In some areas, the laws are quite harsh regarding the treatment of wild animals kept as pets, and they might lead to your pet being euthanized if it's problematic in the community. You hear of owning a dog, a cat, some people even own rats and parrots, but have you ever heard of owning a raccoon? On a monthly basis, your main essential cost for a raccoon will be its healthy, varied diet. Alaska's unique geography makes it different than any other state in the union. Nutria and muskrat can be trapped during open season with a permit. Before you even consider getting a pet raccoon, you must make sure it is legal to own on in your state. Beaver are classified as furbearers and require a depredation permit for the landowner to take the animal causing damage. For example, in Arkansas, a person cant own more than five raccoons at a time. Millions of acres of New Mexico are protected by the US government as national forests. Some people who keep raccoons house them in a large dog crate when they aren't home to watch their pet. Raccoons are affectionate and cuddly mammals that can form close relationships with humans. 503, 110 are prohibited from private ownership except if the animal was in possession prior to February 28, 1994. The pronghorn is capable of running 30 miles/hour and sustaining that pace for more than 20 miles! What Should I Consider Before Getting A Pet Raccoon? Only in a few states including California, New York, New Jersey, Hawaii, and Illinois have they created a law banning the use of animals for entertainment in circuses. The . Beaver, fisher, marten, and mink require a permit to take when being a nuisance or causing damage. Beaver, muskrat, nutria, opossum, squirrel, striped skunk, and non-game wildlife excluding migratory birds that are causing damage to personal property may be taken during daylight hours or trapped the entire year. Convert Latitude/Longitude. These regulations often answer questions like, what happens if my raccoon scratches or bites someone? Because raccoons are wild animals, they might be euthanized if your raccoon is problematic. In order to mimic a wild raccoons diet, try giving your pet nuts and seeds as treats. These permits withhold all types of animal ownership, including scientific, for circuses, education, selling, and more. For the crate interior where your raccoon might temporarily spend time, an easily washable blanket or dog bed on the floor should keep the animal comfortable. These areas provide refuge for wildlife such as the endangered Mexican gray wolf. Before even considering a pet raccoon, you shouldbe aware of your local and state/provincial laws. That is, raccoons are very intelligent little creatures, and they have great memories and problem-solving skills. In a small number of states, certain fox species are legal as pets, although most officials will try to discourage it. Much like a dog, your raccoon will need to be vaccinated against common diseases, such as rabies. Can you adopt a raccoon? In West Virginia, there are no restrictions on private exotic pet ownership. Examples of animals listed under 110 are the following: alligators, crocodiles, coyotes, foxes, raccoons, etc. Well, if you live in one of the states that allow pet raccoons, that dream could be a reality. Be prepared to invest a lot of time and money in raccoon care. Raccoons are considered a Class II Wild Animal and therefore require a Special Permit to Possess in Indiana. Most of the state is dominated by wilderness. Michigan is also covered by 11 037 inland lakes. Having been raised to live a domesticated life, throwing itself back into the wild will not be good for it. Fur bearing mammals damaging crops and property may be taken in any manner in accordance with regulations. Idaho features the largest contiguous area of protected wilderness in the continental US called the Frank-Church River of No Return Wilderness Area. While the average raccoon lifespan in the wild is anywhere from 2 to 10 years, domesticated raccoons can live for up to 20 years. But they can also be playful and fun to be around. There are some pet raccoon Instagram/YouTube channels, they all see very happy and well adjusted. Offer your pet a varied diet, including dog food, poultry, fish, eggs, insects, vegetables, and fruits. For example, South Carolina prohibits owning lions as pets, but you can still own a monkey. It features sandy dunes, low marshes, cypress forests around Chesapeake Bay, rolling oak forests and mountain pine groves. Crater Lake formed from the remnants of a destroyed volcano and is the deepest lake in the US. These states are: However, even though there are laws against the ownership of raccoons, those laws do not necessarily apply to all exotic animals. The laws are all dependent on the area you are living and the values that state holds. Opportunistic nest predators, raccoons also prey on eggs and nesting birds, occasionally even up to the size of waterfowl and turkeys. Raccoons are classified as furbear-ers in Kansas. Almost 90 different species of mammal call the state home. They can also be great fun once your raccoon has been domesticated you will find they are very playful. After all, there are quite a few logistical hoops to jump through permit-wise and a lot of hard-and-fast rules. Their diet, necessary environments, and medical attention are costly. There is no substitute for competent legal counsel. Weve trapped millions (seriously, millions) of rats and mice and the knowledge of what it takes to achieve success is highlighted in this guide. The west is dominated by 77 mountain ranges that are part of the Rocky Mountains and the eastern landscape is prairie terrain. Thus, it's best to acquire a pet raccoon from a reputable breeder. Alabama. These are likely signs of ill health. Raccoons are messy eaters. It is only to be expected with keeping them as a pet. Approximately 25% of Montana is forest covered and the state has the largest population of grizzly bears of the lower 48. Small game (cottontail rabbits and tree squirrels), skunks, muskrats, badger beaver, raccoon, and weasel require a permit to trap. Kansas has exotic animal pet laws in place to protect these exotic pets, the local ecosystem and the society in which the pet exists. Nuisance wildlife requires a permit to be taken which may only be obtained after it is determined non-lethal methods of control are ineffective. 1)African Pygmy Hedgehog. The raccoons appearance lead people to turn a blind eye on the animals characteristics. Rats, mice, and moles can be taken at any time. Unfortunately, as a result of their invasive tendencies, raccoon dog ownership has been banned in many countries, including the United States. The only national park in Oregon is Crater Lake which encompasses Crater Lake and the surrounding caldera. You may purchase raccoons from the following exotic pet stores: Exotic Jungle Pet Supply in Morgantown, WV (304) 296-8552. Raccoons are illegal in the majority of states not only for the unethicalness of possessing an exotic animal, but for the wellbeing of the public. And as active animals, they need lots of space to roam. In 2016, the American buffalo was also designated the national mammal of the US. New York is the only state to border both a Great lake and the Atlantic Ocean. It is all dependent on the raccoons owner. Plus, these North American natives are nocturnal, meaning they're most active at night. There are 50 state parks, six national parks or protected regions, and two national protected forests or grasslands. In Florida, you must possess a Captive Wildlife License, which claims you can care for an exotic animal. Otter In most states it is illegal to own them, and special licenses are required in the few states that do allow it. This also means that animals acquired through exotic animal black market movements is considered illegal. Raccoons have also become well adapted to urban and suburban areas. While the average raccoon lifespan in the wild is anywhere from 2 to 10 years, domesticated raccoons can live for up to 20 years. Heavily pursued by both houndsmen and trappers, the raccoon has accounted for about half of the annual furbearer harvest and from 50-75% of the economic return from Kansas furharvesting in recent years. The U.S. Population Lines 1 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 16 0 R /Resources 2 0 R /Contents 3 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 2 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB ] /Font << /F1 24 0 R /F2 21 0 R /F3 22 0 R /F4 27 0 R >> /XObject << /Im2 4 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 44 0 R >> /ColorSpace << /Cs6 23 0 R >> >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Length 3218 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream This, in turn, leads to some controversy. These animals can be dangerous to the environment because they can disrupt the ecosystem by introducing new diseases and stealing food. This law does not prevent "owners or legal occupants of land from killing any animals when found in or near buildings on their premises, or when found destroying property, subject to the following: (A) the provisions of . This unique attribute has allowed wildlife to flourish in Wyoming, with over 121 mammal species occurring within its borders. Zoos are the number one establishment for wild animals however this isnt only for the big and known zoos, this also counts for the underground privately owned ones which require no training with wild animals. Raccoons are quite adept at breaking through latches and other secured areas if their curiosity gets the best of them. $400. There is likewise a limit of 6 animals per owner for bobcats, squirrels, bunnies, raccoons, quail, opossum, coyote, deer, red fox, and gray fox. People in Russia are beginning to domesticate raccoons because of their affection and intelligence. Complete dog foods make a great diet staple for racoons. If waiting around for a raccoon in need isnt your thing, you may also be able to adopt one for a fee from an established breeder. There are restrictions in some cases, like how states require licensure and permits for owning a raccoon. They are becoming increasingly common pets because they are easy to care for, and they live for roughly ten to fifteen years, roughly the same time as other domestic pets. So the majority of a pet raccoon's time should be spent roaming your house: playing, climbing on things, exploring, and being mischievous. Geologists describe this as a "drowned coast" formed by rising sea levels turning mountain tops into islands and valleys into bays. They are quick learners who will catch on to this behavior in no time. Wisconsin's state history is very familiar with trapping. Consult your vet for the best bathing frequency to avoid irritating their skin. These states are: You may legally own a raccoon as a pet in several states across America. While dangerous wild animals are regulated, but there is no mention of this unusual relative of the raccoon, which often slips through the cracks due to being unknown. They'll reach their full size between 4 months and 1 year old. There are more white-tail deer per square mile in New Jersey than any other state. They also tend to be destructive, so you might find them eating your furniture, bedsheets, and clothing as well as knocking over items. Although in most states the domesticated raccoon is illegal (especially wild raccoons which you try to domesticate), that is not to say that you cannot and should not own a raccoon. And Tito went on to become a YouTube and Instagram sensation. It's a myth that you can own raccoons as pets. A landowner or leaser can take nuisance raccoon, opossum, mink, rabbit, hare, beaver, muskrat, and squirrel at any time provided the animal is damaging private property. If you really want to play into their scavenging instincts, try hiding these treats around the house, in small boxes, or on shelves. Prior to acquiring a raccoon as a pet, contact exotic veterinarians in your area to find one who specializes in this animal and is willing to take one on as a patient. The more interested people become in adopting raccoons as pets, the more awareness people spread about the safety and care required for owning raccoons. Know what you are feeding your raccoon. It is clear that much hard work goes into taking care of a raccoon and due to many factors, the needs of the raccoon cannot always be met. If they don't have enough of their own toys to play withor they're just curious or boredyou might find them chewing on your door frames, ripping up your bedsheets, knocking over decor items, and more. What pets are illegal in Pennsylvania? Most small mammals do not require a permit to trap on your property (house mice, Norway rats, moles, voles, chipmunks, gophers, shrews, thirteen-lined ground squirrels). But life wont feel quiet with a pet raccoon. Riding or sitting on your shoulder is one of the most enjoyable things this animal does to show its affection. In most states, it is only the possession of certain species that are banned, not every exotic animal. For example, acquiring a raccoon pet is much more difficult than adopting a cat or dog. The owning of a raccoon has been approved by a veterinarian. The tallgrass prairie that dominated Iowa has been reduced to 1% of its original size. This isnt only important for the sake of the animals wellbeing, but for the safety of the public. A wildlife animal control permit is required to take any nuisance or damage causing wildlife outside of the regular hunting/trapping season. They are known to travel a circumpolar migration route, experiencing summer twice per year, once in the northern hemisphere and once in the southern hemisphere. Consult your veterinarian for the quantity and variety that is best for your animal, as this can vary based on age, size, and activity level. Eventually, the two became friends. Before thinking about owning a raccoon, it is important to do your thorough research into which states allow this. Florida is also famous for the Everglades National Park where the American flamingo and Florida panther can be found. Sadly, the last one was killed in 1922, 30 years before being honored as the state mammal. Beavers causing damage require a permit to be trapped by the landowner or tenant. Sign-up to receive the latest information from Automatic Trap including discounts and flash sales! Can you feed it a healthy diet with the correct nutrition? A depredation permit is required to trap any wildlife during the closed season. Kansas is located equidistant from the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. These exciting behaviors are common for the playful raccoon. Illinois experiences an average of 35 tornadoes per year. Moreover, if you come across a baby raccoon in nature, make sure it has actually been orphaned and/or injured before you attempt to come to its rescue. As pets, they don't do well in cages or even in small bedrooms. It is nicknamed the "Keystone state.". North Carolina has three distinct biomes consisting of Coastal, Piedmont, and the Appalachian mountains. Instead of trying to crate train a raccoon, consider allowing them free range of your home and providing them with an enclosed outdoor space as well. The Pony Express, Oregon Trail, Santa Fe Trail and California Trail all began here. Raccoons are not allowed as pets everywhere because they are considered exotic or wild animals. Click on the map below to view the rules and regulations for trapping within individual states. Utah was the 45th state to join the United States in 1896. Make sure that you are keeping it in a safe and enclosed area, large enough for it to have a lot of roaming space and filled with things for it to climb on and stay active. The American buffalo is the official state animal of Kansas. Raccoons can be dangerous, as they can carry canine distemper, parvoviruses and rabies. Revolutionary, automatic, and toxin-free rat and mouse control for your home or business. People believe it to be unethical as wild animals should be out in the open in their natural habitat, it also known that not many vets work with raccoons, and they can also carry all sorts of diseases (a raccoons droppings can contain roundworm which is infectious to even humans). During this time period the animal must be tested for commutable diseases and must have a health certificate before entering the general population of animals or being released to the owner. Considering that certain Canadians wild animals like bears and wolves shouldn't be kept as pets, possessing a wild raccoon is prohibited. While we already dealt with the US states where its legal to own raccoons, how about other countries around the world? Toxin-Free rat and mouse control for your home or business having been raised live! 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