If you search for and click this article, chances are you're wondering and getting worried about why your dog stares at the wall. padding: 15px 0; padding: 0 15px; They can still function in life, for the most part.But being able to get through the day doesnt mean its easy. .wpb_animate_when_almost_visible { opacity: 1; }. If he responds, it might just be a weird habit they like doing. I'm not spacing out; in contrast, I'm actively thinking. It is what it sounds like. I realise this is really late in finding this post. Dog Tail Docking: 5 Dangers of This Procedure (Based on Science). } It's like working without moving. Lets take a look at the main reasons that your dog might start staring at walls and what you can do to help them. Sudden stiffening, facial twitching, fly biting' or biting into the air, and staring into space are some of the common symptoms of a partial or focal seizure. .navigation-search.nav-search-active { Press J to jump to the feed. Choosing Your Dog's Gender: Male or Female ? } } It leads to the loss of memory, learned behaviors and tricks, and motor functions. } Hence, staring at any particular object or barking at nothing are usually thought to be the signs of dogs seeing any nonhuman energy. /* magazine Grid Golden Ratio 5 block standard */ His g Depression Fallout Message Board. } For the first thing: happens to me plenty, do not worry, the Google sites said. } left: 0; Its Your First Night With A New Puppy, What Should You Do? If this sort of activity is appealing or comforting to you, you are probably overworked or incredibly stressed. You might want to think about takin @media (max-width: 768px) { Dancing, strutting, singing loudly, pulling faces. You are so strong, stronger than you know. } I just wanted to close my eyes and sleep until all of the symptoms were all done. February 27, 2023 1:00 pm. } Virtual support group for LOVED ONES of people suffering from depression and bipolar disorder. WebDH has been sitting in the lounge room staring at the wall for at least an hour. } Other than that, your dog might be seeing, smelling, or hearing something, which you cannot. Thank you! And so if if the Derrick Rose situation doesnt play out, which looks like it, most likely wont, then they have t Although they may not experience it the same way humans go through clinical depression, they still feel down, sad, and just depressed in general. // forced Learn how your comment data is processed. object-fit: cover; } width: 100%; We should also note that staring at walls is very different from head pressing against the wall, which is a much more serious warning sign about your dogs health. .blog footer.entry-meta, All my energy, what little I have, goes into wishing Ill just die. WebDH has been sitting in the lounge room staring at the wall for at least an hour. transform: scale(1); .vc_column_container>.vc_column-inner { object-fit: cover; } } BenzoBuddies policy concerning suicide,self harm and threatening behavior DETAILS, Login with membership name, password and session length. In this quest, they behave as they have some sort of compulsive disorder. /*Post Background pading*/ margin-right: -1px; While these actions seemed harmless for the most part, what makes them compulsive is when they just become too much even for animals (or dogs, for that matter!). I am haunted by my past. background-color: #eeeeee; The dog version of the latter issue is called Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS). .single .page-hero h1 { ALSO RELATED: Dogs in Halloween Movies (Scariest and Most Adorable Ones!). If he is tilting his head side to side with his ears pricked, he might be hearing something. It could be that they have spotted a problem with your wall, but it may also be that something is wrong inside of them that is driving this compulsive and out-of-character behavior. display: -ms-flexbox; There are lots of different reasons why your dog might stare at the wall. Mix together some plaster of Paris (dry mix) with water in your bucket. If a tumor is suspected, an MRI is done. How Will I Know? .widget-title { If you suspect something is wrong with your dogs health then contact your veterinarian immediately. Give them more exercise Keeping active is an important way to treat depression in humans as exercise releases dopamine into the body. Their normal brain function deteriorates which results in weird and unwanted behaviors like, yes, staring at walls. if (typeof window.onload != 'function'){ Dogs acting weird or scared could mean they are stressed or anxious about something. If your wall is against a window directly in sight of a street lamp or any source of light outside, chances are any objects moving past it can cast a shadow on your wall. left: 0; I don't know, I guess I just thought it was me. I dont feel a thing, not down or anything, just flat. Why Do Dogs Kick Their Leg When You Scratch Their Belly? And then home, too, of course. margin-right: unset; pointer-events: initial !important; It's important to consider the soil composition and how it will affect the plants. Is it a paranormal activity? :not(.widget).wpsp-card .wp-show-posts article, .wpsp-card .wp-show-posts-image { Literally. Related Read: Flea Medicine for Dogs: 5 Best Flea And Tick Prevention Products. /* Add wpsp-align class to to WPSP List shortcode wrapper */ I was bedridden for months with a crushing depression. You have allowed your mind to I just laid there. However, if the dog is facing the wall all the timeor is pressing its head against the wall, this is not normal behavior! Dogs act weird all the timeI mean, they eat their own poop, but they tend to be consistent. Why Does My Puppy Snore? An old Connecticut Ag Experiment, Prevention and Management of Issues with Tomato Plants in Your Garden, Growing tomatoes in your garden can be a rewarding experience, but its important to be aware of the potential issues that can arise. I literally felt no emotions at all, i couldnt even be bothered to move my head. -o-object-fit: cover; When I'm manic, I've been known to pace and count my steps obsessively and when I'm depressed I wander and sing to myself. However, since there is no backing from science, it is better to contact a vet instead of a ghostbuster if you observe your dog staring at walls. grid-row: 2 / 4; The key is to look out for what might have changed for your dog to cause their behavior to change, and for accompanying systems that might indicate a medical issue. padding: 5% 8%; If your dog sits facing the wall day after day, it may be suffering from depression. -webkit-box-pack: center; I wont go into specifics about my issues, cause honestly, does it even matter? Surfing the internet is both bad and good for that: Bad because it distracts, good because I can look up information about anything I am "thinking" about. The dog may want to go outside to go to the bathroom, but then seems to forget why he is there. It is a combination of intense fatigue (thus you sit motionless staring at nothing) plus the overwhelming misery and blankness in your head which makes you care about nothing yet feel terrible and wish to die. Thanks to countless series and movies, it's easy to assume that a dog staring into nothing could mean they're actually seeing something haunted and otherworldly (We're looking at you, Hollywood!). -webkit-box-orient: vertical; if(all_links.href.search(/^http/) != -1 && all_links.href.search('shelterapet.com') == -1 && all_links.href.search(/^#/) == -1) { background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.95); .wpsp-align .wp-show-posts-inner>div { } .wpsp-grid .wp-show-posts article:nth-child(3), .wpsp-grid .wp-show-posts article:nth-child(4) { /* Navigation */ If your dog is no longer thrilled with the prospect of a walk or car ride, something is wrong. as this require a massive amount work? } -webkit-transform: scale(1.1); These mostly include depression, prosencephalon disease, and balance problems. One of the reasons for dogs staring at walls is partial seizures (also called focal seizures). } Staring at the wall can be a symptom of three concerns: Feline cognitive dysfunction, feline hyperesthesia syndrome, and head pressing. In general, a cat engaging in long gazes at the wall is nothing to worry about. This overexcitement can sometimes cause unusual behaviors such as humping the air when they see you. grid-row: 3; When Is My Dog Considered A Senior? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Don't pay attention, don't do work. } First time I did it was when I was a very young child, this is my first memory of depression. Many people work a lifetime to achieve what you fell upon. Staring at walls can also be a sign that your dog is suffering from depression. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. padding: 20px; Your vet will perform a physical exam on the dog, along with diagnostic tests to rule out underlying medical conditions. .blog .inside-article, .archive .inside-article{ I also struggle with the post cut depression, muscle pain/weakness and of course elevated anxiety. .generate-columns-container article .entry-header, .wp-show-posts-entry-header { .wpsp-grid .wp-show-posts article:first-child { They can forget things and begin to feel disoriented. .wpsp-grid .wp-show-posts article:nth-child(2) { background-color: #ffffff } transition: all 0.1s ease-in; You may not remember it, but they sure did. Any strange lights for them can also pique their interest. .archive.post-image-above-header .inside-article div.post-image, .wpsp-card .wpsp-content-wrap { Also, consider what things might have changed in your dogs life recently. person will also do same in support of you. You keep on trucking too, look forward to your next youtube update. text-align: center; I feel numb. WebPerhaps if you suffer from panic attacks, sitting and focusing on looking at the wall is a calming mechanism. -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; i'm also tired of trying to be possitive. To combat it, I find that in blank spells I need to draw or read or do something that involves the complete use of my mind. I don't think I drift off for more than 30 mins at a time. } .generate-columns-container article .inside-article img, .wp-show-posts-image img { As a Chewy Affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases. However, it's also understandable why it could worry you, especially if it's accompanied by other actions that are unusual even for your furry oddball. Peer support for anyone struggling with a depressive disorder. .wpsp-card .wp-show-posts-inner { Sometimes, dogs just can't help itthey could be the weirdest yet cutest goofballs. I have been unemployed for two years now. How many times a day do you catch your dog standing still and staring at the wall? getting stuck in the racing thoughts and forgetting the task at hand. I am a generally a strong, fit guy, but holy cr@p, somedays I feel like a 85 year old man. It could just be that they have sensed something interesting that you havent picked up on. overflow: hidden; Hey outstanding website! WebDownload de stockvideo Teen girl looking at her reflection in the mirror fragments on the wall at street. your reaction time. Because paying attention to someone else is so stressful. It is just easier to stare at something simple and plain than listen to some liberal prea Luckily, some well-established scientific facts can help find the truth. leave the rest . Point blank I don't think it's uncommon to hit a point where all you can seem to do is stare at a wall or wander or whatever it is you do. Once you work out why the face is swelling, you'll Crate training dogs can be a useful tool, butnot all dogswill fall in love with their crates. } WebStaring At The Wall 2,256 views May 19, 2018 42 Dislike Share Jonathan Mann 72.8K subscribers This is yesterday's song! } .post-image { But whether you're the sort of fella who believes in the paranormal or not, it's still best to first rule out any medical reasons that may be causing your dog to stare blankly at a wall. Your dog will probably do this to try to relieve some kind of pressure that they are feeling inside their head. Dogs may do these compulsive behaviors to comfort them especially when they're feeling stressed or afraid. But don't panic just yet! .header-widget .lsi-social-icons li { It's good to do that. I should try it! You're awfully smart. You're actually doing something mental health experts recommend. You're becoming prese Besides, there are some other theories as well that can aid in solving this riddle. There could possibly be a physical injury you can easily spot. Read: Staring at you while you're busy doing something could mean they want your attention, too. if(force != '' && all_links.href.search(force) != -1) { margin: 0 30px; Dogs can have a tendency to develop compulsive behavior, especially if they are bored or under-stimulated. Feline cognitive dysfunction } There are a variety of different causes of seizures. I just nap now topass time or browse meaingless shit on my phone. What country and what community? Instead, look out for a loss of equilibrium and difficulty controlling their body movements in general. You have discovered a special type of meditation which allows you to shut your mind off. Excellent! Focusing on a spot on the wall allows you to bl You may think of this as brain fog.. I agree with your last youtube post that the mind does become more clear and slowly Vitality increases in the windows. .right-sidebar #primary { } display: -ms-flexbox; If your dog keeps staring at the wall, there might be some medical reasons such as Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS) or seizures behind it. document.links[t].setAttribute('onClick', 'javascript:window.open(\'' + all_links.href.replace(/'/g, '') + '\', \'_blank\', \'noopener\'); return false;'); As in the case of smell, dogs also hear far better than we do because they can hear high-frequency sounds and even those that are far away. RE: the Original Poster- when I do this, it's usually a sign of depression. In this case, a little bit of staring at the wall isnt doing them any harm. @media (min-width: 768px) { One of the reasons for dogs staring at walls is partial seizures (also called focal seizures). But before you jump to conclusions, let's discuss below the common reasons why your dog stares at the wall, and when should you be worried. As the Promises state in so simple a manner, this does not mean that oh well, we made some mistakes so lets forget about everything that happened in the past after all its in the past. And we can spend a lot of wasted time wallowing in the self-pity that occupies any addiction. } Often mistakenly lumped together with worm infections such as tapeworms, roundworms, whipworms, hookworms, and others because of its name, ringworm is dogs isnt actually caused by worms instead, it is fungal infections. document.links = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); Take what you need . Thankfully, staring at walls doesn't usually have any sort of negative consequence. WebAnswer (1 of 3): Subconsciously when your thoughts are involved in emotional thinking thats what drives you at staring and sometimes the when you have a fear about what the other person is thinking about you is when you feel so. Not a single thought goes through my head, except for the Depending on the diagnosis, behavioral therapy can help your dog return to what it always used to be. Yep, Been there. If you need to leave the house. Have you had a dog that loved to stare at walls? padding: 0 !important; So he might sit next to the wall and stare at it if the voice is coming from that direction. What medical conditions can cause it? Anyone get nights like this, you got Netflix, internet, tv, video games etc so many things you can do but you feel crap and just literally do nothing for hours then time passes then go to bed, how you get out this rut when you feel so crap and don't want to do anything or enjoy it. /* Single column align side image */ But what if your dog isnt head pressing the wall, its just staring relentlessly? I will be reading or watching tv, and suddenly no longer be doing that task - I will be stuck inside my mind with my thoughts swirling around me. Good for your brain. WebThis is a discussion on Staring at the wall within the Depression forums, part of the Depression Forums category; I have been unemployed for two years now. } height: 250px; } bottom: 120px !important; All my joy and contentment was ripped away from me. The smells and texture also provide important stimulation, which they just cant get if they are stuck inside all day. flex-direction: column; probably not. You will probably also notice changes in their eating and sleeping habits, and potentially that they lick and chew excessively. Dogs change for a reason. It is common for dogs to stand close to a door or a wall to press their heads against it. I'm tired of being strong. When dogs long for something, they might sit by the door and stare at it or the wall, waiting for their loved one to come home. .blog.post-image-above-header .inside-article div.post-image { Is there any solution?. The vet would also make sure if there is any serious underlying ailment like cancer or poison. Your email address will not be published. . Benzodiazepine Withdrawal & Recovery Support, Quote from: [Buddie] on January 21, 2016, 10:36:30 pm, Quote from: [Buddie] on January 22, 2016, 03:46:27 pm. } When it doesnt work, things go wrong. the reason i'm even typing this up is to drive me away from staring at the wall. margin-bottom: 0.5em !important; It might also be that there is a dead rat in your walls, which you cant really smell (yet), but your dog can. margin: 0; You can read about exactly how much exercise a Labrador retriever heeds here. Does he soil inside the house despite previous house training? text-align: center; It is not their fault if they have forgotten their house training, or dont recognize you and get scared and bark. Not in the moodthe latter option I think, for now at least. grid-column: span 4; esmereldaskysurfer, May 16, 2010 in Bipolar Spectrum Disorder - The Pole Dance. Read: There are lots of different reasons why your dog might choose to stare at the wall. We also might regret all the time that we wasted staring at the blank wall, alone and trying to figure out in the circling of our thoughts the whys of our immobility, passivity and pain. My mother did this when depressed, and I do it too when pretty damn depressed. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. .wpsp-grid article:not(:first-child) .wp-show-posts-entry-summary, .wpsp-grid article:not(:first-child) .wp-show-posts-entry-meta-below-post, .wpsp-grid article:not(:first-child) .wpsp-read-more { position: relative; They will probably also feel very lethargic, and you will notice that their eyes lack focus and may even move in strange directions. The 95th Academy Awards ceremony will take place on Sunday, March 12. Spend time in nature Spending time in the great outdoors is vital for dogs as it is their natural habitat where they feel most comfortable. } It is worth noting that wall staring is quite different from head pressing, which is when your dog not only focuses on the wall but presses their head into it. Dogs can exhibit such behavior for several reasons; however, it might be a sign of nerve damage or an injury in the forebrain. He knows your in the house. display: -webkit-box; Go about your merry way. They say that when having a panic attack or feeling stressed, you are to focus on an object and stare at it until you feel the stress disappear so external_links_in_new_windows_load(external_links_in_new_windows_loop); Wish I didn't have to walk through there to get to the kitchen. transform: scale(1.01); it doesn't matter the trigger its there. Animals also develop compulsive behaviors or bad habits. When you think of seizures, you'd probably imagine uncontrollable shaking, eyes rolled upwards, and foaming in the mouth. line-height: 0; The vet will likely have the dog undergo an MRI. /* Widgets */ Here are some of the possible reasons why your dog is suddenly staring at the wall, into space, or into the corner. i've been thinking lately, doing a lot of introspection and I know the difference between different types of suicidal thoughts. // console.log('Changed ' + all_links.href); Today started off rather normal (coming down out of a long manic episode) and by noon I was on my face in bed. It may be why56% of people sleep with their pets. Whatever the reason may be, it is better to take professional help if you often find your dog staring on the wall, into space, or at the door. box-sizing: border-box; Any significant changes such as moving to a new home or schedules that leave less time for the dog can cause depression. Its not just a dog facing the wall that indicates depression. filter: hue-rotation(90deg); } While we provide information resourced and Pet education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. When I did it it was usually when I was rather content and happy though. I hate my life. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Your dog might be waiting for someone from your family he loves the most to walk in. -webkit-box-direction: normal; I had actually been taught that it is good to be able to be quiet within yourself, and spend time by yourself without feeling lonely. Press J to jump to the feed. .vc_row { Depression Fallout Message Board. .relpost-block-single:hover{ text-transform: uppercase; But it may be strange and spooky waking 2020 TopDogTips.com. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. background-color: transparent; } -webkit-box-orient: vertical; A dog that presses its head against the wall may suffer from a disease of the forebrain, a disorder of the brain. } ALSO RELATED: 25 Most Common Dog Behavior Issues: Habits and Problems That Are Not Normal. Because of their superior hearing and smelling abilities, dogs can actually be the perfect pest detector. If they have little habits like walking in circles before they sit or sleeping on the bathroom floor, these are likely to be consistent as well. Just like in humans, aging dogs can get addled. document.links[t].removeAttribute('target'); TOP #124: How To Choose Safe and Healthy CBD Products for Your Pet, TOP #97: How to Choose the Right CBD Products for Dogs, Recipe: Slow Cooker Chicken, Rice and Veggie Meal, Recipe: Balanced Homemade Dog Food with Ground Beef, Recipe: Homemade Dog Treats for Urinary Health, Recipe: Oatmeal Dog Food Meal with Chicken and Vegetables, Can Dogs Eat Lentils? } But when your dog starts adopting new behaviors, which might be normal for some other dogs but is unusual for yours, then you need to pay attention. margin-bottom: 0; } h2.entry-title { margin-bottom: 0 !important; To recap, your dog standing still and staring into space or staring into a corner could mean: While it's easy to panic and jump to conclusions, it's better for your dog's welfare and your nerves to keep an open mind and be observant of all other existing symptoms. WebFocusing on a spot on the wall allows you to blurr what you see and sink inside. .wpsp-grid article:not(:first-child) .wp-show-posts-image a img { .generate-columns-container article .entry-header .entry-title, .wp-show-posts article .wp-show-posts-entry-title { if(document.links[t].hasAttribute('onClick') == false) { However, as in the case of CDS, only a vet can tell if your dog has any of these medical conditions. Hydrocortisone is a medicinal substance found in many human-grade topical products. (Should I Worry?). } Labradoodle Lifespan And What To Expect At Each Life Stage, Bringing Home A New Puppy Tips For Getting Prepared, Upgrade their diet You are what you eat, and so is your pup. min-width: 300px; The good news is it will go away eventually! Link exchange is nothing else except it is simply placing grid-row: 1 / 2; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35); @media (max-width: 899px) and (min-width: 600px) { Stroke is not as common among dogs as it is among humans, so speak to your doctor to determine if it is a stroke or if there is something else going on with your pooch. If your dog is staring at the wall, there are various possible reasons, ranging from dementia to dog depression. } For example, you should remove objects that might hurt them if they walk into them. When I'm like this my mind often goes blank and I find myself just staring at something for quite awhile. } Are they spending more time alone? As your dog gets older their mental facilities deteriorate. -ms-flex-pack: center; An account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations my. 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