for older plastic body Gaggia Classic. The same can be done with the REX C100 but you need one with all 8 screw terminals (the second SSR for steam uses the alarm function which needs terminals #6 and #7) and these two are missing on some REXs. 2. Hi Jeff. The Auber kit looks easy since I dont have time to build my own. Have you written an article regarding installing a Gaggiuino mod? I agree, the PID is a gamechanger. Please see our Help Center's. Please see the compatible model list below (Note 1 on the bottom). Monitor and display the boiler temperature precisely. Also noticed if you use the steam for the milk it takes a lot of time to go back down (10min) to the set temp(i do run water through the boiler to bring the temp down, but it floats at a higher temp for a bit), does the steam affect the PID calculation or dont I need to worry about it? Measured everything with multimeter, then realized that C100 doesnt get main while machine is on based on the lights. $285.00. This approach would make your machine a bit weird to someone who wasnt aware of what you did, as the brew function would be completely unusable without adjusting the temperature. You should see no or very low voltage between neutral and ground, and you should see household voltage between the hot/load and ground. If youre following a recipe that calls for a specific water temperature, then it would be easier to do this with an offset at the PID. My question is where did you place the SSR, is it near the water spout, right side or in the back if you are facing the front of the machine? If its closed it takes longer for temperatures to drop, but still goes to 102 before the it power cycles. it works better than poor mans preinfusion described by wholelatte love & Lance in the youtube. I had no issues with the K type thermocouple. Pull the steam wand up and out of the Classic, and set it aside. The pre-infusion timer can also be used as a countdown shot timer. From what you describe, it looks the power wires for your PID are possibly tapped in-line with the boiler power? Since I cant control that, if you want to use it, you will have to parse the data: each line, after the headings, should start with the PID parameter (P, I, D) followed by the reaction of the controller. When the temperature stabilizes to within 1 degree of the target temperature, the auto-tuning is complete. The C-100 will fit in vertically, with the screen facing up. Unblocking Solenoid Valve-Classic and Baby. August 05, 2019, 11:46:38 PM . And once you start considering adding in a power supply, you might as well go for a PID. Between SSR and PID I was planning on using 22 awg wire given its a lower power requirement. If so, any idea how it can be achieved? See our 325 reviews on. We bring fresh high-quality coffee to the masses. PID temperature control kit for Gaggia Classic Pro 2018+, Classic & Home. Also the PID starts with Auto Tuning disabled in my case, so had to be reset. That would be easy enough to verify with a multimeter, to see which thermostat is active in steam mode and which one is active in brew mode. I have found the exact PID unit which Mr Shades is using and purchased it beside the Rex C100 kit you mentioned above: Shades. Shades and Auber Instruments. Add to cart Buy Now. Submit a Request Call Us at (888)-389-4123. Thx, Hi , I followed the instructions but the PID starts up with some number and it doesnt look normal , LCD just keep blinking some numbers the goes of for a few seconds the I get some numbers for half a second, itso quick I cant tell what is displaying, could I have got the power wiring wrong or if the cable are higher AWG would it causes issue? Also some pids come with a built in relay. The PID will show the temperature, and be somewhat confused by its inability to reach its setpoint, however the PID is bypassed in the same way when the GCP is in steam mode. $149.99 . Jun 25, 2014 - Auber Instruments, Inc. PID KIT for Gaggia Classic Pro & Classic & Home, Pre-infusion [KIT-GGP] - Update: This kit is compatible with the latest Gaggia Classic Pro (released in 2018/2019) models, including the regular version (RI9380, 120V, or 240V) and the European version (RI9480, 240V). Leave the Classic powered on for at least 15 minutes. Re-attach the boiler with the four bolts, re-attach the steam wand, push on the steam knob, and put the lid assembly back on, without forgetting to re-connect the two ground wires. I started with 103, and bumped it up to 105. Stay connected. . Please let us know if theres a way to show our gratitude if theres a charity or cause we can donate to for you putting this guide together. The only cable arrangement I had to change after installing the PID was switching those cables in the back, the one on the top I had to put in the bottom, and the one on the bottom in the top, otherwise the PID would stay on when the machine was off, and off when the machine was on. For RI9403, please check KIT-GGX-EU. 5: The PID controller in this kit is NOT SYL-1512A. Hi Chris, I completed the whole project both for brewing for PID and steaming via alarm. Range: -1999 to 9999 (depends on the input signal) This prompted me to look for alternate solutions. and its definately better than Auber which is NOT preinfustion by kicking off solenoid. Is P=620 maybe an overkill, as I havent seen such a big value at other places? Leave as much of the thermal grease in place as possible. (To be certain, the M4 is the correct one). Maybe then try QB-T7100 afterwards and if it works I will buy the external case which is sold seperately (QB looks nicer with small size and external case). This is because the switch is connecting the terminals vertically when it is turned on. One question, Ever thought about adding a pre infusion feature? That controller is an interesting find. This prevents the high-pressure water from contacting the dry coffee powder which can create afast flow channel, ruiningthe brewing process. Heat the shrink tubing. Perhaps your steam thermostat is indeed not working quite as well as expected. I have an old Gaggia Carezza (uses the Gaggia / SaecoEF0030/A Boiler). I would like to use it for steaming ONLY. Perhaps you are refering to the video by Damian Witonski. (The Gaggia machine is not included in this listing). The best simple info I found was a table that summarized what INCREASING each of the PID parameters would do: which I used to adjust my settings. The rich body and complex flavor profile of a well-made shot brings the beans to life with a depth that other brewing methods fail to achieve. For me I start steaming when the boiler temperature reads 130 degrees C. So for others who are contemplating going for the extra effort of installing the steam PID, know that the return on investment of doing this is questionable, if not net negative. Watching the steam temp with the PID is interesting (I know it has no effect on it, but it is cool to see how it reacts now) and it is definitely best practice to steam while its on its way up in temp, once it hits the set point it comes down for a while (mine settled around 130 before it started back up). I bought the same parts as you have reccomended in the article but have run into the issue that the thermocouple is too large to fit into the adapter (theyre approx the same OD). Display: Dual display for Fahrenheit(F) and Celsius(C) Gaggia Classic Coffee Machine Modelo 3D TurboSquid 1036412. Hey. PID Retrofit KIT for Gaggia Classic Pro & Classic & Home PID Temperature Control Retrofit KIT for Rancilio Silvia Espresso Machine [KIT-GG] - $149.50 : Auber Instruments, Inc., Temperature control solutions for home and industry Home :: Coffee Machine Kits :: PID Retrofit KIT for Gaggia Classic Pro & Classic & Home Coffee Machine Kits Product 4/21 Approach 2: Divert from my writeup by installing the thermocouple so that it replaces the steam thermostat, and set the PID temperature to your preferred steam temperature. Its not a sensor, it doesnt send any information, it just switches on an off, at setpoints that you cant adjust. So there is more or less no concern about PID heat and the PID enclosure. Your picture however shows the thermocouple connected to terminals 9 & 10. Autotuning had resulted in shot instability up to 10 degrees during a shot probably because conditions during standby and during brewing are very different than each other. You would probably blow the fuse in this controller/SSR within seconds. Please see the compatible model list below (Note 1 on the bottom). Instruction Manual: The instruction manual & installation documents areonly available for download for customers who already purchased the kit. Chris, do you recall what size flat head screw was used on the 3d printed box for the REX-100? Hi Chris. Submit. I attached the thermocouple using a spade connector to a spare pin on top of the boiler block. Started by Rocky47, June 28, 2019, 01:16:33 PM. Hi Eddie. I used to get this phenomenon with the original temperature control, but much less so, and I just used to run some water through the machine (using it to warm the shot glass and the portafilter especially if I hadnt had the machine warm up for very long) before pulling a shot. You effectively would have two steam modes, one PID-controlled that replaces the brew mode, and one classic thermostat-controlled steam mode. Does this pid control both the group head water and steam wand? The LED on the SSR is functioning but no current can be seen. After completing the PID installation, of the standard Rex c-100 version, I ran the PID in autotune mode. Hi Chris, Although this is optional, it is difficult to access the power switch to tap power for the PID, and it is almost impossible to reach the thermostat without moving the boiler, and the boiler cant be moved unless the steam wand is removed. This is a Used Black Appliances for Sale in Fairlawn OH posted on Oodle Classifieds. I double checked all the wiring (inside and outside of the chassis) and eventually came to the conclusion that I had a faulty PID. I got the white plastic in one of the stock connectors a bit burned, the plastic looks brown in some areas and a bit melted. Ive noticed that the PIDs output1 LED isnt illuminated after it climbs above my set temperature (103) but the boiler is getting heated up regardless. Obviously the actual water temp will be different, but I can use this range to try and get a consistent temp when I pull a shot. This kit doesn't control the steam temperature nor has the pre-infusion function. Unlike the 7200 model, this one does not have SSR inside. This guide should generally also apply to the 2013 GC, but you must assume that any of the switch wiring that I describe will be different for your model year. Take your time, think it through, and be patient. Hi Chris, I appreciate your tutorials on the PID install. This will give the REX-C100 enough time to auto-tune its PID settings for the boiler. Mr Shades is selling many small items (piggyback, spade, thermal paste, power cable, rubber grommet etc.) Otherwise, as I said in instructions above, to set the brew temperature, press the Set button on the front of the panel. Great guide. 4: Links to replacement parts: sensor PT100M4; single-channel solid state relay (SSR): SRDA25, aluminum box: SBOXS. You could approach this two ways. best part it is inexpensive and as easy as OPV mod, here are the links: I cant see why you couldnt. Read More. Its up to you to decide if you want to adjust the offset, or instead go with the PID temperature setting that produces the results you want. 4.8. When I got my C100 the thermocouple was M6, i ended up buying an m4 brass bolt drilling it out, and inserting the thermo with some glue and heatshrink on it and it works like magic added some thermal paste. Using two 5-8 cm pieces of properly-rated wire (15 amps for North America), make two connectors to connect the thermostat wires to the AC terminals of the solid state relay. To set the target temperature, press the 'Set' button on the front of the panel. You can take a look at this discussion about offset in the Gaggia Classic: https://coffeeforums.co.uk/topic/53319-what-temp-offset-are-you-using-with-your-pid/. Ive seen another youtube video and its suggesting to piggy back power from the top left-hand wire fro the power switch (if facing the front of the machine) instead of the lower left-hand as you suggested in this article. Inside the GC, all bets are off as to wire colors, aside from green for ground, and even then, I wouldnt assume anything. Hey Chris, But just like the kit I ordered, the threads on the thermocouple M8 according to the specifications are too big for the Gaggia. The Rex c-100 reads in Celsius only, would I be able to substitute this kit with: How to install a pid on the gaggia classic pro. Ive set the Sn value to pt for the PT100. Pressure control could be super nice to have. Like NEW Gaggia Classic Espresso w/ Grinder and Base - - 6758821731. It has been working flawless for the most part, but seen a few issues that havent seen before. Did a bench test with a tall pot of rolling boiling water and put the tip of the TC in the water and found it was reading 5.5 degrees low. Hi Chris, thanks for the reply. Ill try to get a new thermostat from a reputable place, see if that solves the problem, and if it remains then something else in the machine is wrong. Please be sensible and install a grommet anyway! I do not suggest autotuning for this device because there is a huge improvement in temperature stability if you do the tuning by yourself. The heater is sometimes on at higher temperatures REX C-100 version, I completed the whole project both brewing..., they & # x27 ; re very much like the steam switch this. W/ Grinder and Base - - 6758821731 was great help to do this shortly for my old Gaggia (. Also easily adjust the brew mode, and you can take a look at this about... 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Start considering adding in a power supply, you might as well as.! Then what I have your help about finding out which ones I should get auber pid kit gaggia classic Shades most,! ) and Celsius ( C ) Gaggia Classic coffee machine Modelo 3D TurboSquid 1036412 48mmX48mmX80mm ) if do.
The Social Dilemma Transcript With Timestamps, Articles A