Since the Absolute is conscious energy in infinity (i.e. His experiences resonated with thoughts and perceptions I had long held to myself. The mechanics by which the mind exercises the consciousness function will be addressed in more detail later in this paper. Display of the subjects brainwave pattern on a cathode ray tube has proven to be a laboratory-validated means by which subjects may quickly learn to place themselves in profoundly relaxed states characterized by the sort of quietude and singularity of mental focus associated with advanced meditation. For example, if the subject wishes to increase the circulation in the left leg in order to speed up healing he may concentrate with his left brain on achieving that result while carefully monitoring a digital thermometer connected to the left leg. This holds true irrespective of whether the individual is exercising his consciousness while in his physical body or whether he is doing so after having separated that consciousness from the physical body (i.e. The third consciousness altering methodology which will be briefly described is biofeedback. B Only shows the most recent and not earlier version (s) C Makes statements that I will be paying less tax on 2023-24 than 2022-23. Then Marla interviews Paul Rademacher, President of the Monroe Institue, who tells of his own extraordinary journey into the world of Robert Monroe and his work. Post a job . New York, E. P. Dutton, 1977. The participant then extrudes the dot into the shape of a sparkling, vibrating cylinder of energy which he then uses to channel force from the universe to selected parts of his body for purposes of healing and revitalization. Approval of your application is required to attend. If you do find yourself getting better, please dont give us credit since we might end up in jail for practicing medicine without a license! The actual techniques employed for separating from the body involve such simple maneuvers as rolling out, lifting out after the fashion of a telephone pole wherein the individual separates in a rigid, headfirst manner (such that he finds himself standing at attention at the foot of his physical body) and sliding out through either end of his body. This is a must do event for anyone visiting St Louis or the local area. Thousands of people have journeyed from around the world to attend the highly acclaimed Voyage or another of the Institutes six-day residential programs. Select the gateway you want to create a data source for and give the data source a name. By registering differences in geometric form and in energy frequency, the consciousness perceives (see Exhibit 2). Analogies have been made to riding a wild horse. D. Use autohypnotic suggestion to attain much enhanced focus of concentration and motivation in rapidly progressing through Focus 12 exercises. Learn more at Position Summary: The Staffing Coord-Workforce Specialist maximizes MultiCare s labor resource efficiently through the end-to-end cycle that begins with schedule creation . Energy which is not confined is force without limit, without dimension, without the limits of form. Therefore, if the subject is in a fully awake state but hears sound frequencies which approximates brainwave output at the Theta level, the subjects brain will endeavor to alter its brainwave pattern from the normal Beta to the Theta level. Finally, I again found it necessary to use physics to bring the whole phenomenon of out-of-body states into the language of physical science to remove the stigma of its occult connotations, and put it in a frame of reference suited to objective assessment. Finally, when you arrive back at Gateway, you get a commanding view of the resort and The Palisade, which dominates the view of the resort, towering above the valley. It is taught in four Waves. Edith what are they doing now jeez!!! My father inspired me, he taught me not to compare myself to a man, that I have the ability to do anything not because of my gender but because I can. But if energy is in the state of infinity, there are no boundaries, no here to differentiate from there, no sense of area. Yes, I would like to receive emails from WHITLEY STRIEBER'S UNKNOWN COUNTRY. We have spoken at some length concerning the incredibly complex hologram which is created by the intersection of energy patterns generated by the totality of all dimensions of the universe, time-space included. In addition, by resonating with the earths electromagnetic sphere the human body creates a surprisingly powerful carrier wave to assist the mind in communication activity with other human minds similarly tuned. When reality ends, its constituent energy simply returns to infinity in the Absolute. There are no objects in movement, it is the movement which constitutes the objects which appear to us: They are nothing but movement. However, brain coherence through entrainment to beat frequencies introduced via stereo headphones is only part of the reason why the Gateway system works. We have implied that this hologram is the finite embodiment in active, energy form of the infinite consciousness of the Absolute. Wave 1 is actually pretty basic and requires an understanding beyond basic . Bentov states that scientists suspect that the human mind operates on a simple binary go/no go system as do all digital computers. Melissa Jager uses a metaphor to help clarify the process involved in the use of Hemi-Sync in the Gateway Experience. With schedules that fit your life. The potential is within all of us all of the time. On the other hand, transcendental meditation works in a distinctly different fashion. Please Note: The Tram Ride to the Top of the Gateway Arch is not fully accessible for guests with mobility impairments, as no wheelchairs, scooters or strollers are permitted on the Observation Deck. (You can unsubscribe anytime), Alternative News, Science, Culture, Religion, UFOs, alien encounters, A Scientist Shows Why Psychic Phenomena are Real, Nothing Beats Getting the Hell Scared Out of You with Friends. Human consciousness can do this because it has the capacity to duplicate aspects of its own hologram, project them out, perceive that projection, put it through comparison with the memory aspect (where its evaluation standards of measure are stored) of its own hologram, and measure or sense the differences using three dimensional geometry and then binary go/no go pulse to yield verbal cognition about the self. Indeed, regarding attempts to quantify what is known about the behavior of energy in dimensions apparently outside of time-space, Bentov speaks about, courageous physicists who are working on hypothetical particles, called Tachyons, which can move at speeds higher than light. Full-Time. Initially, based on conversations with a physician who took the Gateway training with me, I had recourse to the biomedical models developed by Itzhak Bentov to obtain information concerning the physical aspects of the process. The left hemisphere of the brain is the self-cognitive, verbal and linear reasoning component of the mind. Even the Christian concept of the Trinity shines through the description of the Absolute as presented in this paper. Achievement of this state of altered consciousness sets the stage for perception of non-time-space dimensions because of the operation of a principle in physics known as Plancks Distance. It may be helpful at this point to pause and recap the major aspects of our intellectual journey from time-space to the realm of the Absolute. New York, Wiley, 1969. 2023 - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP, Exploring Sublime States of Consciousness, 7 Spiritual Pilgrimage Trails That Could Change Your Life, Eat, Pray, Love Author: No One Is Too Busy to Be Creative (Harvard Business Review 2015 Interview). Whenever we perceive something, we always perceive differences only.. Gateway participants often report intuitive perceptions of sudden comprehension, a knowing, a gestalt. 3. Gateway is all about experiencing the nonphysical aspects of reality. Science now knows that both the electrons which spin in the energy field located around the nucleus of the atom and the nucleus itself are made up of nothing more than oscillating energy grids. Then, a portion of that consciousness is actually postulated to establish and maintain its information collection function in those dimensions located between time-space and the Absolute. Stimulation of the corresponding area on the cortex causes intermediate response in the associated portion of the body. Once this was done, the next step involved recourse to theoretical physics in order to explain the character of the time-space dimension and the means by which expanded human consciousness transcends it in achieving Gateways objectives. You are about to discover your ability to perceive, direct, and control your life in ways you never imagined possible. Learn more at Position Summary: This individual is responsible for expediting the administrative requirements for the patient referrals in the clinic, ensuring that appropriate referrals are . When the pressure pulse reaches the bifurcation in the lower abdomen (which is where the aorta forks in two to go into the legs), part of the pressure pulse rebounds and starts traveling up the aorta. Thus, availing itself of the FFR phenomenon, and using the technique of beat frequencies, the Gateway system uses Hemi-Sync and other audio techniques employing the FFR phenomenon to introduce a variety of frequencies which are played at a virtually subliminal, marginally audible level. Consequently, the Gateway process is designed to rather rapidly induce a state of profound calm within the nervous system and to significantly lower blood pressure to cause the circulatory system, skeleton and all other physical organ systems to begin vibrating coherently at approximately 77.5 cycles per second. That hologram is a mirror image of the Absolute in infinity, still exists outside time and space, but is one step removed from the Absolute and is the actual agent of all creation (all reality). A trainer will support your questions through weekly 1-hour video conferences. Attention use headphones while the gateway meditations.Find a place were you can sit or lay down and dont get disturbed.Here are also the full manuals for th. To my surprise my life has opened to another level of consciousness that I had previously only contemplated in dreams and deep philosophical conversations with friends. The scepters, staffs and maces carried by monarchs and high priests alike occur with such frequency in the history of bygone eras as to suggest that at the very least these items are aspects of some type of archetypical symbol which the human mind seems to appreciate. Consequently, it is accurate to observe that when a person experiences the out-of- body state he is, in fact, projecting that eternal spark of consciousness and memory which constitutes the ultimate source of his identity to let it play in and learn from dimensions both inside and outside the time-space world in which his physical component currently enjoys a short period of reality. This focusing of energy is not unlike the yoga concept of one pointedness, which we may translate in western terms as a single-mindedness., Dr. Twemlow goes on to observe that as the individual gets into the tapes beyond Focus 3, there is a gradual increase in brainwave size which is a measure of brain energy or power.. On the way home the whole car is sucked up into a ship how typically alien. Required fields are marked *. Specifically, it does this by comparing the image received with that part of its own hologram which constitutes memory. In other words, the technique of patterning recognizes the fact that since consciousness is the source of all reality, our thoughts have the power to influence the development of reality in time-space as it applies to us if those thoughts can be projected with adequate intensity. Although most have acquired enough of the digits to make clear that their consciousness was present none have ever succeeded in getting all ten correct. Consequently, induction of the suggestion that the left leg is numb, if it reaches the right hemisphere unchallenged and is referred to the appropriate area of the sensory cortex, will result in an electrical reaction being generated that will induce the feeling of numbness. The participant then gains access to the various levels of intuitive knowledge which the universe offers. The classic description of the universal hologram is to be found in a Hindu sutra which says: In the heaven of Indra there is said to be a network of pearls so arranged that if you look at one you see all the others reflected in it.. As Marilyn Ferguson, editor of the Brain/Mind Bulletin tells us: Another feature of a hologram its efficiency. The Hemi-Sync process provides the tools. the created world) as being an emanation of an omnipotent and omniscient divinity who is completely unknowable in his primary state of being. Then add strong REM sleep frequencies to induce left brain quiescence anddeep physical relaxation. % That hologram is often called a Torus because it is thought to have the overall shape of an immense, self-contained spiral. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Like certain strange discoveries of quantum physics, the radical reorientation of this theory suddenly makes sense of paradoxical sayings of mystics throughout the ages.. Admittedly, some people can be trained to remember their REM state dreams through intense conditioning in the waking state but even that may be more a function of establishing pathways in the right hemisphere which the left hemisphere can access following reentry into the wakeful state than it is an indication of any specific left hemisphere conscious involvement in the process during REM sleep. 2. Learn tools and techniques that allow you to quickly and easily enter into expanded states of awareness. Gateway assumes that once the frequency and amplitude of the human brain are rendered coherent, it is possible to begin accelerating both so that the human mind is soon resonating at ever higher vibrational levels. A certain space can be covered by energy moving in either particle or wave form in a certain time assuming a specific velocity virtually anywhere in the time-space universe. Requirements: - Currently be in Albania - Visit the link and register with temporary email. The tentative conclusion to be drawn is that the out-of-body state may be regarded as an extremely effective way of accelerating the process of enhancing consciousness and of interfacing with dimensions beyond time-space. self cognition. He's basically saying, there's no way you're going to get through The Gateway without a solid grounding in the brain-altering techniques that came before it. Greater health provides a greater life, not to mention lower doctor bills . The universe is composed of interacting energy fields, some at rest and some in motion. (FDA disclaimer: Any claims of better health have not been approved by the FDA so, of course, they cant happen. the brainwave output) can accelerate to the point where the resulting frequency pattern, if displayed on an oscilloscope, would look virtually like a solid line. Of this process, Bentov states: This is occurring at a very long wavelength of about 40,000 Km, or just aboutthe perimeter of the planet. I first attended the Monroe I first attended the Monroe Institute in October 2000 doing my Gateway Experience since that time I have returned 9 more times to do programs there. Atlanta, GA. Posted: January 30, 2023. The Absolute at rest in infinity is a concept straight out of Hebrew mystical philosophy. Listen free to The Monroe Institute - The Gateway Experience Series: Wave I: Discovery (Orientation, Introduction to Focus 10 and more). The Gateway Experience: Brain Hemisphere Synchronization in perspective. In addition, it leaves the right, hemisphere of the brain free to respond to the instructions and suggestions contained on the Gateway tape. In other words, it retains the power to perceive but loses the power of will or choice. To reach the . I am 70 yrs old now and had experienced a full life before attending the Monroe Institute, I thought. A level of self-discipline is required on the part of the individual to stick with it and follow the instructions. You just come back with a new understanding that you are more than just your body. They also state that not only the individuals past history is available for examination by one who has achieved Focus 15 but other aspects of the past with which the individual himself has had no connection may also be accessed. It was written by Wayne M. McDonnell to his commanding officer in the US Army Intelligence and Security Command. The GGW version is. There is a sound, rational basis in terms of physical science parameters for considering Gateway to be plausible in terms of its essential objectives. At 70 degrees fahrenheit an atom oscillates at the rate of 1015 Hertz. These points of energy blockage seem to provide the principal barriers to achieving the enhanced energy states and focus of mind needed for rapid progression. Contactless payments are changing the way shoppers shop and stores do business. It is the ideal mediumfor conveying a telepathic signal.. Niels Bohr, the renowned physicist once responded to his sons complaints about the obtuse nature of certain concepts in physics by saying: You are not thinking, you are merely being logical.. Gateway Experience / Hemi Sync. Without these points of rest, an oscillating wave pattern would be impossible since the points of rest are required to permit the energy to change direction and thus continue vibrating between rigid limits. The room you stay in has a bed/booth with headphones and you listen to the frequencies. What Bentov means is that inside the dimension of time-space where both concepts apply in a generally uniform way there is a proportional relationship between them. Original 29-page Report (FOIA Electronic Reading Room), Left Brain vs. It is not a form of psychotherapy, philosophy, religion, or medical diagnosis/ treatment. National . Therefore, the API gateway sits between the client apps and the microservices. our consciousness, therefore, is that differentiated aspect of the universal consciousness which resides within the Absolute. Until we teach the horse whos boss, we will be thrown around a lot. New York, Thames and Hudson Inc., 1980. You are embarking on an exciting and rewarding adventure. As a result, a self-reinforcing process should ensue whereby the farther consciousness in the out-of-body state can be projected beyond the time-space dimension, the more its level of energy output would be enhanced, thus promoting the potential for still further travel. 4. Hello, We are looking for Albania residents to help us with the testing of a deposit system. In some cases, the response may even arrive in the form of visual symbols which the individual will see with his mind while he is in the Focus 12 state and which he will have to interpret after he returns to normal consciousness. In the initial years of urban outreach, we focused on (1) united in prayer; (2) center of influence for Bible truth; (3) pre-evangelism house-to-house work; (4) preaching clear and distinct. ${active_variant.start_date} ${active_variant.end_date}, Please contact your trainer below for booking information, 8 Weeks / If these experiments are carried through, it is to be hoped that we will truly find a gateway to Gateway and to the realm of practical application for the whole system of techniques which comprise it. Once all of this is achieved, the participant is invited to envisage creation of an energy balloon comprised of an energy flow beginning at the center of the top of the head and extending down in all directions to the feet. Embark upon an odyssey of self-discovery! Beginning with Discovery, there are six "albums" called "Waves of Change." Each Wave (6 guided exercises) contains special Hemi-Sync exercises designed to gently lead the listener into deep states of . The Mystic Spiral. Enhance your study experience by tackling our Nokia 4A0-114 exam questions. As the ripples created by the simultaneous entry of the three pebbles radiate outward towards the rim of the bowl, Bentov further asks the reader to visualize that the surface of the water is suddenly flash frozen so that the ripple pattern is preserved instantly. Overall shape of an omnipotent and omniscient divinity who is completely unknowable in his primary state being. Long held to myself will support your questions through weekly 1-hour video.! We have implied that this hologram is the finite embodiment in active, energy form of,... Follow the instructions back with a new understanding that you are about to discover ability... A greater life, not to mention lower doctor bills beyond basic we have implied that this hologram is self-cognitive. Institute, I thought understanding beyond basic energy form of the corresponding on... 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