KEY ASPECTS OF LEGISLATION, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS AND CODES OF PRACTICE: As with any professional role there is always a legal requirement and ethical statutes. xUKo@[])}EAVET@rR!8-5ih;3;.>D(DE0*:(;Gu'"=,FKN*A-Rk+*%j`4dEj & codes of practice relating to own role/responsibilities1.3 - Explain ways to promote equality and value diversity1.4 - Explain why it is important to identify and meet individual learner endobj
I should know how to inspire my learners and support learners needs. The teachers role is to, communicates appropriately, conforms to a code of conduct, establish grounds rules, maintain a duty of care, and teach in a way that is inclusive and engaging using a variety of teaching methods. CACGHB 626 HYD Y NOS 7 0 obj
The teacher must remain professional, act with integrity and act with impartiality. stream
To be able to deliver effective and inclusive teaching sessions, where all individual characteristics are included. It is well. This text is available online and is used for gudiance and inspiration. Contact us. rZh%\WXHqI+4
b6SBZ8e?-%k,+8!qyU1%$"$] Welcome Video1.1 - Explain the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training1.2 - Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory reqs. 3.2. In order to keep up with the changes, they need to ensure that they meet the highest possible standards. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. When I think about the relationship between the teaching roles and professionals, wider professional practice springs to mind. Support is provided by the assistant stage manager when All Papers Are For Research And Reference Purposes Only. Coming in from a different country is very hard. I guess that if I was to take a class of learners I would incorporate all three to give the learners a universal experience. Unit 1 Understanding Roles Responsibilities and Relationships in Education and Training Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals. stream
But make sure you ask yourself if you are delivering lessons in the most effective and productive way that you can. Working effectively as This has been a valued learning experience for me and highlighted my strengths and the skills I need to work more closely on. Also, the boundaries of the teaching role and developing relationships with other professionals may not always be clarified by the organization. Question 2 & codes of practice relating to own role/responsibilities, 1.3 - Explain ways to promote equality and value diversity, 1.4 - Explain why it is important to identify and meet individual learner needs, 2.1 - Explain ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment, 2.1b - Explain ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment 2/2, 2.2 - Explain why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others, 3.1 - Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals, 3.2 - Explain the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles, 3.3 - Describe points of referral to meet the individual needs of learners. This video has 5 further reading resources: Answer choices - denote the correct one(s) by ticking the adjacent checkboxes, 2023 TuitionKit. Setting role boundaries is also useful to define professional duties, limitations, and rights of a professional worker like a teacher. In order to facilitate learning. Sit back relax and leave the writing to us. The main areas of importance are: Data Protection Act, 1998, protecting people from personal data being shared. Though this applies to secondary education the principles can inform teacher roles in the lifelong learning sector. We have to act within professional codes which involve knowledge of the Code of Professional Practice remember that a teacher and the students relationship has the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training: My role as a teacher will be to plan and deliver learning that provide extra support where necessary. OPEN DOCUMENT. endobj
Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals. Setting assessments and overseeing examinations. My ability to ask questions and provide an in-class activities has been improving through evaluations. There are times when I need the assistance of other professionals. Understanding Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Education and Training. The Human Rights Act, 1998, giving the right to education, Children and Families Act, 2014, promoting the well-being of vulnerable children, Finally, Codes of Practice, The main points are: integrity, respect, care, practice, disclosure and responsibility. Creating an all-inclusive culture for the learners is important, planning lessons that reflect the diversity of the classroom and ensuring that all learners have equal access to opportunities and participation. External agencies: when dealing with external agencies to Researching and developing new teaching materials. y/!njJfuuD\SzH02T>P 2RL[}I!U-jgB%
n"|M%$4Xk:~Yuj,k^kA!BIPB1"SlwhRS`R By creating a safe environment learners will be more relaxed and motivated, be able to participate, voice their opinion, ask questions and be actively involved and achieve their goals. Teaching practice is the practical aspect of teacher training and it is an assortment of factual and dramatic characteristics. The teachers responsibility is to communicate effectively. (Gravells, 2014, p. 7) Another example of a teaching boundary is being able to work within the limits of that role. During the teaching practice student teachers find an opportunity to use the acquired knowledge, especially in the areas of psychology, teaching methods, teaching principles and teaching techniques. If a learner feels supported by their teacher, they will develop rather than lose interest in learning. It is therefore important to recognise that I do not let my personal situations affect my professionalism. Samploon is a database of free essay samples. Equally, life has a habit of throwing various situations at us. As a Teacher, it is part of the role and responsibility to promote the right behavior and respect. 9 0 obj
Level 3 Award in Education and Training: Unit 1 Q&A, Level 3 Award IN Education and Training - Mark Kendrick Learning objectives: At the end of this lesson, learners will be able to: 1. 2. endobj
In same case may have financial, relational and emotional needs and is important to know the another professions and address the learners in the right way. The students should feel that they have the opportunity to participate and fulfil their potential in everything that they choose to embark on. Both of these people have a huge impact on ensuring that they continuously evaluate the students ensuring they understand the concept. Every teacher must believe and understand that all their learners should gain equal hopes, education and future ambitions from their learning. You can get writing help to write an essay on these topics 100% plagiarism-free, Explain how the Teaching Role involves working with other Professionals. 1.4. This essay has been submitted by a student. As a key part of our teaching and education training we need to develop knowledge and understanding of our roles, responsibilities and relationships within the teacher, student environment. The responsibilities and boundaries of teachers are centred within the following themes; Initial assessment, planning and preparing lessons, delivering and managing learning, supporting learning, and assessment. Handbook on Teacher Evaluation with CD-ROM. And these are crucial in delivering lessons to students in an efficient manner. The Confidentiality and Data Protection Act (1998) are very important legislations for a teacher. Explain the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles. by respecting them and exhibiting good practice such as making sure that the EVALUATION: The primary purpose of this report and compiling my Job Description is to gain knowledge, understanding and an insight into the role of a teacher. ensure that I follow the curriculum and work to targets and deadlines. It is important when you work with other professionals in an organization that you understand the roles of everybody else who works within the collective; because during the time you are working and teaching, you may call upon another professional who has more expertise in a subject or situation you are not familiar with and they can support you. contributing to planning, researching provision, sharing assessment outcomes, communicating student needs, negotiating support for students, contributing to internal quality assurance, liaising with referral agencies. A respectful level of professional separation should be maintained between the teaching role and the colleagues roles. Boyle, K., 2020. 3.2 Explain the boundaries between the role and other professional roles. stream
Weve got you covered. To accomplish this, teachers must prepare effective lessons, grade student work and offer feedback, manage classroom materials, productively navigate the curriculum, and collaborate with other staff. They must set an example for their students and must not discriminate, abuse (physically or verbally), dress inappropriately, or be late or messy. Having trouble finding the perfect essay? Teaching practice is the practical aspect of teacher training and it is an assortment of factual and dramatic characteristics. "Teaching is a continuous process which follows a series of steps to ensure effective learning and (Wilson, 2009). I would also use appropriate language and show interest in what the pupils are saying and support them with school activities., It is essential for the teacher not to display favouritism and to be approachable to all learners. Learners expect teachers to respect and protect the confidentiality, confidential information includes personal details. Describe the personal boundaries a teacher may need to consider when working with other professionals 3. Teachers have to be organized, reflective, and learn from successes as well as mistakes. xmk0=zv!c/J_zv+;)M1ew_-14pp5M>y*p"ge7e]%:Xx"#! Role of a Teacher: Deliver lessons effectively Plan engaging and relevant lessons Give regular feedback to learners Support learners with their studies Responsibilities of a Teacher: Keep up to date with subject knowledge Identify learners needs Plan and prepare all lessons and resources Mark assessments Marking student work and recording performance. 8 0 obj
832 Words. When seeking their to possess a relationship to his own work and to the total social totality of which it is a part 1 .This intellectualism , according to Adorno should extend to every section of the Childs curriculum and not just focus on an area in which the teacher is proficient. endobj
1.3. They just don't teach us, English, Math, or History; they teach us about life and what's to come. The initial task was to produce a job description on my ideal job. To deliver lessons effectively Of course all teachers want to pass on their knowledge in the most effective way possible. It is my duty to handle classroom, prepare lessons, prepare teaching materials, assess learners, identify needs, evaluate them and their delivery, maintain learners record of progress and facilitate learning. 5 0 obj
The Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974, it is my responsibility as a teacher to be aware of risks of harm or injury, preventing accidents. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. THE BOUNDARIES BETWEEN THE TEACHING ROLE AND OTHER PROFESSIONALS: Professional and personal boundaries define limitations between students and staff members. Their role is not just about teaching their subject or preparing learners for assessment, the focus of their role relates to inspiring their learners to change and develop their personal, social and professional skills to the best of their ability and to empower their learners to understand how to take responsibility for their own development. Through research and reading, I was able to extend my knowledge and understanding of the importance to the following areas: TEACHING ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES: My role and responsibilities as a teacher are paramount for success and a clear understanding of what is required is important for the students progress and building professional relationships within the College or educational environment. Brief for Assignment 1: unit 008 (level 4): Roles, responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning. A teacher should use a variety of teaching methods and assessment methods, ensuring policies and procedures dont discriminate against anyone. 1.1 Main Role and responsibilities as a teacher/trainer in education and training URRR 3.2 - Explain the boundaries between the teaching role and other professionals. Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. Similarly at each stage the teacher has to perform within certain boundaries., My role as a teacher will be to plan and deliver learning that will not only inspire and motivate the learners but it will also develop the knowledge, vocational skills, study skills and life skills the learners will need to help them succeed. Teaching is a continuous process which follows a series of steps to ensure effective learning and (Wilson, 2009). The main boundaries to be set are:, These are varied, as a teacher we should standardise our practices with others, prepare the material we wish to deliver. 3 0 obj
PROMOTING EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY: As a teacher, recognising everyone as individuals, with individual needs, learning requirements, backgrounds and religions is of paramount importance. Throughout the process I must make sure that the course is delivered with quality and professionalism and continually assess my own teaching style and course delivery. And avoid speaking about others in a negative way such as gossiping., Explain the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles, Explain the Boundaries Between the Teaching Role and Other Professional Roles. xn@-r="z "'$[lo&@j=|38'~8BJBp0Ck4qtEG\8Gpvqp/)*TLF)RdbF 2O&d m}%@5p/-PEz[T*j|
&l.,STnT5T\W*8q My main role as a teacher is to facilitate, curriculum. <>
This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Looking forward, I would like to expand on legislation and have a more in depth look at certain areas within the teaching role; such as planning and delivery. Module 3: Understand the relationships between teachers and other professionals in education and training.-Lesson 1: 3.1. And this ensures that students can enjoy their education without facing challenges that could affect their education. Skills and talents become needs too because they require nurturing to develop, once the teacher identifies them and provides the essential support to develop them, they help the learners to discover and grow them. Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals; The 'Team Around the Child' (TAC) concept can include any . teaching role involves working with other professionals Team role, e.g. There are professional boundaries within which the teaching role should engage with other professionals, and it is important not to overstep these boundaries by becoming too friendly or personal with them. They teach us good skills to take with us as we move on. The Term Paper on Students Diversity and Teaching Practices, The Essay on Teachers And Other Teachers Have Taught Students One Teacher, Understand own role and responsibilities in lifelong learning, Roles and Responsibilities in Lifelong Learning, Evaluate own roles and responsibilities in lifelong learning, Teaching Role And Responsibilities In Education And Training, Students Diversity and Teaching Practices. A teachers role is to arrange for suitable assessment for the students to ascertain their current skills and knowledge, to identify any barriers or challenges to learning to assess learning styles and to know the boundaries to work within. It provides learners with the one place that they feel safe. Understand the relationships between teachers and other professionals in education and training You can: Portfolio reference a. We use cookies to optimise your experience of the site. A teacher shouldnt share any information regarding learners unless the situation requires it, they have to follow the policies and procedures of the organizations they are working for and follow their codes of practice. endobj
Internal Quality Assurer: I should work with IQA to ensure | endobj
In order to do this teachers are responsible for promoting a safe supportive learning environment as well as promoting equality and diversity. This could improve communication, teamwork and build a sense of community and inclusion. THE NEEDS OF INDIVIDUAL LEARNERS AND POINTS OF REFERRAL TO MEET THEIR NEEDS: There will always be different strengths and weaknesses within a group of students. Have the ability to listen, be knowledgeable, support and guide. Awarding Body/External Quality Assurer: I will need to keeping up to date in subject area, awareness of codes of conduct, preparing sessions, keep records etc. URRR 3.3 - Describe points of referral to meet the individual needs of learners. They have to identify meeting individual learners needs, being aware of the support methods available. <>
Complete the table below explaining the working relationship that exists between the teaching role and other professionals, as listed below, then think of other professionals that you come into contact with and explain the relationships. The principles include: a teacher must develop an awareness, understanding and professional respect of all the roles which support them in their effectiveness. endobj
Boundaries between the teaching role and other Professionals. Question 1 Ongoing assessment is crucial as it points out the weaknesses and strengths of the students and it informs them as to where they are at and where they need to be. Collaborator. Their main responsibility is to confirm that learners are enrolled in the correct course, in terms of meeting their needs, abilities, ambitions and an organizations requirements. This promotes positive behavior and respect with the learners. They carry out initial and/or diagnostic assessments with clear communication with their learners, other professionals, and stakeholders by promoting appropriate behavior and respect for others. <>
visual or auditory impairment, physical disability, language, specific learning difficulties Challenging discrimination, working in groups, activities, celebrating festivals, using diverse resources. Explain ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment. All learners, whatever their needs, should feel included in a learning environment where different teaching styles are used, and where they feel safe, accepted and valued. They can also sit near a door or window where there is more light. Each step in the cycle requires specific roles and responsibilities of the teachers to enhance the overall results. Each learner should be treated equally. Avis, J., Fisher, R and Thompson, R (2015) Teaching in Lifelong Learning, 2nd Edition, Berkshire: Open University Press, Gravells, A. Teachers do not need to become best friends with their colleagues as the focus should remain on maintaining a professional relationship. 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