. She claims she has never seen that pipe before and doesnt know how it got there. Firefighters doused the flaming Molotov cocktail and then detained the man . Webe. There was no control group with which to compare his patients who received the treatment. Suppose Halley had decided to look for confirmation of Newtons celestial mechanics by studying the sun rather than comets and, based on Newton, had confidently predicted that the sun would rise the next day. But when praised for a good landing, the student usually followed with a poorer landing. . A pathway by which we can come to discover and better understand our world. Is the frequently observed, poorly understood, phenomenon that people tend to respond favorably to any treatment. A proposed explanation for observed phenomena. c. Hypotheses usually are relatively narrow in scope; theories have broad explanatory power. e. b and c, a. athletes view aggressive acts that would be judged inappropriate in society in general as more appropriate in the sport environment, The research examining the relationship between aggression and performance supports which conclusion? My iPhone will run out of power within the next 12 hours. Working-class individuals are more often involved in aggressive spectator actions. An explanatory argument contends that certain facts can best be explained by a certain theory, and thus that the theory must be true. The first part focuses on the importance of the improbability of the outcome. Suppose I tell you that I had a dream last night that I ran into a childhood acquaintance whom I had not seen for 30 yearsand that I then ran into him this morning? Two Alternative Explanations to Bear in Mind. a. setting up specific guidelines distinguishing assertive play from inappropriate aggressive play A deductive process based on testable and measurable events. B. Both the premise and the conclusion of an inductive generalization are concerned with the same subject matter. It will be proven when I get some sort of raise in the next few years. Then state whether it is general or singular and whether the explanation or the observable outcome came first. So I add the premise. Newtons theories, for example, while applied here to Halleys comet, actually cover the motion of all objects at all times. If it is a singular explanation, you can ask if it is the sort of thing that is known to happen, and if it tends to happen more frequently than do the alternatives. But explanatory arguments are inductive arguments. He claims he has no knowledge of the Molotov cocktail. , For many years, ship captains navigating the waters of Antarctica have been intrigued by rare sightings of emerald icebergs. When they were retested several months later, however, this time with a genuine intelligence test, those falsely identified spurters did, indeed, show a significant improvement over their fellow students. Suppose you see an advertisement in the business pages touting a stock fund that has topped the market for five years in a row. This, the ad says, proves that the manager of the fund is especially skillfuland thus that you should invest large quantities of cash with this manager. A theory with great explanatory power makes few assumptions, has significant predictive power and helps to reduce uncertainty in a precise and accurate way. Which of the following shows the correct order for a scientific explanation? But where the two species competed for seeds, one evolved a beak suited for the small seeds, while the other developed a beak for the large seeds. This can be a useful standard, but remember that surprise is a psychological conditionthus, strictly speaking, it is an indicator of low subjective, rather than epistemic, probability. A Guide to Good Reasoning: Cultivating Intellectual Virtues, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, The Total Evidence Condition (1): the Improbability of the Outcome, The Total Evidence Condition (2): the Probability of the Explanation, [If we are well above sea level, then water boils quickly.]. It makes no statement with respect to causation. When the outcome already has a high prior probability, the hypothesis does no work. ], There are extremes in beak sizes on Galapagos finches, there is no relevant difference in food from island to island, and in conditions, What prehistoric culture created the huge and magnificent likeness of George Bernard Shaw that is topographically sculpted on the southern tip of an island in the Leaf River in northern Quebec? If-clause is intended to provide better understanding of then-clause. After each toss, all who tossed tailsabout half those still standinghad to sit down. The change in genetic characteristics of a population over time, accounts for the diversity of organisms and the unity among them. This observable outcome easily follows from the Newtonian explanationthus, it would provide us with an argument with true premises. A theory predicts events in a broad, general context; a hypothesis makes a specific prediction about a specified set of circumstances. A theory predicts events in a broad, general context; a hypothesis makes a specific prediction about a specified set of circumstances. The following are illustrative examples of explanatory power. Ban alcoholic beverages at sporting events. e. instrumental-reactive aggression theory, According to more recent research by Anderson and Bushman, aggression ranging from instrumental to reactive should be viewed One test is to ask whether it offers only as many explanatory entities as needed. It is not likely that we would now call it Halleys sun. Relatives gather close to the victim, wailing, chanting, and covering the victim with a funeral cloth. Suppose I let you inspect my hat and then I pull a rabbit out of it, arguing that I have magical powers. C. An increase in family income leads to an increase in the percentage of income spent on housing. The logic of the argument is accordingly weak. I was being more careful about my health because I was engaged in the experiment. b. This is another way of saying that, prior to making any judgment about whether the explanation is true or the outcome has been observed, there would be no good reason to expect the outcome. [2] In 1687, Isaac Newton published his monumental Principia. If vitamin C helps prevent colds, then the group taking vitamin C has substantially fewer colds than the group taking the placebo. \end{bmatrix} [Hint: First find P2P^2P2. The term prior, in this case, means that the probability calculation must be done prior to your making any judgment about the explanation itself and prior to your making any observations pertinent to the observable outcome. If the Earth is surrounded by a sea of air that decreases uniformly in pressure as the altitude increases, then Periers barometer reads 30 inches at 0 feet, 28.7 inches at 1,300 feet, 28.2 inches at 1,800 feet, 27.2 inches at 2,800 feet, and 26.2 inches at 3,800 feet, and 25.2 inches at 4,800 feet. So the arguments logic must be considered weak. In short, coincidence has not been ruled out, so we cannot judge this to be a logically strong argument. This makes good sense. When you cannot think of another explanation, it can be tempting to accept an explanatory argument even when the prior probability of the explanation is exceedingly low. An increase in family income leads to an increase in the percentage of income spent on housing. a. immature , Psychologists at San Jose State studied the traffic violations handled by 10 police officers assigned to routine patrol duty in a California town of 8,000 people. Why do scientists refer to Charles Darwin's ideas about evolution as the theory of evolution? Research testing the catharsis notion of spectator aggression has shown that e. Raise the level of coaching, with an emphasis on fair play, especially with younger athletes. And the argument concludes that the explanation is thus true. WebA hypothesis is a potential answer to the question, one that can somehow be tested. But if Halley was right about Newtons views, there would be detectable regularitiescertain comets would be found to follow fixed elliptical orbits around the sun. If so, then it probably has a low prior probability. For, as researchers have shown, we have a natural tendencytermed a confirmation biasto look for outcomes that support our preferred explanation rather than those that might falsify the alternativesto look, for example, for worshippers who escaped rather than thinking also about those who drowned. And it is highly probable that we will have any observation at all. So, an unfalsifiable explanation fails the improbable outcome test. b. Explanatory Impotence Explanatory impotence is the opposite of explanatory power. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, but exactly how does that connect with the bodys immunity to the cold virus?). A powerful way to demonstrate that observed differences between a treatment group and a control group truly reflect the effect of the treatment is for researchers to. In this section we will look at the improbability of the outcome. P.S. But Grayson believes its unlikely such factors fully explain the statistics. People in the South tend to rate the President more favorably than do people in the North Real estate investment trusts (REITs) experienced a record level of profitability in 2004. But this explanation has an exceedingly low prior probability. Please give like. Immediately penalize spectators for aggressive acts. (In the spring of 1983, the topographical feature was officially named Pointe Bernard Shaw). c. social learning theory She is a ________. Then, recalling our discussion of evaluating the truth of bothand sentences in Chapter 10, the prior probability that it was both of them can be roughly understood as .10 times .10, or .01. Young women purchase fewer. The second part of the total evidence condition focuses on the probability of the explanation. Groups are kept as similar as possible and are treated identically, except for the variable of interest. Weban explanatory hypothesis for a natural phenomenon that is exceptionally well supported by empirical data. a. fans become less aggressive after watching a sporting event d. all of the above The leading alternative explanation is that the manager has succeeded by sheer luck. Does this mean that explanatory arguments are always fallacious? Simplicity contributes to epistemic probability, so ask whether the explanation is sufficiently simple. You probably already suspect that its the set of all even numbers; but before I make you commit to that answer, I offer you the opportunity to test your answer by suggesting one more number that is either in or out of the set. Another good way to check for an improbable outcome is to ask this: Does this outcome rule out the leading alternative explanations? Together, choices B and C combine to describe what is meant by the phrase "hierarchical organization of life.". First American psychologist. It was all those asthma medications that I didnt need, she said. Just like the coin-toss and mutual fund cases, coincidence does make sense and is at least as likely here as the paranormal. He selected two small habitats with similar vegetation and similar-sized blue jay populations (about 120 birds) with equal reproductive rates. A process of examination and discovery of natural phenomena that involves making observations, constructing hypotheses, testing predictions, experimenting, and drawing conclusions and revising them as necessary. d. Frustration produces physical but not psychological aggression. So far as I know, officials have not used backward code words in their public speeches, so the prior probability of the explanation is exceedingly low. How often do plumbers leave water spraying everywhere rather than turning it offif not at the faucet, then at the main? Which of the following is (are) NOT among criteria for judging aggression? Which of the following is not involved in critical thinking? Before making any judgment about the outcome, you should determine these two things: But sometimes the more probable explanation does not occur to uswe need more imagination or, perhaps, a better education. For example, an unnoticed erotic image on a Ritz cracker, Key says, makes the Ritz cracker taste even better, because all of the senses are interconnected in the brain. The problem with his argument is that another explanation for these unnoticed images already exists; we all know that were capable of finding images if we look really hard for them, simply as the products of our imagination. WebApplying your knowledge of the scientific method, which of the following BEST explains the correct contrast between a hypothesis and theory? Webe. thoughts and their relationship to our experiences and our actions. Roughly, since we are not allowing for the cost of commissions, for dividend income, and the like. b. personal beliefs and attitudes B. Suppose the prior probability that the butler did it was .10, likewise for the chambermaid. Men were exposed more frequently to the elements, since they did the hunting and tree cutting. Sample answer. Falsifiabilitythe requirement that it be possible to specify some observable outcome of an explanation that could prove it to be false. Explanatory/ Causal /Bivariate Hypothesis. a. assertive behavior. Suppose the phone rings and you pick it up, only to hear the click of someones hanging up on the other end. e. Follow up. Carl Hempel, The Philosophy of Natural Science. -Easier to disprove. The characteristics of an experimental system subject to change; for example, time (the duration of treatment) or specific elements of the treatment, such as the substance or procedure administered or the temperature at which it takes place. An alternative explanation is that Jones was hearing the word enormous, which sounds like simone backwards and occurs frequently in the speeches (and probably does not pose any danger to national security). Freud argued that repression and resistance are two important mechanisms of our minds. Note: See Section 6. What is meant by the phrase "hierarchical organization of life"? Before experimental drugs can be brought to market, they must undergo many rigorous trials to ensure they deliver their medical benefits effectively and safely. Said author Delgado, We have been conned. Organisms can grow and develop, and they carry information relating to these and other processes that they can pass on to offspring. Favoring outcomes that rule out alternative explanations is an especially powerful strategy. What is explained in an explanatory argument; the observable outcome follows from the explanation and can in a certain way, at a certain time, and under certain conditions, be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched. There would be no good reason to expect the outcome prior to these two steps: Why is this criterion important? a. Oona wants to conduct research on personnel management, workplace environment, and what type of environment results in high levels of employee productivity and efficiency. If the prior probability of the explanation is extremely low and coincidence has not been ruled out as an alternative explanation, judge the logic of the argument to be weak. It describes why the individual is having problems. Explanatory arguments are probably the most fundamental and frequently used of all arguments, both in science and in everyday life. Null hypothesis : this is known as the default hypothesis.It states that When desperately needed money arrives mysteriously in the mail, that is support for Romans 8:28. But explanatory arguments that rely heavily on mystery or that depend on the overthrow of science cannot be considered successful until they do the hard work of filling in the blanks. D. It excludes the presumption of causation. This represents the major premise of which theory? The achievement is all the more remarkable when you consider that the mysterious sculptors created their masterpiece millennia before the existence of their subject. The researchers also monitored a drought that killed off 85 percent of the finches on an island one year. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. This is a dirty trick. Weban explanatory hypothesis for a natural phenomenon that is exceptionally well supported by empirical data. Rabinoff claimed that this was evidence for a causeeffect relationship between TM and the weather. A theory has been extensively tested and is generally accepted among a set of scholars; a hypothesis is a speculative guess that has yet to be tested. They commonly start a large number of small, unpublicized stock funds, each with a different investment strategy, on the assumption that by sheer luck at least one of them will establish a good track record. It must establish an alternative explanation for a phenomenon. This tentative explanation can either be proved or disproved by carrying out tests or experiments. An intellectual activity, encompassing observation, description, experimentation, and explanation of natural phenomena. If you conduct an experiment that rejects your hypothesis, then. On the evenings before concrete was to be poured, students were instructed to desire warmer weather for the next day. It included an account of the physical laws that govern the interactions of the planets, stars, and other heavenly bodies. Our natural tendency to look for outcomes that support our preferred explanation rather than those that might also falsify the alternatives. Scientists rejected Newton, they rejected continental drift, they rejected meteorites, and they were wrong! But in an Oregon State University study that was replicated several times, wild frog eggs were placed in 72 cages, some with filters that let all sunlight inside except UV radiation. e. a and c, General strategies for controlling spectator aggression include which of the following? Sample exercise. In an experiment, the group of subjects exposed to a particular treatment; also known as the treatment group. In a short paragraph, identify the explanation, discuss why it may be unfalsifiable, and explain how this results in a problem with the first part of the total evidence condition. When an explanations prior probability is extremely low, another alternative explanation is deception. d. all of the above And, though you may not find the ifthen premise, there are two things you can always expect to find if the argument is explanatory: reference to the explanation, often with a discussion of why it is better than alternative explanations; and reference to the observable outcome, often with a discussion of how unlikely that outcome would otherwise (It is called double blind because neither those receiving the pills nor those administering the study knows which group is getting the real Vitamin C and which is getting the bogus Vitamin C.) By using large groups, the coincidence alternative is ruled out. Some believers in the paranormal hold that skeptical attitudes can inhibit paranormal results. That a deductive failure and an inductive success can share the same form reminds us of an important lesson: deductive arguments rely only on the correct form condition, while inductive arguments also have recourse to the total evidence condition. Also, the doctors reported, an extensive battery of pulmonary function tests failed to produce the kinds of findings that are characteristic of an asthmatic. The experimental subjects do not know which (if any) treatment they are receiving. In the late 1950s, a doctor reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association that stomach ulcers could be effectively treated by having a patient swallow a balloon connected to some tubes that circulated a refrigerated fluid. A 17-pound meteorite of unknown origin was found in Antarctica. Aggression facilitates performance. WebWhich of the following is an explanatory hypothesis? 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