I Different Komondor have different coat types, some cord easily naturally and some will need more assistance from you as the hair will clump together, the different When a double coated dog is shaved there's no guarantee the top guard coat will grow back. A komondors You can shave a Komondors thick curly hair but it is not necessary. Plating inthe coatis a type more typically seen in the Bergamasco breed. What age are cords noticeable? Like the poodle, the hair is curly, but unlike the Komondor and puli, it's a single coat. The coat is so thick and matted that it can take hours to shave a Komondor, but many people believe that it's worth the effort. A Komondor can scare others with his howling and loud barking; not so good for pet parents. They were originally bred in Hungary to guard livestock, and their shaggy coat helps to camouflage them in the fields. All lion cuts leave the cat's face, head and neck fur untouched. Learn More: Why am I itchy after shaving? But did you know that the breed is actually supposed to be shaved? The no shave rule doesnt just apply to super-furry northern breeds like Samoyeds, Huskies or Malamutes, but to other double-coated breeds as well. You can use a: Manual Razor Blade (like the one you would use on your face) Electric Body Groomer Regardless of your choice, this tutorial is going to cover both approaches. There are several grooming techniques that allow you to shave your komondor without having to shave it. Trust me if you had to goom them a lot they would not have been around for very long as a guardian animal. The idea of Komondor dog hair grooming might overwhelm you (again, thanks to its unique coat), but you can easily learn this and be a pro at it. However, some tips that may be helpful in shaving your private parts include practicing on a small area prior to shaving your entire body, using a sharp, quality blade and shaving method that you're comfortable with, avoiding chemical depilatories, and taking care not to inflict any unnecessary pain or discomfort on yourself. Take a strand in your hand from your dogs skin and move down with it. Coat Color. Neither Try to never create cords any thinner than your thumb as it is these cords which will Be consistent with your training commands and reward your bud for his positive behavior to experience a peaceful future. The hair on the face should not be shaved, the hair does not and should not irritate their eyes. Hes 25.5 inches high. We usually shave our dogs down in the spring or summer and allow the coat to grow out over the winter. You also dont have to cord your komondor if you dont want to. While the cords may look odd to some, they serve an important purpose in protecting the dog from both the elements and predators. Push all of the fur surrounding the dreadlock down to clearly separate it from the rest of the fur. Use your fingers to pull on the fur and then use scissors to cut off loose ends. That said, not everyone succeeds with going bald on their first try. The hair on the face should not be shaved, the hair does not and should not irritate their eyes. No, shaving a Komondor is not recommended the hair on their face should not be shaved, as this would make it impossible to form the curls required for it to cord. Some people choose to keep the head of their Komondor shaved to prevent the dirty beards and to It is defined by the thicker set hair and as a young dog has a 3 Run shower with lukewarm water. Size and Length - It is vital to ensure that the foundation cord is thick enough at the base to hold the If you wash your dog mutiple times in a short period it will start removing the natural fatlayer on the hair, which will get the hair dirty a lot faster. In addition to running his blog, Hubert is also an avid reader and enjoys spending time outdoors, exploring the beauty of nature. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. If you're looking to show your komondor off in public, shaving them down will give them a cleaner look that is sure to turn heads. If your mop dog doesnt give a pleasant vibe and you plan on raising him as a house pet, social interactions are inevitable. The cords can become matted and tangled if they are not regularly brushed and combed out. Teddy Bear Cut: Similar to a Puppy Cut, this style leaves the hair on the head, legs, and tail a bit longer (2-3 inches); that hair is carefully sculpted and rounded to make the Komondor look like a giant . The coat is also an important part of the komondor's thermoregulation, so shaving it can leave the dog susceptible to temperature extremes. Can you shave a Komondor? But formaldehyde is known to cause . Trust me if you had to goom them a lot they would not have been around for very long as a guardian animal. I wanna see the little fur ball. There are a few methods to choose from when it comes to drying; Wet & Dry Vacuum - This is our favourite method for the adult Komondorok, it is able to suck the cords dry while also helping to get out any Do not shave the dog, the coat is there for protection. Do not stress if the tail becomes slightly matted for a period of time as long as the dog is not Make sure you dont cut it too much so that it exposes their toenails. According to the Spaniel Water Dog Club of America, the secret behind a corded look is to shave down the coat and then allow the coat to grow and keep it from forming knots. Komondor coats should be kept clean and free of mats or cords. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Find Out the Facts, Getting A Puppy for Christmas? The difference is the conditioning of the dog and conformation training. There are a few methods to choose from when it comes to drying; On the right, is a before and after of a 13 month old young Komondor regarding a bath, images taken 26 hours apart. On the right isa male Komondor aged18 months and on the left, the same male18 months later at age3 years to show how the coat changes. Hand Drying - Drying by hand isa timely but often worthwhile procedure. Although they also form naturally, with human grooming the Komondors grow uniform corded hair. that's great! If the Komondors fur feels coarse and matted, use a de-matter to retain its original form. The Komondor is a muscular flock guardian with massive bone structure. continue to change, but the dog is often still changing until 3-4yrs. They can be a bit hostile. Generally, this is when owners normally groom the mats of their Komondors to split them into separate cords which resemble more like hair. In a slightly older Komondor (over two years) you can use this method to dry areas such as the feet, beards and faces after a walk, as well as drying . You could use an electric shear to shave their paw pads to keep the hair short enough to prevent matting. Canine Pals is the complete canine care information site. That's right - shaving a komondor comes with a host of benefits that you may not have realized. Their adorable mop-like cords protect them from both the harsh Hungarian winter and the sharp teeth of predators. The Komondors have two fur coats; the undercoat is softer, and the outer one coarser. Although Komondor shaving is not mandatory, you can still trim it to keep your bud clean. The coat will grow back, but it will take several months for the cords to fully reform. Shelf Life of a Raw Steak in the Fridge. Let his cords grow and form wrapped strands for that trademark Komondor look. Wash all product off, and wrap your dog in a towel to pat dry it. Does anyone reading this have experience with a full corded komondor? Especially when your fellow plays in dirt and mud. They are also relatively easy to train and are very intelligent. No, that's not a walking mop with a tongueit's a lovable achievement in fur-engineering! Do not shave the dog, the coat is there for protection. Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. First, be sure to use a sharp razor. It is ok to give your long-haired dog or cat a summer cuttrimming their long hair may make it more manageable. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Also, dont worry about the Komondor dogs fur strands because they dont irritate his eyes or nose. Cords form as the dog matures. The komondor is a strong, loyal, and independent dog that needs a confident leader to train and care for it, otherwise, it may prove to be an unruly pet. It just cleans her up a bit. Sometimes an adult komondor might shed an entire cord but other than that, it is not common for them to shed hair as other dogs do. Cage Drying - It is important to first note the cage dryer being used shouldpreferably be blowing in regular or cold air to prevent the Especially ina young dog it is better to have themthicker, as you can always split them further as the dog grows. . Best known for their long, corded coat resembling dreadlocks, the Puli is a hardworking herding dog and family companion. Some people choose to keep the head of their Komondor shaved to prevent the dirty beards and to be able to see their eyes, a Komondor with a shaved face can not be shown during conformation. And fourth, always shave in the direction of the fur. Komondor grooming is a time-taking but rewarding task. The coat will be dense and may have a few waves or curls, but it will be mostly straight. It is always surprising to feel a Kom coat when they've been in the sun, and their coat is cold, insulating them from the heat. This coat helps protect it from predators as well as harsh weather conditions. But that doesnt mean you can overlook the need for regular exercise. Komondor dogs are best known for their long, shaggy coats. But theres more to Komondor grooming than shaving and trimming. Youll have to regularly trim your Komondors fur, clip the dogs nails, and de-matt his cords to protect his health. They tend to be easily bored and you may find they are difficult to train but intuitively intelligent nonetheless. In fact, 75% of women and 39% of men chose that reason. Other than giving the Komondor a unique trait, this thick fur coat also becomes a test for pet parents. Do not blow warm air in hopes of drying your Komondors faster, they will overheat; instead, put on regular or cold for half an hour. Beyond the freezer, canned meats and fish also offer you a very long storage life: between two and five years. High acid foods such as tomatoes and other fruit will keep their best quality up to 18 months; low acid foods such as meat and vegetables, 2 to 5 years. You can keep your donuts fresh in the fridge for up to 1 week. problems with my dogs, with such high amounts of highly concentrated shampoo I like to have something being more gentle on their skin. The hair on their face does not irritate their eyes, therefore it should not be shaved. After using a warm washcloth, it is important to wash the area. Cutting off the hair does not irritate the komondor as long as you do not shave or trim deep into their bare skin. A komondor is a Hungary herding dog with a long, dense, corded coat. Such a misconception is that a Hungarian komondor requires shaving not only is this unnecessary but could also bring unforeseen consequences. (All You Need to Know), Can Puppies Eat Peaches? too hard or the dog jerks away, I urge caution when working with their hair in sensitive places. Tearing the cords and cutting excess hair are the most important things in coatcare. Copyright 2022 LittleHappyPaw | About Us | Privacy Policy. Learn More: How do I avoid razor burn when shaving for a vasectomy? A komondor takes as long as two years to transform its hairy coat into cords. Shaving can actually have the opposite effect of what you intend and make your dog even hotter. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. He does best in a country type environment. All Rights Reserved. If your Komondor is a show dog, you want its coat to reach its full length, and shaving wont let that happen. Thats why adopting a no-bath grooming routine is smart. The hair on the face should not be shaved, the hair does not and should not irritate their eyes. Trim the hair above the eyes just enough to prevent them from irritating the komondors eyes. The most timely part of the bathing experience is the drying progress which. Komondor is an intelligent, independent, and high-protective dog breed. When it is shaved down to the skin, the undercoat hair will grow back faster, and sometimes will crowd out the slower-growing guard hairs. The undercoat continues to grow, but for some dogs the guard hairs never do. I do not believe inalways keeping the coat of a Komondor in 'show condition'. How long does it take for a dogs fur to grow back after being shaved? Once your Komondor puppy is 9-10 months old, its better to stop brushing his coat. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". cords lighter, this Komondor swims daily and the shorter cords will allow for her to dry faster. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. during the summer months and in winter assists in keeping the heat in. My mom has a komodor. Can you keep a Komondor shaved? Will the cording irritate my Komondors skin? The cords on a Komondor are not only fascinating to look at, but they also protected them from wolf bites as well as helping them blend in with the flock of sheep! Thats when you have to bathe your dog to keep it clean. If dense, use the mat splitter to split the plate in half or more parts. However, once they are over a year old, their furry coats are long and curly to start forming cords. You should not brush a Komondor coat, as it will prevent the natural formation of cords. JavaScript is disabled. I will need help figuring out how to deal with her. For starters, shaving a komondor helps to keep them cooler in the summer months. You can manually shed their hair for them by gently running your hand through their hair and pulling on any loose hair while splitting mats. Occurred on June 30, 2019 / Kaunas, Lithuania Info from Licensor: "On a hot summer day here in Lithuania, my Komondor Hanga decided to cool herself down in a river." My new obsession has become Labradoodles! While Komondor puppies are often cream colored, the breed changes colors as they age, with the cream fading to white. Komondor owners can choose to trim or cut their komondors hair since forming and maintaining cords requires a lot of time and care to put into them. It can take as long as two years before the coat begins to represents true cords, most komondors in these first years will have a fuzzy appearance. When it finds a match, the intelligent komondor makes a top-notch furry friend. Potential animal aggression. I would like to start by dispelling the rumour of the coat smelling, as a well kept coat will not Can I Shave The Komondor? You must socialize your Komondor when he is a puppy to make him more welcoming and friendly. These watchdogs love their family but arent pleasant to the strangers get away from our garden, neighbor! Once you have made long fur strands on your buddy, see if they touch the floor. Can a dog groomer do dread locks on a Komondor? If you do decided to shave your komondor, be sure to use blunt-tipped scissors or a clipper with guard, and take care not to cut the skin. I then gently start from the top to rip foundations for the cords, and have had success in doing If you prefer not to cut your pets hair, thats fine. DO NOT let strangers approach your dog if she seems fearful or shows any signs of stress (see list). Always alert, the Komondor is a loud barker. This is probably the most common question this breeds owners ask from experts. Just fluffy and wavy. The hair on the face should not be shaved, the hair does not and should not irritate their eyes. Once your pups social awkwardness is over, the remaining training is easy. Deli hams contain a lot , You shouldnt feed your pup french fries every day since too many fries can give him an upset stomach and lead to dehydration, weight gain or pancreatitis. The hair of the Komondor is never brushed nor combed, as this would make it impossible to form the curls required for it to cord. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. cleaning I use a Concentrated Whitening Shampoo (Chris Christensen White on White) and no conditioner. Here's hoping we can make sure all doggos around the globe stay healthy & happy! Regular trimming, bathing, and dematting keep your Komondors coat shiny and healthy, eventually dispelling the bad smell. Many dogs should not be shaved at all, depending on their coat type. The cords are formed from the dog's dense, woolly undercoat and outer coat, and can take up to two years to fully form. 6) Havanese. The grooming you discribe is if you have the dog as a companion / house dog. One of the best methods to prep your pubic area for a razor is to expose it to wet, moist heat. It can also damage the undercoat such that the undercoat never grows back. The answer is yes, but it is not recommended. Some come by it naturallylike the Komondor, puli, and Bergamesco. Revealed! With regular care, the coat of a Komondor is not hard to keep. The Komondor is a large, imposing dog that looks like a living mop. When you notice matting on your Komondors strands, use a de-matter to smooth its fur out. And, when it comes time to give your komondor a haircut, special care must be taken to avoid cutting the cords. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. There are a few ways to do this. A cage dryer is also an effective option if you want to properly dry their hair, but there are some points to note. She is a good guardian dog I do not want to get rid of her but I need to know an easier route than what I can find on the internet to care for her. Youll need a regular dog walking and exercising schedule to maintain your buds bone health. In such cases, the no bathing method comes in handy. Apartment Friendly: It is not recommended to keep the Komondor breed in the home. Dogs such as golden retrievers, German shepherds, Siberian huskies and any dog that seasonally sheds huge clumps of fur (part of its undercoat) should never be shaved. appearance. Thats why you better not wash your dog more than 3 or 4 times a year. Different Colors Of Bloodhounds All You Need to Know. Some, so called easy care breeds, need more intensive caring. A komondors cords are formed by the adult coat intertwining with the puppy coat, shaving removes the puppy coat and often the coat which grows in after shaving is more prone to matting and clumping, taking longer to form cords with and as a consequence picking up more debris than the average coat. Give its skin some space to breathe. In his posts, he often writes about the joys and challenges of dog ownership, and the special bond that exists between humans and their canine friends. dog smells just as much as any other breed, American Kennel Club Komondor Information, Pekingese Grooming Styles Explained in Detail. to finalise any adjustments in the width of the cords you would like for the dog in the future, keeping in mind they need to be thick enough to hold the weight without falling out. Second, take your time and be careful. It all depends on its packaging. The answer to this question is not simple either this or that, rather it depends on which komondor someone is referring to. Regular bathing and fur grooming can keep your mop dog from smelling bad and protect its skin. Keep running your finger through the fur and trim the loose ends of the hair as you see fit. Toy Pom Price Information and Pomeranian Puppy Facts, How to Buy a Puppy Online Safely: Buying a Puppy Online Tips. During the 8-10 months period of curly fur, humans often pull off their soft overcoated fur to manually form the cords. Yes, komondors do need to be groomed regularly to keep their coats clean and healthy. Most people find that waiting one or two days between shaving sessions is enough time for their skin to heal. Veterinarians often advise against shaving cats and dogs for a simple reason: Your pets hair isnt like yours. The purpose of this trim was to make the You should not brush a Komondor coat, as it will prevent the natural formation of cords. This breed is often called mop dogs, thanks to their thick and long fur cords. 3) Use a damp cloth or a brush that has soft bristles to clean dirt, dust, and sweat off your dogs coat. If you wash your dog mutiple times in a short period it will start removing the natural fatlayer on the hair, which will get the hair dirty a lot faster. 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