Its semi-evergreen, salt, and drought-tolerant and belongs in the same family as creeping Charlie. Carefully spray the poison on top of each plants leaves. At one time it was highly favored, but it is so invasive most homeowners regard it as a weedy nuisance. If you want to remove your creeping Charlie using an herbicide, make sure you do this in the fall, and well before the plant has a chance to seed. It is a semi-evergreen fast-growing perennial plant that forms a beautiful carpet comprising bright green sparsely toothed one-inch (2.5 cm) long leaves. Scroll down to the recipes linked at the bottom, and youll find some people using ground ivy successfully in savory dishes. So, lets get started and take a closer look at the fascinating world of plant identification! Creeping Charlie, also known as Glechoma hederacea, is a weed common throughout U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9. Creeping Charlie: Massed together, creeping charlie's blossoms are more attractive than those of some ground covers sold commercially. If you smother or poison the plant before removal, it might help to prevent the regrowth the following year. Hollie is a life-long gardener, having started helping her Dad work on their yard when she was just 5. Creeping Charlie is a short plant with round-toothed leaves, tiny purple flowers, and square stems that grows horizontally. Home Pest & Weeds 6 Creeping Charlie Look-Alikes. I'm gonna go ahead and add it and if necessary it can be moved. Ground moles can wreak havoc on your lawn, leaving unsightly mounds and tunnels in their wake.. Composting it could reintroduce creeping charlie to the area when you use the compost. Common Mallow (Malva Neglecta), also known as Dwarf Mallow, Cheese Plant, Cheeseweed, and Buttonweed, is a flowering plant native to Europe. That said, several plants resemble creeping Charlie, and here are the three major ones: This is a herbaceous, evergreen groundcover plant native to Europe and Asia. The leaves grow in opposite pairs and have scalloped edges. Hello, my name is Derek Schew. Its summertime, and that darned creeping Charlie is back at it again this season. Make a wild herb rub like this one from Hunter Gather Cook. Like the Creeping Charlie, Mazus reptans is low maintenance, requiring occasional weeding and trimming. Give these ground ivy recipes a go! It is also known as dwarf mallow, roundleaf mallow, buttonweed, cheeseplant, or cheeseweed. If you don't mind a polyculture lawn instead of a monoculture lawn, this is one of many "weeds" you can ignore. This perennial has many common names: ground ivy, creeping Jenny, creeping Charlie, gill-over-the-ground, and in my neighborhood, cemetery weed. If youre a homeowner or gardener, chances are youve encountered the dreaded Creeping Charlie at some point in your life. Although creeping Charlie is a fairly easy-to-identify weed, there are still a few plants with similar appearance and characteristics. Herbalists classify ground ivy as an antiviral, expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, anodyne, digestive, anticatarrhal, antidepressant, anti-spasmodic, antiulcerogenic, tonic, astringent, carminative, decongestant, nervine, and vulnerary. Then you need to find some creeping charlie! > Need some gardening gear? The leaves grow in opposite pairs across the stalk, are green, kidney-shaped, with serrated edges, and covered with hair. Creeping Charlie, also known as ground ivy, is a shade-loving perennial that's grown as groundcover. It gets the common name, dollarweed, from its silver - dollar-shaped leaves. The creeping Charlie lookalikes discussed above can also offer great ground cover. Creeping Charlie, as its name suggests, has a creeping growth habit, forming dense mats of runners wherever it gets a foothold. A prime and often cursed at weed of turfgrass and other landscape areas, creeping Charlie is native to Europe and southern Asia but was brought into North America for use medicinally. The flowers are tiny, white and with 5 peculiar petals shaped like a 'V' (making it look like they are 10!). Large creeping charlie leaves closely mimic garlic mustardcheck for the creeping stem. Susun Weed steeps ground ivy in vinegar to use on salads. Creeping Charlie ( Glechoma hederacea) was brought to the United States likely for food and medicinal reasons. It grows well in shady areas and thrives in cool weather. Creeping Charlie is a green vine with round, scalloped-edge leaves and small purple flowers. Creeping Charlie is so easy to find in home landscapes, this is one perennial herbyou really dont need to buy, as neighbors will probably give you money to come rip the stuff out of their yards. Crabgrass look alikes. Corn gluten meal is an organic option to apply in late summer. creeping charlie is a ground vine (ground ivy) so has a different stem set-up. Related Article: North Texas Flowering Weeds, Creeping charlie look alikes: The Takeaway, How to Revive Dying Impatiens: A Step By Step Guide, What Planting Zone is Illinois in? Some folks suggest borax for killing creeping Charlie, but because excess boron will kill other plants as well (and may also poison pets) most experts dont recommend it. Creeping Charlie is difficult to mow and can make your lawn look patchy. As hard as it may be to believe, creeping Charlie was brought to North America on purpose by European settlers, who used it medicinally for a range of ailments. Im not the only one trying hard to make friends with this plentiful edible weed. Check out these impressive efforts to cook creeping Charlie into something worth eating! Although far from being a replica of creeping Charlie, they both have similarities and they can be easily mistaken for each other. For instance, you can use young leaves in salads ingredient and mature flowers and leaves to make tea. Its also a useful insect repellent, so next time bugs bother you, if you have nothing else at the ready, try crushing some creeping Charlie and rubbing it on your skin. If you do choose to grow them, keep them in a container so they dont take over the whole neighborhood Where do you live? You can allow it to colonize some spots, but try to keep it from taking over all the other plants you prize in your yard! Native to Europe, it was introduced to North America in the 1800s as both an ornamental and a medicinal plant. This is a broad leaf weed, not sure of the name, that is most associated with wet ground, like when there is poor drainage. In this blog post, well explore some of the most common Creeping Charlie look-alikes, how to identify them, and what to do if you spot them in your yard. Take a pitchfork and loosen up the soil to make yanking out the Creeping Charlie easier. Mature Common Mallow doesnt grow over 12 inches high. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. What are your favorite creeping Charlie uses? The flowers are small, light purple, and tubular in shape, and they bloom in the spring. To this day, it is considered one of the most difficult . It is edible - some enjoy it in salads - and used in alternative medicines. Looking at the 2 links Janet posted I really think it is g. carolinianum. Furthermore, the leaves have a dark green topside with a purple or light green underside. The plant also has medicinal uses and, when crushed, is quite fragrant. The leaves are round or oval-shaped and have scalloped edges. Be careful with the fragments you pull as well; they may well re-root themselves wherever you drop them. Creeping Charlie is an herbaceous plant that spreads by seed and by stolons (creeping stems). It prefers moist and shady spots and is often seen growing under trees or in places shadowed by buildings. The last rows of leaves may be entirely purple. Please see our privacy policy for more details. After a few weeks, the plant dies but youll need to ensure that you cover the plant thoroughly because they still thrive in the shade. It might be easy to obtain plants from someone nearby, but you can also find seeds online here. STEP 1: Prune Creeping Charlie to expose the roots. You mentioned collecting food scrap recipes. Keep reading to find out how herbalists recommend using it, as well as recipes for using it as a culinary herb. Flowers and leaves of creeping charlie. Her first book, Everything Elderberry, released in September 2020 and has been a #1 new release in holistic medicine, naturopathy, herb gardening, and other categories. But its abundance, medicinal properties, and its persistently green leaves some of the last to be seen when temperatures take a nosedive for our long, cold winter and the first to hint of green things to come when the snow finally melts made me determined to find a way to use creeping Charlie. Henbit (Lamium amplexicaule) Photo credit:Ansel Oommen, Are you looking to identify creeping Charlie and want to know if there are similar plants you can mistaken it with? There are no pre-emergent herbicides that work on ground ivy. Instead, patiently wait until after the autumns first frost, then apply broadleaved herbicides, often in combination products. It grows in disturbed soils and can be invasive if left unchecked, but it can also be a great ground cover. In the United States, Creeping Charlie grows in nearly every state. Seek medical help if you have a reaction after consuming. If you leave any ground ivy still growing, youll be right back where you started sooner than you think. is an aquatic mint found in subtropical regions. Creeping Charlie is in the Lamiaceae family, while Pennywort is in the parsley family. The Holistic Herbal recommends it for sinus problems, coughs and bronchitis, tinnitus, diarrhea, hemorrhoids and cystitis. The roots of the creeping Charlie can branch out further than the canopy, and youll need to ensure the tarp covers this far to make the smothering effective. Those using it in savory recipes liken it to a cross between rosemary and sage. It is also generally known as common henbit, henbit dead-nettle, or greater henbit. Its also called ground ivy, run-away robin, field balm, and catsfoot. Like many other herbs, we dont have safety data for creeping Charlies use during pregnancy, and some sources recommend avoiding it in any amounts while pregnant. Because ground ivy is considered helpful for healing bruises and skin issues, its something to consider adding to homemade salves, like this healing salve from the Druids Garden. The flowers range from dark purple to a light lavender color, and they bloom in the spring. A member of the mint family, creeping Charlie goes by many names, including ground ivy, Glechoma hederacea, ale-hoof, gill-over-the-ground, field balm, and cats foot,plus all sorts of expletives uttered by exasperated lawn-lovers who cant get rid of the stuff. Called Scrapsbook, I believe. At a glance, both the plants might look alike. It also blooms in early summer or late spring. Her ancestry is Polish (mother) and German, English, Irish, and Scottish (father). Glechoma hederacea is a perennial weed in the mint family that spreads by seeds, rhizomes and creeping stems that root at the nodes. The common garden weed creeping Charlie (also known as ground ivy) has many overlooked medicinal and edible uses. Creeping Charlie (Glechoma hederacea) is an herbaceous perennial plant that spreads by seed and by creeping stems (called stolons) that grow along the ground. that just makes a drought-stressed lawn look worse. Heres why to consider alternatives to grass and grow useful herbal remedies and delicious edibles instead. July 14, 2014 7:58 AM. Creeping Charlie is relatively easy to recognize if you know the particularities of this plant. Also called ground ivy, the plant is actually in the mint family, which is known for its tendency to spread. The creeping Charlie likes growing in moist, shady areas of your yard. Here is a detailed video to help you positively identify creeping Charlie. They do not usually grow more than 10 inches (25 cm) in height. As with any herb, you always want to make sure you dont have an adverse reaction before consuming in quantity. Creeping Charlie is also known as ground ivy and gill-on-the-ground, and is often confused with henbit. You have won the battle but not the war. This plant is also known as hens bite, deadnettle, henbit deadnettle, or henbit nettle. Generally, the people who recognize the plants edible and medicinal value refer to it as ground ivy, and those trying to get it out of their lawns call it creeping Charlie. . Henbit is native to North Africa, Europe, and western Asia but also grows in North America today. Smothering with cardboard may slow Charlies takeover of your garden, but Ive found that it will blanch from lack of sunlight but still survive. How Do I Keep Creeping Charlie from Returning to My Yard Next Year? Identifying crabgrass can be a problem because of the assortment of portraits it can claim. I find the flavor of the fresh plant vaguely reminiscent of licorice. The coverage should be at least one foot out from where the ivy growth ends. Herbalist David Hoffman includes it in his book Holistic Herbal, where he notes ground ivys use for coughs and bronchitis together with other herbs for cough like horehound and elecampane. Distribution and Habitat But it's actually pretty, covered in purple flowers. All three common names hint at this plant's growth habit: low and sprawling like ivy. They are dark green on the top with light green or purple undersides. Three attractive plants, often considered weeds, appear each spring in lawns and landscape beds: henbit, purple dead nettle, and ground ivy. Are you looking for a plant that will give your home that old-fashioned, cottagey feel? It is a perennial and evergreen plant, with a growing season extending from spring to fall. Grid View. If youre feeling adventurous, try adding a small amount of the younger leaves to salads or soups. Its scientific name is Lysimachia nummularia. Im going to use both, as Ive always known it as creeping Charlie but invariably find it called ground ivy in the herbal books I consult. Contact her at or follow on twitter Required fields are marked *. However, it requires more maintenance compared to mazus reptans. Correct identification is essential as management techniques differ. I just went and got a leaf. I made the mistake a couple of years . Plants can taste different in different climates and under different growing conditions, so after youve positively identified it, you should taste your local crop of creeping Charlie both fresh and dried to determine how its flavor will work in your next meal or cup of tea. On the third day, dig up the plant and throw it in your garden disposal bag. It is a low-growing plant but it may reach up to 12-16 inches (30-40 cm) in height. Additionally, this weed can reduce the quality of your lawn. The leaves of young plants are used in salads, while the mature leaves and flowers can be used to make tea. Creeping Charlie and Garlic Mustard arent the same. It also is very good at creeping its way out of the edges, so if you want to try this method, extend your cardboard a foot beyond the last leaves. Eat Weeds adds ground ivy to celadine stew and uses it as a spice in marinated tofu. Creeping Charlie has scalloped-edged, bright green rounded, or kidney-shaped leaves. Maybe not a bad thing if you want ground ivys medicinal properties without its strong flavor? Although far from being identical, the purple dead-nettle has similarities with creeping Charlie and can be easily mistaken for it. Best of luck! Need some simple, practical solutions for living healthier and greener? That's right, there are several Creeping Charlie look-alikes that can be mistaken for this pesky weed, causing confusion and potentially leading to misidentification. At best, spring herbicidal treatments suppress it. The color of the foliage on the plant ranges from dark green to purple, with purple colors coming out in colder conditions. It is an evergreen, perennial plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family (mints). Do you love finding nutritious and delicious wild edibles? Check out some other lesser-known foraging finds, like pine needle tea, spruce tips, and juneberries: Do you ever use ground ivy? Description Dichondra leaves indent where they connect to the petiole (leaf stem). . However, the creeping Charlie features scalloped edges on the leaves, while the Creeping Jenny foliage is smooth. Ive found absolutely no information on their edibility, so best leave them alone. Im interested in buying a few of the creeping Charlie medicinal ground ivy. Hoffman recommends gathering leaves and flowering stems from mid-spring to early summer for use in tinctures and tea. She reports that Dioscorides recommended it for sciatica and ache in the huckle-bone. (Not sure what that is? Due to the shape of its leaves and the way it grows, it is sometimes confused with creeping Charlie, especially when the plants are young, before blooming. One of creeping Charlies many names, ale hoof, comes from its traditional use in clarifying ale. Honey bees and bumble bees visit to gather nectar. Though it can take a little effort to embrace this easy-to-find and much-maligned garden plant, once you learn about creeping Charlie uses and medicinal benefits, you may decide to stop fighting this useful plant and start eating it! LOOK-ALIKES Several white-flowered native plants occur in the same habitats as garlic mustard and may be mistaken for it., Examples include dandelion, clover, and chickweed. Creeping Charlie can be confused with hollyhocks' young, new growth. Some herbs are contraindicated for or affect the action of certain medications. Creeping Charlie has kidney-shaped to rounded bright green leaves with scalloped margins and which attach to the main stem through relatively long leaf stalks. Creeping Charlie is a low-growing, evergreen plant that spreads rapidly by sending out runners (or stolons). Content on this website is intended for informational purposes only and is not meant to provide personalized medical advice. The plant grows on the low-level ground and has a long, woody stem. Its leaves, stalks, and seed are all considered edible. She also includes ground ivy in her guide to foraging medicinal plants. Creeping Charlie is also difficult to remove once it's established. But Dichondra is smaller and prefers shady moist areas of the lawn. 4. Category: Plant identification Creeping Charlie Plant look-alikes. Regular mowing will remove the flowers before seeds mature. Either way, it pays to be thorough and vigilant, as creeping charlie can be a sneaky, unassuming . Do you have a beautiful lawn that you've worked hard to maintain, only to find unsightly molehills dotting the landscape? Your email address will not be published. Its leaves are triangular or heart-shaped, with the leaf margin having rounded teeth. Stay strong and confident. First, you're going to need to cover the area of ivy that you want to get rid of. Persistence is the key to control of all three. The leaves grow in opposite pairs and are toothed or lobed. They often grow along roadsides, in pastures, and on vacant lots. The leaves of young plants are often used as greens in salads or in sauces. Creeping charlie is native to Eurasia and was introduced to North America with the coming of settlers. There are those of us who tolerate or even encourage plant diversity in our lawns. The plant is native to Europe but grown in the US and in other places as ground cover. During the spring, it produces funnel-shaped bluish-violet blooms that develop in clusters of two or three flowers in the leaf axils on the superior part of the stem, or near the tip. Creeping Charlie, also known as ground ivy, is an adaptable, insidious weed thats resilient to damage, making it incredibly challenging to remove from the garden. They are clump-forming tender perennials that bloom up to 4 feet tall. Content on this website is intended for informational purposes only and is not meant to provide personalized medical advice. Dispose of the remaining herbicide following manufacturers guidelines. Its an archaic term for hip). Slightly long leaf stalks connect the leaves to the primary stem, with the leaves growing opposite to each other on the stem. Purple dead-nettle (Lamium purpureum) is an annual weed native to Europe and Asia but spread in many other regions of the world. They are dark green on the top with light green or purple undersides. Both dead nettle and henbit are also edible, so in this case if you make an error, it wont be a big deal. She suggests seeking leaves with no visible dirt as washing doesnt do much to remove it from the tiny hairs but does remove much of the flavor. Hand-pull ground ivy from landscape beds, taking care to remove as much stem and roots as possible. Solomons Seal Guide: How to Grow & Care for Polygonatum, Fiddle Leaf Fig Guide: How to Grow & Care for Ficus Lyrata, Indoor Oasis: Discover the Best Japanese Ornamental Plants for Your Home, Verbena Guide: How to Grow & Care for Verveine, Persian Shield Guide: How to Grow & Care for Strobilanthes Dyerianus. Spread in many other regions of the most difficult fast-growing perennial plant belonging to the petiole ( stem! Forming dense mats of runners wherever it gets a foothold and leaves to salads or places!, also known as ground ivy ) has many overlooked medicinal and uses... 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