The historic hospital got its start in 1867 when . The five major cemeteries of Athens, where the cults held rituals, form a pentagram. My RA lived just a few doors away from this room and he said he did hear doors opening and closing while he was there alone, before students had moved in, but nothing beyond that. what was her name? Located in Athens, Ohio, in the United States is the historical Ohio University. Those who lived around me have also had similarstrange occurances. But cool to tell my kids who are into this stuff that I lived there! Every person who stayed in the room had experienced these strange things. NASA's Photos From Mars: Don't Tell Me the Red Planet Wasn't Once a Thriving World! The door to the room was sealed after students reported of ghost sightings at that place. It was then discovered that Wilson Hall was built on a cemetery of the Athens Mental Institute. Could be just bad luck. Washington Hall - This hall is said to be haunted by an entire basketball team of ghosts. Athens is a small town located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. I screamed at the top of my lunges. I lived in Wilson Hall in the fall of 2001. Does that count? Can anyone verify whether it really happened? Is Ohio University Haunted? Located in the middle of a Pentagram of cemeteries: check. I hope you read this so you could tell me more about the door because its defintly interesting! I was wondering if you still live in Wilson, and if its possible to get an interview with you? Nothing paranormal happened the entire year we lived there, only some really good partys. I found out that Washington Hallopened in 1955, was named after President George Washingtonand that it was supposedly haunted by an entire womens basketball team. I dont know. One of these patients, Margaret Schilling, was found dead after six weeks in an abandoned section of the hospital. Haunted Campus Stories: Ohio University & Dorm Room Ghosts. Besides the events already explained, unexplained sounds such as foot steps and marbles dropping have been reported along with electric disturbances and doors opening and closing without reason in several other dorms including: Truedly, Tiffin, Sargeant, Ryors, MacKinnon, and Lincoln Halls. One evening, one of the residents lay down to take a nap. This is perhaps the only university room in the world that is sealed and closed. I certainly chalked this up to maybe someone drunk dragging in. Openinga year after the state of Ohio was established in 1804, its a given that with the areasrich history, there are bound to be some very old ghosts walking the streets of Athens. The entire image was slightly darker wood than the rest of the door, so more of a shadow. I thought it odd that I had not noticed it before then. the handles are sawed off like that to prevent students from getting into the laboratory section of the building. The residents noticed that the woman was not only transparent, but was also floating a couple of inches above her chair. The dorm is allegedly so haunted that the university sealed off room 428 from students. Do you know if there is any truth to this? At least that was the story then. The door of the room would open and close on its own. The resident tired to assure her that it was OK, but she wasnt listening to him, almost as if she wasnt even aware of him. loosing stuff, getting hurt, falling classes, etc. Such ghost stories at places like the English Building and Lincoln Hall have dominated campus folklore. The story says that the female student died in a violent way in that room after practicing occult. A haunted location: Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. Im into investigating that legend as well. Sorry to disappoint everyone but I can tell you without hesitation that all the stories that you hear about that hall are bogus. A string of lights that had no batteries in them yet, turned on and started going through the preprogrammed cycle. She also mentioned seeing a girl with brunette hair passing by her door, but when she went to look, no one was there. Do any of these details match your door? Learn how your comment data is processed. Wilson Hallis the most famous haunted place on the campus. You could tell the wall was removed but it looked more for convenience to updating the heating system then anything else. At this point, the coincidence of three evil-connoted images was disturbing enough that I wanted the door out of my room. Although I lived down the hall from that particular room I was good friends with the two girls that lived in that room. . Room 428 doesnt exist. because this room just happens to be one of the most evil, haunted locations of an already very haunted place. On April 11, 1993, a student by the name of Laura was sitting on her window on the fourth floor of her dorm in Crawford Hall. I never noticed anything weird happening in that room, except one night we found a live bat with no explanation of how it had gotten in. While there are a lot of different details, they all agree on one thing, that she died in that room after losing her mind and either cutting her wrists or jumping from the window. To:' While misfortune and mystery have inspired rumors of the school's other ghosts, the apparitions of Reid Hall were rooted in a murder-suicide that took place in 1959. Established in 1804 and first opened to. After numerous incidents of this, her friends plot a line of where the source might be coming from or where it might be taking her. Cant find a picture anywhere to save my life. There were actually two girls living in that room when I was there, but they didnt say they experienced anything unusual. When I first glanced at it I was just kind of like thats weird until I started REALLY looking at it and noticed what it was. Athens, OH 45701-2906. Answer (1 of 3): Wilson Hall was reportedly built on an Indian burial ground. The haunted Ohio ghost town of Athens is one of the most popular places in all of the state when it comes to paranormal activity. South Green Armbruster, Atkinson, Dougan, Ewing, Fenzel . There was also a color differentiation along the outline, but it wasnt a solidly filled-in figure. Please note that the views and opinions of the columnists do not reflect those of The Post. However, it was not just a place where students lived. It sounds like you had a very similar experience! Sightings of ghosts have been reported in the two dormitory buildings, Kohler Hall and Lang Hall. The most haunted place on campus is said to be Wilson Hall. The reason it is not on the floor plan is more than likely so the students that dont know where it is dont get the idea to go exploring during the night when no one is awake to stop them. Residents of the room have reported being physically touched by unseen hands, as well as sudden drops in temperature. According to Ghosts of Ohio, Reid Hall on Miami University's campus is one of the most haunted locations in the entire state. RAs let us in the room around halloween. You have to write a letter and I made up some special event that would allow me to get out. Ohio University has pretty much all the elements you'd expect in a haunted school: Athens, Ohio is known for paranormal activity, the university is the site of the former Athens Lunatic Asylum (which now houses a museum of Art) and Wilson Hall, a dormitory, was built on an old Native American burial . Ok so these past 3 posts are chilling to me so Ill share my story as well and had some questionsso I was a middle school cheerleader in 98/99 and we came to the University for a cheer competition. this section is a laboratory of some sort, and students arent allowed in there from the dorm section. It is the building that most people point to when speaking about haunted Athens, Ohio. We would turn off our own clocks which were blaring the only radio station in town (terrible station, by the way) only to hear the same music coming from behind closed doors up and down the hall. Taking the Fresh m an on a Haunted Ohio State Tour. Assuming it was my classmates(hind site prob boiler noises) but this room I walked into looked like an old theater and had the entire wall painted black with some denonic figure and the opening of the mouth was the stage. In the early 1980s, research was done on the property. Athens, Ohio. Orton Hall is the second-oldest building on campus, named after Edward Orton Sr. who was Ohio State's first president as well as the university's first geology professor. . If your door is not mine, I wonder if you could find my old door in Hoover? Athens, OH. Will you send me a picture! Anyone here willing to share their story on our podcast? I lived in a single room in Wilson Hall on the same end of the hallway as 428 in 1984. It is also agreed that, whatever truth the stories actually hold, Room 428 is most certainly very, very haunted. About the Author: After touring 60 of the best colleges in Ohio, Dr. Jay, a prior faculty member and dean, founded College Bound Advantage (CBA) - a Columbus, Ohio college consulting firm. In showing the door to others that evening, I looked at the back of the door. The student was also rumored to have repeatedly attempted to contact the dead and that she often dabbled in sorcery practices. Hi I am a freshman at OU. This should not be a surprise. Are the halls of Ohio University housing the spirits of people long forgotten along with the leaders of tomorrow? Some of the detials you explain dont quite match my current closet door, but it could also be because you had this door 31 years ago and time may have messed up the drawings on the wood grain. Me: "Ma'am, you can't keep ten goldfish in a one-gallon bowl. Theydied in an accident, buthad had such a great time on campus that they decided to stay. He died in room 428 and years after that students residing in that room have said to hear strange sounds and hear footsteps as well as witnessing several objects moving by themselves on their own. Subject: Haunted Athens Built on top of a Native American burial ground: check. At the time, cults were known to be performing rituals in the cemeteries of Athens. Configuration: Singles . Show more. Like I said, it was taken by someone on the 3rd or 4th floor of Hoover. The 1st and 4th floors were resided in by boys and the second and 3d floors were the girls floors. Don't be scared of our haunted past, embrace it. I had a desk that was right next to my bed and where my head was, is where the drawer was near. Ohio University (Athens, OH) Legend says the spirit of David Tishman, an Ohio University student killed in a car accident in 1970, was contacted during a seance at the cemetery. Oftentimes, I found myself waking up early in the morning with both my sheets and comforter having been completely pulled off onto the floor. I had no doubt things were not normal in that dorm and in my room. Always thought the years there would make a great book. Haunted Colleges and Universities Majoring in the Business of Sports Colleges to Prepare for a Career in Education . Many other buildings in the campus have their own ghost stories making Ohio University one of the most haunted places in America. One of the most popular is that the hall was built upon a giant pentagram that can be drawn between five surrounding cemeteries on a map, and indeed Wilson Hall supposedly sits right in the middle of it. I was born in Athens and have lived here all my life. This is all spooky enough as it is, but it really picks up in the 1970s, with the tragic death of a student. I was sleeping. While walking around upstairs they came across a room that as far as they knew was unused, but the door was wide open. We had topographical maps where these smaller grave sites are mapped with a cross, but we found many more than those listed on the maps while hiking and climbing thru those hills over the course of that spring quarter. It was an outline, made by the actual wood grain lines. It was the first institution of superior studies located west of the Appalachian Mountains. So I saw the inside first. And other strange phenomena such as the face of a demon showing up in the wood grain on a dorm room door, where a girl believed to be possessed killed herself. There was also an outline of a tail between the two legs. Its an experience I will never forget. The graveyards are scattered around the area and, when looked at on a map, they form a pentagram. I Often Hear That: I'll Share Some With You, TikTok and Its Strange Proliferation of Mysterious Accounts of Skinwalkers, A 3,500-Year-Old Frozen Mummified Bear Found in Siberia. I lived in Wilson in the late 70s when it became a co ed dorm. . She spoke, saying, Im sorry, Ive woken you. I am just finding out how many mysteries lie in Athens,Ohio . Some believers say that the university campus is situated between a few cemeteries and, therefore, forming a magic figure that brings all misfortunes to the university. It was normal to be sleeping and hear doors slam in the hallway. Ohio University is a go-to spot for ghost hunters! . Weekly free ghost stories delivered to your inbox, Legend of Mary Stockum (West Lafayette, Ohio). This supposedly haunted hall is incredibly similar to James Hall. Established in 1804 and first opened to students in 1809, it has a long history, being the oldest university in Ohio and the 8th oldest in the country. Feb 24, 2017 - Explore Carrianne Price's board "Ohio University" on Pinterest. I slept over once and we heard what sounded like people stomping around above us all night. In the middle of the doors backside, in the wood grain, was the outline of two animal hind legs with shaggy fur and hooves. 428 of the Wilson Hall on the west Green is locked. I also first noticed what was on the closet door while I was talking on the phone too. One of the best-knownlegends is of Margaret Schilling, a female patient who disappeared in 1978 and was found dead weeks later on the abandoned top floor with her clothes neatly folded next to her. My body and floated around the room. Were collecting supernatural experiences on college campuses. We were told we had a ghost on the first floor where I lived that hated any music by Bob Marley, who just happened to be one of my favorites at the time. ATHENS, Ohio (WOUB) -- Ohio University is investigating an incident in which a racist note attached to a large garbage bag was left outside a dorm room.The note, handwritten in black ink on lined A pentagram is the ancient occult symbol of power and magic. I need to get some people to help me get into some of these buildings. It is said that after a . You need a filter, and". In her free time, she writes for her personal blog: During her time there, she is president, campus correspondent and writes for Her Campus. What draws these forces here, especially to that room? I've had a hundred of these things, and I've never had one live more than a week or two Learn how your comment data is processed. Wilson Hall is the most famous haunted place on the campus. and where can I find more information on her case?! Your email address will not be published. My roommate did. There. Join MU Plus+ and get exclusive shows and extensions & much more! It was viewed as interesting or funny/ironic in light of Athens well-know haunted reputation. I live in Sargent and think I have the same thing. I moved out after the fall quarter and requested from the University that they let me live off campus. Hi Jessica L CBA specializes in helping families optimize . There were several incidents where I felt like I left It is the building that most people point to when speaking about haunted Athens, Ohio. Im really glad I returned to this site by chance and read your post. He's written articles for MU and Daily Grail and has been a guest on Coast to Coast AM and Binnal of America. YES! The building is apparently located in the middle of an immense pentagram consisting of five . Many students report strange and unexplained happenings in the dorms in which they live on. I dont need a floor plan to find 428, just go to the room across from 427, its most likely not listed as 428 cause its been deemed no longer inhabitable. Although different dorms serve as the setting, the stories reported are sometimes the same, although there are always exceptions. It was the first coed experimental freshman dorm on campus at the time. my mom was once a student at OU. I do not remember anyone dying there but Athens was always a spooky place. 1. Sometimes this story is about a young woman and sometimes a young man, but no one has ever found a record of any death in that room and the RA told me he thought it was just a rumor. After a shooting occurred in 1959, the building became known as one of the most haunted buildings on campus. The five major cemeteries of Athens form the points of a pentagram. Wilson Hall is the most famous haunted place on the campus. He also said that he heres giggling in the hallways when no ones there, also his door has slammed shut on many occasions. (expect noise and random people in your hall.) Wilson Hall is one of the oldest buildings on the campus of Ohio University in Athens, and surpassingly, not a single report of unexplained phenomena have been reported from there, however, there may be an explanation as to why. I also heard that the story about the woman who escaped the insane asylum was also false. I lived on the 2nd floor of Sargent Hall on the West Green, right near Wilson Hall. It looked like a snarling devil. Wilson Hall itself, named in the honor of the late faculty member Hiram Roy Wilson, is actually a rather new building, erected in 1965 and not nearly as old as much of the campus around it, yet it has nevertheless managed to attract quite the impressive reputation as being incredibly haunted, with all sorts of urban legends congregating around it over the years. , Dougan, Ewing, Fenzel if there is any truth to this of. They form a pentagram its defintly interesting room ghosts many students report strange and unexplained in. On its own find more information on her case? her chair also a color along. And 4th floors were the girls floors a haunted Ohio State Tour students arent allowed in there from University... Middle of an already very haunted is most certainly very, very haunted State.. Were the girls floors i also first noticed what was on the west Green, right near Wilson.. The graveyards are scattered around the area and, when looked at on a map, they form pentagram. 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