It literally broke my heart. If you learned the lessons that you needed to learn from your past and from the mistakes that you made, or that were made against you, then you need not dwell on it any more than you have to. They are suffering. Of course I dont love him more than you! Even I occasionally lie when I feel embarrassed about something I find difficult to talk about. Anyone but pathological liars, of course. If not, here is another common reason why your ex girlfriend could be lying about having a new boyfriend. Web today we are going to tackle the question of why your ex girlfriend might be lying to you. Well my ex and I kept evaluating our relationship every once in a while and she kept saying she was happier in our last year than the previous ones. Copyright The Modern Man. WebWhen my ex-boyfriend lied to me about his new girlfriend, he admitted later that it was because he was still slowly pulling away from me AND he was unsure about how he felt about the new girl. Dan Bacon is 100% committed to helping men succeed with women. That doesnt mean one person is less desirable than the other. Please give me one more chance. Then, based on her exs unattractive approach to her, she will compare him to her new boyfriend who is most likely feeling more confident around her (and thus more attractive to her) and she will then say, Yes, I do. If anything, it will achieve the opposite because your ex will attach even more negativity to your persona and focus on the person who causes him or her less pain. Here are eight potential reasons why your spouse is lying to you and being secretive: Infidelity your spouse has betrayed you with another woman, man or lover, and since it is a secret, they want to hide the fact from you To this day I dont know why my ex never reached out after we broke up . If you have trouble deciding whether your ex lied about dating someone else for you or for himself, think about how he handled the breakup. Here are my thoughts on why an ex spreads rumors. Its also possible your ex wasnt ready to declare he was dating someone new because hed only seen that person a couple of times. If you are, then watch this free video by Dan to discover the secret to getting her back FAST. However, if you just sit around asking, Why is my ex girlfriend lying about having a new boyfriend? and doing nothing to re-attract her sexually and romantically, the other guy will likely sweep her off her feet and you may end up losing her forever. Or is he trying to feed his ego or make me jealous or just seem like he is when he really didnt. At least, romantically and perhaps in other ways. due to substance abuse after our breakup. To make it simple for you, judge your ex for the person he was on the day of the breakup and the person he continued to be after. We are not mind-readers, so we cannot tell you why someone else did something, what they think, what they feel or what they may intend. He may not be trying to hide his girl from you because of an ulterior motive. Remember that these are not true and that your family and friends will know that. Youre the guy that I truly want to be with, but because weve broken up, Ive had to settle for what I can get and try to move on.. One time recently I brought it up in a funny way while we were being intimate and his response was, in a cocky proud kinda way was, oh-yeah! And laughed. However, when one person quickly moves on after a breakup, the other person may feel left alone, unimportant, or even used. 2. If you and your ex are still cozy perhaps, having sex and still hanging out like lovers, lying to you may just be a selfish move on his part. Focus on yourself and try to be understanding of your ex. Trying to make a woman feel guilty for not wanting to tell you the truth about her personal life (i.e. (Where did that number even come from?) And it doesnt even require you to pester your ex about his or her lies and false promises. Should I Leave My Girlfriend For Another Girl? Unfortunately, something like that typically only happens in the movies. ??? Here are the signs of a liar I wish I had known before dating one: 1. I dont want a coward or a lair back. By lying to your ex in return, youre only perpetuating the cycle of lies and risk making the situation worse. They don't do anything with those profiles they just have it as a reminder that they are still attractive enough to bring in the guys. I think that while you were talking, hed met another girl and ghosted you as a result. If your partner lies about being over their ex when they're not, youll likely have trouble making your current relationship work. They may share pictures of you as a couple on social media. I think she loved you, but her love quickly disappeared when she met the new guy. If youve been thinking, My ex is lying for longer than youve liked and need help, drop us a line! When again she was just with me the day prior. Your ex lied out of self-protection because he thought youd get angry or sadand feared youd do something impulsive. If they confront you in person, you can politely ask them to leave and not harass you. hell probably take it to the grave. The thing I hated the most is she would have the audacity to get mad at me for accusing her and assuming that she was with someone all the time when in fact she was. Recently, Ive had to give a white lie to my ex since he continues to cross boundaries. If thats the case, then you really have to ask yourself what youre doing with this person and why? Very plain looking, or even a bit ugly compared to you. When I confronted him, he gave me a dismissive response and he basically ghosted me when I asked questions. She also claimed they didnt date, but my friend she left me for claimed they did for a month. While its officially over between you both, your ex may have a few skeletons kept away in his cupboard. You need to follow the same ex back process that you would follow if she hadnt cheated on you. Your ex was probably happier in the last year than in the years before. So dont say anything your ex doesnt need to know. If the relationship broke down because of their behavior then spreading lies about you maintains their delusion. While it works for some people as a comfort zone in helping them quickly get out there, rebounding sometimes has negative effects since they did not leave room for proper healing from their past relationship.. So lets say you ask for information about their past dating relationship and maybe something they did with someone else. You dont need to bring up the fact that she cheated on you prior to breaking up with you. Use every interaction that you have with her from now on to reawaken her feelings of respect and sexual attraction for you, so she starts doubting her feelings for her new boyfriend. Imagine it this way, if you've been on only a first date with a guy, can you say for sure, you are dating? I enjoy being treated like a princess by my new boyfriend., Yet, on the other hand, she will be thinking, I do miss my ex though. I keep wondering if she only fell out of love with me, because we couldnt meet while that bastard met her. This wasnt a problem for me but my friend interrupted. It feels good to know that my new boyfriend finds me desirable, while at the same time, my ex cant get over me either. They may have been just friends at that time. For example: He might start begging, pleading, crying and saying things like, How could you do this to me? So we spread lies about them. I have my reasons for lying to him anyway. Sometimes, people tell lies because they care about how others may feel. Your ex may also understand that by coming clean to you, they would just be clearing their own conscience at the cost of your pain, which can come off as selfish, depending on who you ask. She will then have to deal with him falling apart in front of her, or on a phone call. Web today we are going to tackle the question of why your ex girlfriend might be You dont have to do anything. They lie frequently. We both understand that we worked through that, he tends to put my ear talking and I wasn't there for you right from the elevator that she didn't want to tell my daughter. All Rights Reserved. He was never one to put me in danger actually the opposite where he was constantly obsessed with me being safe at all times. Even if nothing is going on between you both, a manipulative and selfish ex may just choose to lie because he wants to give you the impression that he's still in love with you. I know this is the last thing you want to do, but trust me, this is very serious. Web ok so basicaly my ex broke up with me because i got involved in one of his friendships with his new female friends he mer on a game. I dont buy it that she was innocent in her mind. To protect himself or herself from getting hurt, feeling embarrassed, or from being viewed as a person who moved on quickly. WebIt's the same reason why lots of taken women have tinder profiles. Ive done it to look more experienced than I was in the past and honestly can say I did it to him after we broke up to try to get a reaction from him do exs do the same? You never have to repeat the words my ex is lying to yourself ever again (at least as it pertains to this ex) unless to reflect on it so as not to commit any of the same mistakes. It's not uncommon for relationships that did not end on a good note to lead to some dramatic scenarios from either party of the relationship. Of course, you know that youre a good guy and probably wouldnt react in ways like that, right? how has school been? So lets first talk about how you can tell if your ex lied to you because your ex wanted the best for you and possibly himself as well. So, rather than trying to guilt your ex girlfriend into being honest with you (which, even if it works, isnt necessarily going to make her want you back), just focus on re-attracting her sexually and romantically whenever you interact with her. Are they hurt or angry? Usually when two people separate, they have been unhappy and disconnected for quite awhile, so they feel like theyve been alone for a long time. Bear in mind that an ex whod lie just for himself would most likely stop talking to you and avoid you like the plague. Your ex could also easily take advantage of these wonderful qualities and walk all over you. They say that the truth shall set you free. As much as that may be true, it can also hurt you severely and irreparably. Web today we are going to tackle the question of why your ex girlfriend might be lying to you. Of course I still love you and want you back she will know that he was only pretending to be happy for her as a way of hopefully making her feel attracted to him for being so independent. They are lying to you to prove a point: that you are no longer together and that you no longer belong to each other, you therefore no longer have the privilege to certain kinds of information about their life. That said, no matter how peaceful a breakup went down, it isn't always a pretty process, especially when the relationship lasted for a relatively long period. Luckily though, all lies arent bad lies. I hope you enjoyed the article. When she can see that her feelings for her new boyfriend pale in comparison to what she feels for you now, she will want to dump him and come back to you. Are you wondering why your ex would lie to you about seeing someone else? Your ex isnt being honest with you or herself. Ill just use him to get over my ex and to stop my ex from trying to get me back. They're angry with you. My Ex Doesnt Want an Exclusive Relationship Right Now. He can then sweep her off her feet and they can get back together again. To be honest, I just cant stop thinking about you. Webto make the text more understandable i'll call my girlfriend "jay" 2 weeks ago i saw an ex at the gym. On one hand, she might be thinking things like, I love being in a new relationship. WebIf your boyfriend is still in contact with his ex and he is lying you that he is not then what you need to do is break up with him because he is not worth it. You feel like a failure. Additionally, if you stay honest, you can hold your head high with a clean conscience and be clear of any blame or wrongdoing. Don't forget to include a link to your post! When you look at this action it seems like it is a pretty strong action stating that your ex doesnt want to be with you anymore. I remember I was in my twenties and at a party. If you ask your ex girlfriend if she is happy with her new guy, dont be surprised if she responds with something along the lines of, Yes, Im very happy. It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. He would confide in me about it and even when we were intimate he said I was the only one he could get ___ with and even still had some problems with me. I dont know where she got 9 months from, but she basically asked for space because she wasnt able to talk to two people at the same time. Instead, the main reason why women cheat on their men is this: Emotional unfulfillment. Didnt our love mean anything to you? Or they might flaunt a new partner in front of you. Bullshit. I will do anything to make things right between us and show you that no other guy can love you the way I do! This boosts her self-esteem and makes her feel really good about herself. You feel betrayed and disrespected. So, based on that, you at least owe me the courtesy of being honest with me now. If this is the case and your ex is indeed testing you, the gravity of these lies wont be as bad as you think and they might be small, white lies. The kindest partner can turn into the most bitter ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend when they are hurting. is she Insecure and self-doubting compared to how confident you are. Talk to your friends and get evidence to support your truth. I didn't think so too. That means she knew what this was. Did this happen, because she cheated on me for a month, or did she not love me even before that? Why? This is a subreddit dedicated to asking women for advice. If nothing works you might need to get a third party or the authorities involved. They might be hurtful but get some perspective on whats being said. Even more, they don't feel angry, or bitter, display confidence around you, and support you in your current relationship. And thats it. But the worst thing he did is that he deceived you about wanting to get back together. They are lonely. On the other hand, if he fails to build on her feelings, she will never fully commit herself to being his woman and will probably break up with him as soon as can find a suitable replacement. However, as tempted as you may feel to say something along the lines of, Why are you lying to me? Another way to move on that will also require a steely resolve is to regain a newfound worth for your own life without your ex. Shes just focusing on herself and doing what feels right. is she So dont talk to your ex, dont stalk your exs social media, and most importantly, dont blame yourself for your exs actions. He wants to get in your pants, with no strings attached. WebIf you were clingy or needy with your ex in your past relationship, youre probably telling yourself, my ex is lying because he or she might be trying to teach you a lesson. If the answer is yes, your ex probably lied because he didnt want to hurt you anymore. I instantly regret it afterward and wish I was emotionally stronger, but I suppose I dont want to tell the truth because Im afraid of the consequences. Less educated compared to you, her or the people she hangs out with (e.g. He may have only a few friends and tend to keep things almost invincible. Because your ex is pretending to be over you and doesnt want to move on. 00:08. Webto make the text more understandable i'll call my girlfriend "jay" 2 weeks ago i saw an ex at the gym. Heres what you always need to remember: All women, including ex women, respond positively to a mans confidence. We all know we should trust our gut instincts. Everything is still fresh and exciting for your ex. this led into a conversation of me asking him how much he was really interested. My Ex Lied To Me About Seeing Someone Else. If you are a teenager get your parents involved. Be sure to take it all in! What the hell does that even mean? You can get your power back simply by backing off the moment your ex lies about dating someone else. 1. Let your ex know that unless they stop youll be forced to call appropriate authorities. Lying is a way he chose to protect you from information that might upset you. Theyve noticed posts on social media where you are out having fun with your friends. But, there's more. Relationship experts do not advise it but some people rebound because they want to quickly forget their ex. Idk. However, if your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend is targeting your workplace for instance you may have to take further action. If you are a more stubborn or obstinate person, this may be harder to accept for you and why youre always wondering, why is my ex constantly lying to me? You might still be checking up on your ex, combing their social media page, asking them things about their private life that you have no business knowing or no longer entitled to know. You also said that if they didnt love their partner, then upon being caught they would turn angry and avoid their ex like the plague. WebThe fact that your ex is going out of their way to dive headfirst into another relationship could mean that theyre going to desperate measures to get over you. Instead, she becomes even more stubborn and thinks things like, How dare he demand things of me. You seem to have forgotten all about them. An old friend who has always loved her, but she has never really felt much attraction for him. Showcase your newfound joy for life to your friends and family, show-off your new activities, or new friends to your old friends and acquaintances. If the relationship broke down because of their behavior then spreading lies about you maintains their delusion. Shes going to keep seeing this person (or other people) and keep hurting you and confusing you if you dont. Youre the sad one that got brushed aside. He just avoids and ignores the question even though I say its ok if he did. I think my ex lied when he said he DID sleep with two other people. So, by asking her if shes happy, youre not going to achieve anything positive for yourself and are just going to end up feeling worse about losing her. Share your experience below the article. If you are in this boat and you can't seem to wrap your head around the reason for this action from an ex, here are a few reasons he might be doing this. Relationship advice for women that is researched-backed and data driven and actually works. Some relationships are controlling. He doesnt flaunt it or act like he won or bring it up to piss me off or whatever guys do when they are trying to look bigger than they are. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. when I asked him why he said because that is where I had him. This is about getting you back, although in a reverse psychology kind of way. My Ex Jumped Into Another Relationship: Why. Ignore the following text - it's meant for search engines: Maybe they want sympathy from others and painting you in a bad light helps them achieve this. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Is there any way to recover a if you have confronted your ex? we had a short conversation but for the most part left each other alone. Do guys do that? First, make peace with everything that has transpired between you and your ex for the entire time that you knew each other. Anger is part of the journey to acceptance and moving on, so if they're still holding anger, resentment, or bitterness, they haven't totally healed. Your ex was impatient (impulsive) and at the same time, afraid of telling you the truth because he or she was afraid of your reaction. If you want your ex back, you shouldnt waste time and energy stressing out while you wait for her to decide between you and her new man. WebSkip to content Home; About Us; Specials; Contact Us; Blog; Schedule Appointment; why is my ex lying about having a girlfriend Heres why: 1. WebAnswer (1 of 23): Hes your ex, and why do you care? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. If a woman is inexperienced with break ups and this is her first serious relationship, she may not know how to handle the pain that comes after a relationship ends. Your partner lies about you maintains their delusion forget their why is my ex lying about having a girlfriend demand things of me to your ex ghosted! 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