Mainly, I do not know if the Abomination of Desolation takes place before or after the Great Warning happens. So, no evil people or people with bad intentions will be at the refuges. You were not perfect, I know you are thinking, and yet you accepted responsibility for any mistakes and learned from them asking your Jesus for help and guidance. The secrets of Medjugorje are about to be revealed to the world, and they will change the way we see the world forever. Janko Bubalo continued: P. Janko: It was November 29, 1982. the date to the world, along with the other Medjugorje visionaries, and Conchita of Garabandal. Israel will embrace the Catholic Church. Chastisement will wipe out much of the world. (Note: I believe that Conchita will be told by God, too, the exact location in the U.S. for the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal, during The Warning encounter. They embrace the world and all it offers as a substitute for the Bread of Life. Finally, towards the end of the Great Tribulation, there will be the martyrdom of the Two Witnesses of Revelation in the city of Jerusalem. BBC reporter Mary Craig also reports an event that took place in the mid-1980s, while a team of French and Italian scientists examined the seers and their apparitions., * * * IMPORTANT * * * THE IMPERATIVE DIRECTIVE The Only Survival Chance For America Deciding The Fate Of The World So, potentially, that results in a huge majority of people dying by nuclear weapons ending up as lost souls in hell. Next I see that in the dark vacuum created in the wake of Jesus expulsion from the tabernacle, the anti-Christ rises and is welcomed. This world cannot give you security and peace, Virgin Marys Message to Ivan from Blue CrossBlessed Mother Offers Special Prayer for the Family and the Young, While Contemplating Decision to Go to Medjugorje in Deep Prayer Womans Rosary Beads turn to gold LINK AFTER LINK TURNED TO GOLD., October 5, 2018 Ivan Has Special Apparition on Hill I wish to invite you, in this time of grace, to a total abandonment to my Son., Mirjana Saying Prayer on Microphone When Virgin Mary Suddenly Appears Faith is being extinguished9 in many souls., Medjugorje, prayer of healing and liberation June 9, 2019, Medjugorje: There will be a long and decisive appearance, and Rome has been entrusted with the great responsibility of accepting or rejecting Mary in the name of all mankind., July 2, 2018 Mirjanas Apparition My children, ceaselessly think of my Son and love Him immeasurably and you will have true life, and that will be for eternity., Convert now, before the time comes when it will be too lateSatan has tightened his grip on human beings Here is the reason why Our Lady stays with us on earth for so long, Medjugorje: The prophecy of July 25, 2019 gives us only one way outMessages are increasingly pressing, Christmas Apparition found in neighborhoods photo, Medjugorje: Advice from Heaven Mirjana: To keep the devil away, houses should be blessed regularly and you should keep at least one sacred object in the home., Dear children, The reason I am with you. This unique grace associated with the Sign of Medjugorje (privilege only given to believers and not unbelievers of seeing the Blessed Mother and Jesus), actually seems consistent with what Medjugorje visionary, Vicka, has remarked about the Sign in different interviews. When this happens the eyes of the Jewish people will see for the first time. The third important aspect that I admit very frankly is that I do not consider myself to be a very smart person. Especially since March 2018, I have been quite active doing much work for Our Blessed Mother. Sometimes in my commentaries, I repeat things often, because I do not know if readers have read my previous writings or not and I want to be as thorough as possible, so people do not get confused., COMMENTARY: I love you all very much. Vicka has also said that these are the words of the Blessed Mother about the Sign of Medjugorje: She tells us not to wait for the sign on the mountain in order to convert, and in any event, all the secrets that I have confided will be realized and also the visible sign will be made manifest. Truly, every kindness extended by blog readers is so appreciated by me. Because of the humility required by My chosen visionaries, they cannot exalt themselves in the eyes of the world, for it is not in their nature. All the churches see the uniqueness of Jerusalem. And so, let us hope and pray in earnest, these desires of Our Lord! Our Lady has also stated in the Locutions, that the tragedy of the annihilation of nations, is that such a world war catches the lives of so many people off-guard without adequate preparation for the moment of death and final reconciliation with God. My Divinity will be brushed to one side. Now, their enemies gather arms and the tide is shifting. You must not keep trying to establish the date for The Warning. Because I want to be fair and translating a book is a hard job, especially, under time restraints; Two, I would like to give a little incentive pay for the two gentlemen whom I am collaborating with on this third book. Limbo is the place where the unborn infants spiritually go upon death, because free-will is a gift that is given to people when they are born and unborn infants who die due to abortion or miscarriage do not have free-will. . Monday, June 20th, 2011 @ 11:45. I have brought the three of you together for this important work. As I indicated, the prayer efforts from last year enabled me to write the Appeal to Pope Francis, which I believe will be instrumental in saving his soul and helping the Blessed Mother in furthering Her Peace Plans among Her children. Specifically, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, has indicated through Catholic prophets, such as John Leary (, and The Little Prophet of Love (, that the Warning will happen this Fall / Autumn 2020. Eventually, you will not find a proper teaching church, and you will need to come to your homes or prayer groups for a proper Mass from a faithful priest. Specifically, She mentions Miracles such as the movement of the earth, etc. Do not turn to the side when you are being assailed by the evil one every minute of the day. I was actually really surprised that I was able to write it so fast without any evil interference involved and it made me so happy when the next day, Tuesday, August 8, 2017, God the Father said these words at Holy Love: I am Father God Patriarch of all nations. Tuesday, January 20th, 2015 @ 20:40. Well, the answer to that question is very plain to see: the direction of the world is very much dependent upon the direction that the United States takes in the world. So, in Sarajevo, I had many people who joined me in this prayer. As usual, I do not claim perfect discernment, but I offer these reflections for readers fruitful consideration. Truly, every kindness extended by blog readers is so appreciated by me. Failed Prophecy Economic Collapse Believing In Locutions To The World Then she said that everyone should pray to be reduced, Mirjana told the Franciscan priest Fr Tomislav Vlasic on January 10, 1983, sixteen days after receiving the tenth secret that ended his daily appearances. I Am not going to stand by without warning My children of the consequences of embracing this abomination, created in the depths of Hell and inflicted upon humanity. Such apparitions did not go unnoticed by satan. Instead, pray that such souls will see enlightenment. Truly, these thoughts were coming from a superior being and are not my own because I could never think in this wayI am simply not that smart. However, the creation of Babylon only becomes possible after the Great Warning, because the antichrist does not reveal himself until after the Warning takes place. I protect your privacy and at the same time souls are moved for the Kingdom. So, pray about it, as I think it will be life-changing for many people who attend. Firstly, please know that if you are living at a refuge throughout the duration of the Great Tribulation, you will not miss out on any heavenly communication that God desires for you and the entire Remnant Faithful to have during the time. Truly, God looks at our free-will choices and largely plans His next day strategies due to how mankind is cooperating with His Divine Will the day before and in the present moment. At times you think you have been separated from Me, when in fact, you have only drawn closer in union with Me. I do not see the anti-christ or know his identity. My great signs will be given to show all those who embrace and accept this insult in My Holy Name. So, the book needed to be finished before that date, because I understood that the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal could potentially first happen in the Springtime of 2022. In the Book of Truth, Jesus specifically says that the Great Warning is merely the first event and will take place to help fight the great apostasy: My dearly beloved daughter, when the Warning takes place this will be the first stage of the preparation for My Second Coming, The Warning will help the world to fight the greatest apostasy of all time. Then the Miracle/Sign of Garabandal will happen in the Springtime. During the early 80s he served as a confessor to Vicka and while Fr. However, unbeknownst to satan, Our Lord planned further help for mankind in the form of His Holy Mother Mary, His Secret Weapon. O Almighty Father, God the Most High, please have Mercy on all sinners. After the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) occurs, all people will know true right from true wrong in their lives. While this suffering will be hard to endure, have no fear, children, for it will be short. In the Secret of La Salette, Our Lady uses the phrase it will rain with a fearful hail of animals, and how when the three shepherd children at Fatima were shown a vision of hell, they described the demons as looking like frightful animals. Then, I tied these descriptions together with a ten-year olds near death experience where Jesus revealed what the Battle of Armageddon is in realitya war of demonic aliens, along with my personal experience of being eaten alive one night by satan for my work on this blog. Literally, my life went from going to the emergency room for mystery illnesses while struggling a few months to write one helpful blog commentary, to being able to write a blog commentary over a day or two while also completing other private works for Our Lady to advance Her Plans for the salvation of souls. And The Great Chastisement, By a soul Finally, I want to ask that people enter into prayer both before and while reading and discerning this commentary, which may require several re-readings to fully grasp. If they do not listen to you, then I have no one else to send. that when it comes to spiritual warfare, that I am very naive. I was told by St. Gabriel in a very limited way about the relationship between the Great Sign of Garabandal, the Third Secret of Medjugorje (Great Sign of Medjugorje) and the Secrets of Fatima given to the three shepherd children on July 13, 1917. And while Gods Eternal Fire of Love and Mercy and Justice will always exist, as it is His Divine Nature, on the 8th Day of Creation, the Eternal Kingdom will subsist solely and abide in His Divine Love. For this reason, St Joseph is the second greatest Saint in all of Heaven. The Royal Wedding Ceremony was presided by God the Father with Our Lord, the Divine Son, Jesus Christ, as Best Man to the Holy Spirit. This is because God wanted a written record of this very important event for mankind to remember now and in the future. So many of you are blind to the plan which is being plotted behind your backs. Wednesday, September 21st, 2011 @ 22:00. This punishment, which will be brought about by the Hand of Divine Justice, through My Eternal Father, is not desirable. As truly, to much is given, much is expected, for all these graces and blessings from God. The Tenth Secret is indeed the Three Days of Darkness. Let it be reflected in your life, in your words and actions. As a result, our wedding garments our souls will become pure white without blemish so that, when the true Bridegroom, Jesus, returns for His beloved Bride, the Church, which means Christians (people of good will), we will be confident of our blessed salvation in Him, as He raises us up for full union with God. The main thing that was revealed to me by St. Gabriel was the sequence for the unveiling of the Secrets, which I explained in this Easter 2017 writing: Now, I have to say that when all these Secrets were being revealed to me, I was shocked. The antichrist will be of Islamic origin, making him widely accepted by Muslims. I came to Medjugorje, and I have given my message to a failing world, but despite my love and my messages to humanity, no one is paying any attention to it. This is so new followers can understand what has been happening these past several months/past years on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. Rosary Visions of St Dominic de Guzmn (13th century)Our Lady of Guadalupe (St Juan Diego) (1531)Visions of St Mary Margaret of Alacoque (1647-1690)Mystical City of God (Mary of Agreda) (1655-1660)Writings of St Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort (1673-1716)Visions of St Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824)Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (St Catherine Labour) (1830)Our Lady of La Salette (1846)Our Lady of Lourdes (St Bernadette Soubirous) (1858)Vision of Pope Leo XIII (1884)Our Lady of Fatima (1917)Diary: Divine Mercy in My Soul (St Faustina Kowalski) (1925-1938)Poem of the Man-God, Notebooks (Maria Valtorta) (1943-1951)The Lady of All Nations (Ida Peerdeman) (1945-1959)Spiritual Diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann (1960-1985)Our Lady of Garabandal (1961-1965)Our Lady of Medjugorje (1981-ongoing)End Times Daily (Ned Dougherty) (1984-ongoing)Holy Love Ministries (Maureen Sweeney-Kyle) (1985-ongoing)Prophetess Christina Gallagher (1985-ongoing)Our Lady of Emmitsburg (Gianna Talone Sullivan) (1989-ongoing)Prophetess Luz de Maria (1991-ongoing)Prophet John Leary (1993-ongoing)Devotion to the Most Precious Blood (Barnabas Nwoye) (1995-ongoing)Girl of My Will in Jesus (2001-ongoing)Moving Heart Foundation (Chris Courtis) (2001-ongoing)Messages of Fr Michel Rodrigue (2009-ongoing)Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) (2011-2015)Locutions To The World (2011-2015)Children of the Renewal (2014-ongoing)Latin-American Mystic, Lorena (2014-ongoing)Gods Foot is on the World: Christ the King Millennium Era Begins (Fr Ignatius Mary Okoroji) (2020), Ron Wyatt, discovery of the Ark of the Covenant, BLOG:A Soul of Mary Refuge Of Souls The pain. My Sons arm, which I will not be able to hold back anymore, will punish this poor world, which must expiate its crimes, Excerpt: The Chastisement Announced At La Salette, It is time; the sun is darkening; only faith will survive., Now is the time; the abyss is opening. Never forget, My children, that many secrets given to My visionaries and seers, foretelling future events to come, have been mitigated through prayer. However, I do know that some of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje involve the use of nuclear weapons. Wicked men are devoured by a thirst for exercising their cruelty; but when they shall have reached the uttermost point of barbarity, God Himself shall extend His hand to stop them, and very soon after, a complete change shall be effected in all surviving persons. They are encouragement for people to look forward with anticipation the First Resurrection and the Second Coming of Jesus. The Miracles I speak of will include great Acts of God, which will involve tragedies which will be averted and seem to have been impossible from a scientific point of view. Most people who receive such visions or locutions or heavenly messages are protected by much prayer from others, such as the Medjugorje visionaries, Holy Love Ministries, Luz de Maria (Light of Mary), etc. I do not know how long the Renewal will be, but most people who lived through the Great Tribulation, will also live to be on earth to see Our Lords Return to earth. Also, the fact that Mirjana shares that once the contents and dates of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje begin to be fulfilled, it will be too late for many people, is true. The city will already have suffered much and Israel will begin to despair, wondering what can be done. I will act on the world stage but I wait to be asked., The Vatican Deception Testimonials Toronto, The Vatican Deception Testimonials London UK, The First Secret of Medjugorje is Not the Illumination of Conscience (The Warning of Garabandal) By a soul (PDF), The First Secret of Medjugorje is Not the Illumination of Conscience (The Warning of Garabandal) By a soul (ODT), The First Secret of Medjugorje is Not the Illumination of Conscience (The Warning of Garabandal) By a soul (WordDoc), The First Secret of Medjugorje is Not the Illumination of Conscience (The Warning of Garabandal), By a soul, Jesus Christ To the nations of the world You are being given 2 visions of the future of the earth The kingdom of the Divine Will of my Father, or the kingdom of Satan, After the events of Jerusalem and the unifying of the Church with Israel, I will call all the nations into the Valley of Decision. But, they did not listen, and sadly, the ante keeps getting raised higher and higher, the more the Church delays on the Consecration. Please wait for this Day with great joy for it will then that unbelievers will finally realise Who I Am. In the renewal period, the earth will be made clean again. I do not want the Great Chastisementthe Three Days of Darkness. It is when souls are purified that they will begin to realize the way in which God works in order to bring His children into a state where they can recognize Him. The visionary, Conchita, will be informed of the NEW DATE directly by Papa God, Jesus, and the Blessed Mother, during The Warning encounter, so there will be no doubt in Conchitas mind that the NEW DATE has been chosen by God and is to be announced earlier in time. Meanwhile, I do not want to end this commentary on this sad note, but I want to be encouraging to you, Secondly, if you are able to, please consider attending the, God the Father will be imparting His rare. No Science nor astronomers, no one can say that it is a planet or a star. The Vatican Deception Worldwide Online Release October 13, 2018 2-Day Rental U.S.$4.99 I am confused on the recent messages about the Great Warning and wrath of God (spiritual and physical earthquake). So, that is a major reason why the Warning date has been in flux. I had forgotten. In addition, God is sending physical helpers to help people throughout the Apocalypse. Wednesday, December 14th, 2011 @ 19:15. The First Resurrection does NOT involve the evil people in hell. God, being incarnate came because He loved humanity so much that He was willing to die for you so that humanity could not say that God has never done anything for them or that God does not love them. The ten secrets of Medjugorje are not unique. Be prepared for when the Sign comes. But it will present a fork in the road. The new Babylon, all will be told, is to glorify the great one, to promote the environment, to embrace mother earth and to rid the world of poverty from the riches, which will pour from its vile mouth. Henceforth, the couple was considered legally to be married, but without sexual union yet. Moreover, in the game of chess, it is the queen who is most important in protecting the king from check-mate and does all the maneuvers for the success of the game. Those in places of power, who control peoples finances, will repent, in their droves. The book would also be a way for people who are unable to witness the event in person to know about the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal. I see all of your wounds, your sins, and your suffering. Much prayer is needed for them, because God and Our Lady will expect them to testify about their experiences to the rest of the world and the Catholic Church so the Great Chastisement can ultimately be avoided by mankind. After 36 years Approval of Medjugorje has arrived God is good., Medjugorje: Too many burglaries Consecrated hosts being stolen from Medjugorje Archbishop Hoser again mandates take communion in mouth onlyPeople believe hosts from Medjugorje are the most Powerful, sell them for $500.00, Little known story When Medjugorje visionary, Vicka, met St. Peter in Heaven. I will shake the world and it will tilt. If they knew where this the evil path is leading them do you think they would change their ways? When I first read the messages for the Children of the Renewal, I did not understand them. In the Book of Revelation (Chapter 21), it speaks of the Mystical City of God, the New Jerusalem. I do not know what to expect this year, but I do anticipate that there will be a great outpouring of grace from God the Father for all His children. Now, I would be remiss if I did not write about Our Holy Mother Mary here. Now, the reason I bring these facts up, is because during the six and a half week period after The Warning, both Conchita of Garabandal and all six visionaries of Medjugorje will be testifying about the prophesied Great Chastisement / 10th Secret of Medjugorje / 3 Days of Darkness. Their prayers rise as sweet incense and the heavenly Fathers justice is blinded to the sins of men. Money will be spent on food. As Papa God has decided to change the date, it is like the situation before, in which only Papa God knows the exact date for the Warning now. However, there was something about the Holy Family Refuge messages that I could not immediately dismiss. That is why Saint Clare is the patron saint for television. The world is enjoying a time of reprieve, yet it does not understand this. Whereas, the Divine Fire of Heaven and in purgatory, is Gods Eternal Divine Fire of Love and Mercy and Justice. just like I do and believe, and if you could only know how the Crusade Prayers that you all are reciting are working, it would literally make you cry. This holy priest-son will assume the role of vicar of the Christian Church on earth and will complete the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In ancient times, the Hebrew father of the bridegroom would choose the sons bride. Now, his voice is silenced, quoted only when it serves their purposes., Do you not see my plan?, An Appeal To His Holiness, Pope Francis the First And when I heard these comments of onlookers, it reminded me of a message given by Our Lady in Locutions To The World in which the Blessed Mother addresses the issue of the lack of faith among the clergy regarding Her promises on the consecration of Russia. 25 At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. When this takes place, the Hand of My intervention will turn the world on its axis. However, I have shown in my three previous commentaries how the longer version is correct and complete. Yes, so Russia has had a hand to play in the tragedy of abortion, too, and the almost 2 billion lives of unborn children lost in the world. Meanwhile, these events will also be happening. They will say, We have true shepherds in our midst. It is the result of the progressively deepening spiritual journey into the Chambers of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, that culminates into Unitive Love in the Paternal Heart of God the Father Papa God. Now, it begs the question, how can the conditional Great Chastisement be avoided by mankind? Each person affects his neighbor. The tenth secret is the most serious and can not be reduced under any circumstances. It was from this pilgrimage that indeed St Joachim and St Anne became blessed to conceive the Blessed Virgin Mary, just as the angel of God had revealed would happen to St Joachim in the Jewish Temple. So, we know from the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) and other bodies of heavenly messages that there will be a brief span of time of less than a generation (likely less than 10 years), in which mankind will rebuild life on the perfect earth. I am only including the portion of the visions that prompted this commentary by me today. 1. There is due to many things that will be taking shape in the world prior to the Third Secret of Medjugorje being unveiled. And so, I want to take a moment to thank with much heartfelt love my circle of dearest friends whom I have freely shared my inspirations, as without their support, this spiritual writing would be incomprehensible and underdeveloped in thought. Hope and pray in earnest, these desires of Our Lord on the recent messages about the Great and! Only including the portion of the Ten secrets of Medjugorje involve the use of nuclear weapons Mercy! Be done remiss if I did not understand this some of the visions that this... Fruitful consideration then I have shown in my Holy Name Ten virgins who their... Now and in the world forever read the messages for the first Resurrection and the heavenly Fathers Justice blinded. I would be remiss if I did not understand them something about the Great Chastisementthe three of. 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