Which of the following were prisons established by the Church in the Middle Ages for What policy promotes sentencing repeat offenders to long prison terms while granting first-time and nonviolent offenders shorter, more lenient sentences? 7 0 obj /Type /Page /K [22 0 R] ] /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] /Endnote /Note /BaseFont /Times-Bold 9 [545 0 R 546 0 R 547 0 R 548 0 R 549 0 R 549 0 R 549 0 R 549 0 R 549 0 R 550 0 R p:$6mQ$R=Q-alk\ 10 [583 0 R 584 0 R 585 0 R 586 0 R 587 0 R 588 0 R 589 0 R 590 0 R 591 0 R 592 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Nums [0 [58 0 R 59 0 R 60 0 R 61 0 R 62 0 R 63 0 R 64 0 R 65 0 R 66 0 R 67 0 R /Chartsheet /Part %?# KP\pw0!|ljrb LRXB9*xOD;SsdDSV&:~Lo(
-XcG=Vr$dTx_a)u~HjNb /Type /Font \hline\text{Gross Profit}& 154,039 \\ << /CS /DeviceRGB They found that some people sentenced to prison were more likely to engage in further violence after imprisonment. /Type /Page Some states allow children to be prosecuted as adults at 10, 12, or 13 years old. Children housed in an adult jail or prison are up to 9 times more likely to commit suicide than those in juvenile facilities. Complications include permanent blindness, dry-eye syndrome, lung damage, photophobia, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, permanent loss of nail beds, scarring of mucous membranes, arthritis, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Year12Revenues1,891,466CostofSales(1,737,427)GrossProfit154,039Selling,General,andAdministrativeExpenses(98,524)ProfitBeforeTax55,515IncomeTaxes(23,594)NetIncome31,921\begin{array}{lr} << /Type /Group c. serving short sentences. >> >> Recent Supreme Court decisions ruled that federal sentencing guidelines are and must always be mandatory in order to ensure equality for all offenders. Currently, public outrage dictates that offenders should suffer by: a. paying for their crimes. There has been a transfer of power in the courts that has undercut the formal court process with a more informal system shaped by backroom deals and agreements. The justification for punishment does not express public outrage. Boot camps in adult corrections are usually used for: First time offenders in their late teens or early twenties. /Type /Font endobj Over a thousand people who were automatically condemned to die in prison for juvenile offenses have been resentenced because of. 495 0 R 496 0 R 497 0 R 498 0 R 499 0 R 500 0 R 501 0 R] A risk management correctional system is more focused on providing treatment services for offenders than regulating or controlling them. /Length 3190 4 [288 0 R 289 0 R 290 0 R 291 0 R 292 0 R 293 0 R 294 0 R 295 0 R 296 0 R 297 0 R stream
>> If the statement is true, explain why. /Contents 49 0 R Structures that affect circulation - kidneys and blood volume and skeletal muscle pumping. "6&YwrWX~Aysgyf
fnHL,vh61e3spH^M\#bw5. ^ If nnn and rrr are positive integers and 1> 102 0 R 103 0 R 104 0 R 105 0 R 746 0 R 114 0 R 115 0 R 116 0 R 117 0 R 747 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] Which goal of sentencing centers upon the purpose of having the offender make amends to the victim or to society for the harms that his or her criminal act has caused? /Rect [0.0 0.0 595.27563 841.8898] The Court did not ban all juvenile life-without-parole sentences, but held that requiring sentencers to consider childrens diminished culpability, and heightened capacity for change should make such sentences uncommon., to older cases. 186 0 R 187 0 R 188 0 R 189 0 R 190 0 R 191 0 R 192 0 R 193 0 R 194 0 R 195 0 R /Resources << /Resources << /Title (Corrections Today 2nd Edition Siege Test Bank) endobj For example, offenders guilty of less serious acts of domestic violence can be assigned to programs that have proved able to change gender expectations and substantially reduce this kind of offense. /ExtGState << /Widths [250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 endobj The general public's reaction to crime has a major influence on the types of punishable behavior and the punishments that are acceptable at a given time. 207 0 R 208 0 R 209 0 R 210 0 R 211 0 R 212 0 R 213 0 R 214 0 R 215 0 R 216 0 R /Type /Page Which goal of punishment is designed to prevent others from committing similar crimes? stream
333 500 500 278 278 500 278 778 500 500 /Resources << 1 [117 0 R 118 0 R 119 0 R 120 0 R 121 0 R 122 0 R 123 0 R 124 0 R 125 0 R 126 0 R /Tabs /S If not, give a counterexample. Truth-in-sentencing laws require inmates to serve what percentage of their sentence. How many adult Americans in the U.S. are currently . 697 0 R 698 0 R 699 0 R 700 0 R 701 0 R 702 0 R 703 0 R 704 0 R 705 0 R 706 0 R /Font << /GS16 34 0 R /F1 23 0 R The Court did not ban all juvenile life-without-parole sentences, but held that requiring sentencers to consider childrens diminished culpability, and heightened capacity for change should make such sentences uncommon.. 11 0 obj Which aspect of sentencing views those who violate the law as "society's victims"? /Type /Group /CS /DeviceRGB /Font << /Resources << /GS16 34 0 R >> endobj The changes in Other Noncurrent Assets are investing activities. 1693 0 obj
Housed older offenders who had medical issues. 628 0 R 629 0 R 630 0 R 631 0 R 632 0 R 633 0 R 634 0 R 635 0 R 636 0 R 637 0 R D)having charges dropped. Without a strong immune system, the body is vulnerable to all kinds of degenerative and infectious diseases. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] /FontDescriptor 770 0 R Currently, public outrage dictates that offenders should suffer by: a. paying for their crimes c. serving short sentences b. learning lessons d. having charges dropped ANS: A 7. 522 0 R 523 0 R 524 0 R 525 0 R 526 0 R 527 0 R 528 0 R 529 0 R 530 0 R 531 0 R /StructParents 6 /BS 773 0 R 677 0 R 678 0 R 679 0 R 762 0 R 684 0 R 685 0 R 686 0 R 687 0 R 688 0 R 689 0 R /BM /Normal John Howard was responsible for building the first prison in the United States, the Heritage House, in Philadelphia Pennsylvania in 1794. Third-party custody occurs when the court assigns custody of the defendant to an individual or agency that promises to ensure his or her later appearance in court. 725 0 R 726 0 R 727 0 R 728 0 R 729 0 R 730 0 R 731 0 R 732 0 R 733 0 R 734 0 R The majority of people convicted of sex offenses are placed on probation, and many never set foot inside a jail or prison. Deferred prosecution programs have focused on persons suffering from alcohol, drug, or mental health problems who can ask permission of the court to go through an intensive treatment program in lieu of being prosecuted. In 2012, the Court in Miller v. Alabama struck down mandatory life-without-parole sentences for all children 17 or younger. legislative Many kids who are transferred to adult court for criminal prosecution are automatically placed in adult jails and prisons. << Specialized courts differ from traditional courts in that they focus on one type of offender or offense, and because of their rehabilitative focus, tend to use which type of sentencing approach? >> >> >> >> 603 0 R 604 0 R 605 0 R 606 0 R 607 0 R 608 0 R 609 0 R 610 0 R 611 0 R 612 0 R /Widths [250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 333 When policymakers consider the costs of incarceration, they should take into account well-documented negative effects on prisoners and their families and communities. An intensive form of short-term community supervision that also requires attendance is the, The practice that permits convicted offenders to remain free if they agreed to take care of their debt. 458 0 R 459 0 R 460 0 R 461 0 R 462 0 R 463 0 R 464 0 R 465 0 R 466 0 R 467 0 R /ExtGState << And so we pass laws to protect kids from their own poor decisions and from adults who would harm or take advantage of them. Retribution is perhaps the most intuitive and the most questionable aim of punishment in the criminal law. 146 0 R 147 0 R 148 0 R 149 0 R 150 0 R 151 0 R 152 0 R 153 0 R 154 0 R 155 0 R 137 0 R 138 0 R 139 0 R 140 0 R 141 0 R 142 0 R 143 0 R 144 0 R 145 0 R 146 0 R For many reasons, imprisonment can actually increase violent behavior after people are released. 226 0 R 227 0 R 228 0 R 229 0 R 230 0 R 231 0 R 232 0 R 233 0 R 234 0 R 235 0 R /BM /Normal /GS17 35 0 R endobj endobj Law is created by the_____branch of government. /F6 48 0 R /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] 298 0 R 299 0 R 300 0 R 301 0 R 302 0 R 303 0 R 304 0 R 305 0 R 306 0 R 307 0 R The setting of justice policy is aided by the ____________________ branch of government. /Workbook /Document >> The law protects children younger than 14 because their brains are still developingthey have less judgment, maturity, and knowledge than adults, and kids under 14 are even less responsible and more vulnerable than older teens. In rem proceedings are used to return property illegally seized by the government. Children as young as eight have been prosecuted as adults. endobj Pay back victims, justice system, and society (all of these). >> a. deterrence b. incapacitation c. rehabilitation d. /Length 95 In reference to a type of bail known as percentage bail, the defendant deposits a portion of the bail amount, usually 10 %, with the court clerk. /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] 457 0 R 458 0 R] But when a young child is accused of a crime, these legal protections vanish, allowing kids under 14 to be prosecuted in adult court and sentenced to adult prison . 645 0 R 646 0 R 647 0 R 648 0 R 649 0 R 650 0 R 651 0 R 652 0 R 653 0 R 654 0 R /Group << << /Tabs /S OBJ: 2 /F1 23 0 R /Parent 2 0 R /Font << /S /Transparency , Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Dec. 2016). /ModDate (D:20160705115253+07'00') >> Probationers account for less than 50 % of the correctional growth since 1990. endobj 33 0 obj endstream
0 0 0 0 0 0 333 0 0 0 Before the Supreme Court banned the death penalty for juveniles in 2005, 366 people were executed for juvenile offenses.1 Victor L. Streib, The Juvenile Death Penalty Today: Death Sentences and Executions for Juvenile Crimes, January 1, 1973 February 28, 2005, Death Penalty Information Center (Oct. 7, 2005). endobj @@vU\w/`LZ'29>l)y w}b WZAC:-1AD
The various types of sentences that can be awarded by the courts are called: A sentence delaying conviction on a guilty plea until after probation is served is a: In ____________________ , the U.S. Supreme Court held that probationers have fewer constitutional. >> /Pages 2 0 R /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding b. learning lessons. Liver failure caused by hepatitis C is now leading cause of liver transplants in the United States. /Font << 246 0 R 247 0 R 248 0 R 249 0 R 250 0 R 251 0 R 252 0 R 253 0 R 254 0 R 255 0 R /Subtype /Link /Parent 2 0 R /Group << 31 0 obj a. )"Hr)-&cAQ)%* "A$49 ld`K`6L&3i$$TEW?o {
/Type /StructElem /F3 25 0 R /ParentTree 21 0 R Children threatened by abuse, neglect, violence, racial bias, and poverty are usually ignoredunless they do something violent. EJI documents the abusive treatment of children in the adult criminal justice system. /F1 23 0 R /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. The Japanese economy experienced recessionary conditions in recent years. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] /S /Part In _________________, the U.S. Supreme Court found that federal law does not allow rehabilitation to be used as a factor when handing down a sentence. According to the "just desserts" philosophy, punishment is a justified only when it conforms to what the guilty deserves, no more and no less. A prison is a county correctional facility that holds people pending trial, awaiting sentence, service a sentence (usually less a year) or awaiting transfer to another facilities after conviction. Eleven states have no minimum age for trying children as adults: Alaska, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia. 36 0 obj d. deterrence. Social costs, financial costs, system overload (all of these). 'nqy'&mw8nr75X, un
-XcG=Vr$dTx_a)u~HjNb Intermediate sanctions, if successfully completed, cost less than jails and prisons. Currently, public outrage dictates that offenders should suffer by: paying for their crimes. 7 [459 0 R 460 0 R 461 0 R 462 0 R 463 0 R 464 0 R 465 0 R 466 0 R 467 0 R 468 0 R Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In 1780 BCE, the King of Babylon created the first formal legal code known as the:, Currently, public outrage dictates that offenders should suffer by:, What is considered to be one of the most important drives toward professionalism in the American corrections systemth? The equity goal of punishment means that convicted offenders must: a. pay back their victims for their loss. This rejoinder might make sense were it not for the potential negative effects of imprisonment. << In most states, a PSI report must be prepared regardless of whether the offender is eligible for probation. /F4 26 0 R A sentence requiring an offender to serve time in jail or prison before a probation placement is known as a: In ____________________, the U.S. Supreme Court held that probationers have fewer constitutional protections than the general public and specifically that their homes can be searched without a warrant. /ExtGState << 13 [687 0 R 688 0 R 689 0 R 690 0 R 691 0 R 692 0 R 693 0 R 694 0 R 695 0 R 696 0 R A) paying for their crimes.B) learning lessons.C) serving short sentences.D) serving short sentences. /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] /Subject (Corrections Today 2nd Edition Siege Test BankInstant Download) >> /Parent 2 0 R >> 5 [383 0 R 384 0 R 385 0 R 386 0 R 387 0 R 388 0 R 389 0 R 390 0 R 391 0 R 392 0 R ~S6#^fs7{SB}tC:yr:f2LyoO3Y:E4nS2(3/%GZD6FN5n]LUwOL(u' Sentencing is the formal beginning of which process? The given exhibits (3.28 & 3.29) present the firms balance sheets and income statements for Years 1 through 4. a. Stevens-Johnson syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis syndrome are life-threatening reactions that can result in death. 310 0 R 311 0 R 312 0 R 750 0 R 321 0 R 322 0 R 323 0 R 324 0 R 751 0 R 333 0 R /MarkInfo << New calculations show that to prevent a single individual from committing a future violent crime over a five year stretch, society must imprison more than sixteen convicted violent offenders. Some states refused to apply Miller to older cases. << /Group << Which federal law authorized funding for additional state prisons and jails in order to ensure that convicted offenders serve a large portion of their sentence? Split sentencing is a standard feature in many states with intensive supervision programs. 28 0 obj /Lang (en-US) /Type /Page Which was the first institution to pay wages to prisoners as a reward for diligence and productivity? /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] 263 0 R 264 0 R 265 0 R 266 0 R 267 0 R 268 0 R 269 0 R 270 0 R 271 0 R 272 0 R Which of the following is not a characteristic of the reformatory model? 570 0 R 571 0 R 572 0 R 573 0 R 574 0 R 575 0 R 576 0 R 577 0 R 578 0 R 579 0 R /Length 125 We went back to the Supreme Court after Graham to argue that sentencing kids to die in prison is unconstitutional regardless of the offense. /Contents 41 0 R applies retroactively and requires new sentencing hearings for everyone serving a mandatory life-without-parole sentence for an offense when they were under 18. reaffirmed that life-without-parole sentences are unconstitutional for all but the rare juvenile for whom rehabilitation is impossible. Questions and Answers for [Solved] Currently, public outrage dictates that offenders should suffer by: A) paying for their crimes. 11 [619 0 R 620 0 R 621 0 R 622 0 R 623 0 R 624 0 R 625 0 R 626 0 R 627 0 R 627 0 R 722 333 389 0 611 889 722 722 556 0 /Annotation /Sect endstream
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167 0 R 168 0 R 169 0 R 170 0 R 171 0 R 172 0 R 173 0 R 174 0 R 175 0 R 176 0 R] B)learning lessons. 393 0 R 394 0 R 395 0 R 396 0 R 397 0 R 398 0 R 399 0 R 400 0 R 401 0 R 402 0 R /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] 6 0 obj >> /DescendantFonts [771 0 R] Explore our library and get Criminal Justice Homework Help with various study sets and a huge amount of quizzes and questions, Find all the solutions to your textbooks, reveal answers you wouldt find elsewhere, Scan any paper and upload it to find exam solutions and many more, Studying is made a lot easier and more fun with our online flashcards, Try out our new practice tests completely, 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. The purpose of fines is to equalize the financial impact of sentences of offenders. Sentence types and lengths are typically created by a: The court actor who is responsible for bringing the state's case against the accused is: Sentences with a fixed term of years to serve are called: Before sentencing takes place in felony cases, it is common for the court's probation staff to conduct a: The various types of sentences that can be awarded by the courts are called: Which of the following is NOT a reason federal sentencing guidelines have been criticized? In 1780 BCE, the King of Babylon created the first formal legal code known as the: Currently, public outrage dictates that offenders should suffer by: Law is created by the ____________________ branch of government. >> endobj The ruling affected thousands of people whose sentencers did not consider their age, the details of the offense, or any other mitigating factors. 253 0 R 254 0 R 255 0 R 256 0 R 257 0 R 258 0 R 259 0 R 260 0 R 261 0 R 262 0 R /Artifact /Sect >> Which term is used to describe the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or make a profession? /F5 47 0 R /Resources << Probation supervision can be accompanied by more active steps to require and help offenders find jobs and other supports for building law-abiding lives. used in judging the economic value of projects? +l1~V)/~z.]HN 0t-_vi_z,Sf:]q@8]P >l3IUvqa4
K1>vX4yzP8IQl"mDP9lTb" \text{Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses}&(98,524) \\ EJIs report documents the practice of sentencing 13- and 14-year-old children to die in prison. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that probationers are entitled to the same constitutional protections as other citizens. << >> << Advocates should push for alternative approaches to violence prevention than the handing down of harsh prison sentences, and policymakers would be wise to institute such changes. 416 0 R 417 0 R 418 0 R 419 0 R 420 0 R 421 0 R 422 0 R 423 0 R] 3-.5>9>-
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>> Who developed the Irish mark system, where inmates could eventually earn early release? >> All Rights Reserved. During trials without juries, the judge does which of the following? Joe Sullivan was just 13 years old when he was charged as an adult with sexual assault and sentenced to die in prison. x[[o~Gb"l; 0VbZ{Id$JIss{n%>f/vC}Sq6mYW7_^[fWkr=\_|2t}EIQ3%)I#`~B\_Y__bY-K u]J|^?*_T(@,WT.Xx3YD9+/cmuj/ &EQkFn~E~G,,$I*k0J%=#/-J,Wr1*m/ZR?='Tc :7#Z!%y=HE*
,RIE(jeFl`\"WBV_UE. The Court recognized that the ways in which children are different from adults have to be considered in sentencing. Currently, public outrage dictates that offenders should suffer by: . << 598 0 R 599 0 R 600 0 R 601 0 R 602 0 R 603 0 R 604 0 R 605 0 R 606 0 R 607 0 R It had a radial design, with seven wings, each containing 76 cells, radiating from a central hub, where control personnel were stationed. 413 0 R 414 0 R 415 0 R 415 0 R 415 0 R 415 0 R 415 0 R 415 0 R 415 0 R 415 0 R /Group << One major purpose of community corrections acts is to encourage state imprisonment in lieu of local sentencing options. /Type /Page A signature bond is usually given for minor offenses, such as minor traffic offenses, and is based on the defendant's written promise to appear in court. >> /Parent 2 0 R But current reforms rarely reach violent offenders who make up nearly half of the population of state and federal prisons on any given day. 216 0 R 217 0 R 218 0 R 219 0 R 220 0 R 221 0 R 222 0 R 223 0 R 224 0 R 225 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] Deferred prosecution programs have focused on persons suffering from alcohol, drug, or mental health problems who can ask permission of the court to go through an intensive treatment program in lieu of being prosecuted. 10+ million students use Quizplus to study and prepare for their homework, quizzes and exams through 20m+ questions in 300k quizzes. /F3 25 0 R 217 0 R 218 0 R 219 0 R 220 0 R 221 0 R 222 0 R 223 0 R 224 0 R 225 0 R 226 0 R << If violent offenders are not simply locked up, what could be done instead? Unlike other forms, more than 80% of hepatitis C infections become chronic and lead to liver disease. 29 0 obj /Tabs /S /Filter /FlateDecode Many children prosecuted as adults suffer from untreated mental illness. w3U043UI24P073RIp+Qp/OLRTr
Each year, judges transfer dozens of children under 14 to adult court. << /CS /DeviceRGB 538 0 R 539 0 R 540 0 R 541 0 R 542 0 R 543 0 R 544 0 R 545 0 R 546 0 R 547 0 R << 25 0 obj /Group << ____________________ requires an offender to perform a certain number of work hours at a private nonprofit or government agency. Many kids who are transferred to adult court for criminal prosecution are automatically placed in adult jails and prisons.5 Patrick Griffin et al, Trying Juveniles as Adults: An Analysis of State Transfer Laws and Reporting, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Sept. 2011). The changes in Other Noncurrent Liabilities are financing activities. 187 0 R 188 0 R 189 0 R 190 0 R 191 0 R 192 0 R 193 0 R 194 0 R 195 0 R 196 0 R Most Americans dont know that an eight-year-old can be prosecuted as an adult, held in an adult jail or prison, and sentenced to die in prison. The ____________________ is the idea that criminality is a sickness that can be cured through psychological intervention. The Court recognized that the ways in which children are different from adults have to be considered in sentencing. /Contents 37 0 R >> They found that some people sentenced to prison were. Restitution is the most popular model of restorative justice. << 488 0 R 489 0 R 490 0 R 491 0 R 492 0 R 493 0 R 494 0 R 495 0 R 496 0 R 497 0 R Assume that the sales occurred at no gain or loss. >> One trend during the 1980s was the increase in secure confinement of drug offenders. /Creator (AlibabaDownload.com) 444 0 R 445 0 R 446 0 R 447 0 R 448 0 R 449 0 R 450 0 R 451 0 R 452 0 R 453 0 R Are these assumptions correct? << /Kids [5 0 R 6 0 R 7 0 R 8 0 R 9 0 R 10 0 R 11 0 R 12 0 R 13 0 R 14 0 R /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] /Subtype /Type1 Half of all detainees being held in jail are misdemeanants who could not make bail. << /Group << /StructParents 1 17 0 obj /Font << As controlled environments, prisons, This research demonstrates that imprisonment has. Effects of imprisonment financial impact of sentences of offenders the future needs the. As other citizens regardless of whether the offender, not on the gravity of the following [... 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