But I dont have any illusions that this is the end of the Dixie Mafia., After reading about the Dixie Mafia, meet Joe Valachi, the first mobster to expose the Mafias darkest secrets, and Frank Lucas, the real-life heroin kingpin who inspired the film American Gangster., The Little-Known Story Of The Dixie Mafia, The Cornbread Cosa Nostra Of The South. A loud bell should sound when it is known that itinerant serial criminals are targeting members of the U.S. military and children with impunity. It would be a winning proposition to bet that changes in carnival status wont come overnight. There was also the infamous Gypsy Camp Murder in Louisiana. About 40 percent of adults with gambling problems started gambling before age 17. A major stereotype I hate is that we are all crooks and criminals. While planning for a San Antonio, Texas, state fair, Wade Shows carnival owner Frank Zaitshik stated that it costs him $100,000 to hire off-duty police officers. Some of the cash generated from Franks games should easily cover the overtime pay for carny-cops and perhaps some gratuity items such as free corn-dogs and Winnie the Pooh bears. Add to that the fact that their livelihood is specifically and directly derived from extracting money from members of said society, and it shouldnt be surprising that there is some shadiness there. Argo was arrested on May 5, 2001 in the City of Taylor, Michigan, for operating fraudulent gambling machines. So, they either rent or default on thier sub-prime mortgage. It usually takes zero years Carnivals have close ties to not only organized crime but to local law enforcement. This style eventually migrated into wrestling, hip hop, and other parts of modern culture.[4]. The life is really like a frat house on wheels:rampant [use of illicit substances]abounds. The truth is that some of the illegal games are property of the carnival owner, and not some fictitious ace-in-the-hole independent contractor. Most flat-joints are operated by errant freelancers. The flatty totally controls this game. He placed ads in gay publications posing as a young stud named Eddie Johnson to attract correspondence from unsuspecting readers. He died broke shortly thereafter. Knowing I was on firm ground, and having experienced a pattern of these intimidation tactics, arrest threats, and failed defamation suits on other occasions, I was wondering if these irritated cops wouldnt chance trumping up an arrest with creative writing. I informed her that the gaffed carnival basketball rims are not bent by the carnies, but manufactured for the carnies, and for the designed purpose of creating a false impression of size and shape. There was no chance they would win at some of the games, said Keteyian. The various suspect games on NAMEs midway, vividly depicted in Biloxi and Indianapolis, are featured in Jeff Rossens and Sandra Thomass 2012 expos. [2] The word carnival, originally meaning a "time of merrymaking before Lent" and referring to a time denoted by lawlessness (often ritualised under a lord of misrule figure and intended to show the consequences of social chaos), came into use around 1549. In late 1991 and 1992, the grisly murder of Ault - involving carnival workers and satanism - dominated Indiana and Ohio headlines for months. The police supervisor, having a policy of non-enforcement on carnival midways, refused to dispatch a unit to talk to the victim and witnesses to the larceny by trick. Bill Colgin/Getty ImagesThe Dixie Mafias territory stretched all over the South, from Georgia to Oklahoma. I pay 10-to-1!. Other blue collar labor force workers generally have a predictable place to spend the night, if only because they need to be at work the next day. In Scotland they are simply known as "'''Travellers'''" ( not to be confused with Irish travellers or Gypsies) . Rigging a game by the use of bait-and-switch, sleight of hand, magic, or physics, to trick someone out of money is considered a form of larceny or fraud. The mark will often return and become heavily invested, as the doubling effect will drain his bank account before reaching the goal line. This impeded rebound, giving the impression of an easy win as the grifters demo balls never bounce out. It was a really good business for a long time, though. In 2011, I personally complained to Wayne County Sheriffs Office, Deputy Chief Dennis Richardson, commander on site, about 12 in-progress rigged basketball games called One in Wins. The basketball rims were actually elliptical and had deceivingly small openings. On display are these same games at the same locations overseen by the same police personnel and civic leaders annually. With the recent publicity on the ills of Tubs of Fun, chances are that the carnies will re-package the scam with a different look until the heat dies down; perhaps bring back the old wooden bushel-baskets instead of plastic laundry tubs and eliminate the deadening ball for one year. Richardson, aware of the so-called games for two years, not only failed to command appropriate investigative action, he also failed to properly document the complaints in the county police files This way, a nosy reporter, going through police files, will not encounter any crime complaints to write about. Here, lets see if my charm works on you, Back on topic, I never did carnivals, but I have worked a freak show / side show. The fair is an extension of her; it is her identity and passion. They dont draw a line, everything is fair game.. FacebookKirksey McCord Nix Jr., one of the notorious leaders of the Dixie Mafia. 47% of Carnival Workers have a high school diploma degree, 10% major in criminal justice. Thomass U.S. Army Special Forces sniper, who could take out the enemy at 200 yards with one shot, was unable to Shoot out the Star from the distance of 12 feet with 100 shots. At that point, when the agent tossed the demo balls in, the secret deadening ball absorbed the energy of the demo balls. Step right up! With the corrupt fail-safe protection system in place, carny-owners dont have to worry about their lawbreakers ever having to face criminal charges. Most of the stereotypes stem form "back in the day" carnivals - whenfugitivesand all-around seedy people could only find work on a carnival. On Sunday, prosecutors said someone driving through Almeda Malls parking lot became the victim of a hate crime when he was attacked by a group of carnival workers. Basically, sedentary people dont like transient people. Ive seen horror shows and Ive seen highschool kids. Oct 21, 2022 / Comments Off on Chiefs, Criminals, & Carnival Workers: A Brief History of Tattoo with Adam Romano Comments This short lecture shares the story We got a magazine which has since ceased called Amusement Business which had information on that kind of job for my Regular Patrons. Very long hours - up to 20 a day for five to sevendays straight. Halat was released from prison in 2012, while Nix continues serving a life sentence. The itinerant carnival owner pays the festival sponsor a fee or percentage of the take for the privilege of servicing the towns carnival-goers. A poll conducted by Carnival Biz, an Internet link to carnival business, reveals that over 70 percent of participants feel they are cheated on a carnival midway. He never held a job for long, as far as I know. Justice on Fire is OConnors detailed account of the terrible explosion that led to the firefighters deaths and the terrible injustice that followed. Michael L. Cella was convicted of aggravated criminal sexual abuse and sentenced to 3 years in prison for fondling the children while strapping them in for rides. Thomas also requested that I play the games. he government contended Lovett and Randall Roach (Magic Midway carnival owner) schemed from 2004 until September 27, 2013, when Lovett retired. A worker with a criminal background sexually assaulted three children at Downers Grove Heritage Fest two years ago, according to DuPage County records. With a greater number of gambling and crooked games, the carnival owner will increase his undivided claim to the unshared game loot. Volume rip-offs against vulnerable teens are an almost complaint-free luxury. Barton County District Judge Mike Keeley on Friday also sentenced Christine Tenney, 40, of La Marque, Texas, "I'd recommend you stay with [your children] every ride and every attraction on the midway. CBS News exposed a carnival company which was cheating soldiers and their families out of money at the 2011 Fourth of July Freedom Fest at Fort Hood, Texas, the largest military base in the country. The carnies of Reddit have answered some questions about what lifes really like when theyre on the road.. Buford Pusser supposedly took out several members of the Dixie Mafia to avenge his wifes death. If you were one of the players lucky enough to have your money on that color at 32-to-1 odds against, you would win a stuffed animal. ", In this CBS News Online, July 12, 2011, video. It was a crime spree that spanned four generations and crossed multiple states from Texas to Oregon, beginning in the early 1920s with ancestors who were After the mob apparently ordered a hit on the judge, Sherry and his wife were murdered in their Mississippi home in 1987. That could be anybody. But really, what field doesnt? For example, this letter - from someone actually defending carnies and who says theyre much-maligned and decent people, acknowledges obviously rigged games as a given. "I hope we get through this without somebody being killed or getting raped," said Rep. Bill Black (R-Danville), who also has sponsored a failed bill. Do a little googling on carnies and carnival workers and youll find thats a common assessment. In all three cases, the police refused to write a basic incident report upon complaints and requests for assistance. Friendly associations are formed by acquainted individuals over several years. Moreover, the practice of carnival owners paying police departments direct is risky and, if unchecked, sets up a dubious relationship which tends to defeat the mission of law enforcement. There must be collaboration among governmental agencies regarding the identification, tracking, and documenting of these interstate businessmen along with recognizing the moral and social ills associated with the intentions of most to take criminal financial advantage of children. They dont! Some of them love their job;some dislike it and do it to get by. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. My parents sold the business when I was still young, and I hated them for it because to a young kid, it was so much fun! Marcello, one of the most powerful leaders in organized crime in America, operated in New Orleans around the same time that the Dixie Mafia was coming to power. These small carnys get seedier every year. Youll also find quite a few references to various arrests, some of which are for rape and murder. In reach of the big payoff at 95 yards but broke, the mark is encouraged by the slick talking flatty to go to the automatic teller machine (ATM) and return with more money stating: You need just a few more yards to win a thousand dollars for each hundred you invested. The carnival balls were regulation 9.5 inches but also gaffed by over inflation to cause intensified rebounding off the gaffed rims. Combined with the fact that fair season didn't line up well with my school's almost year-round schedule, they thought it best to quit the business. With no interest to investigate the game in question, the four responding officers allowed the swindlers to continue to rip-off children while backing off on their threats against me. Lists about the strange, fascinating, and horrifying history of circuses and carnivals in America and around the world. The same carny-cops (police officers patrolling the midway), and the same returning interstate carny-outlaws appear to be working in concert for income at annual extravaganzas. Carnival racketeering is endemic throughout the United State and has been for years. Starting Jan. 1, 2019, Illinois law will require carnival companies to conduct criminal background checks of all employees. Carnival workers have also said they were forced to live in filthy trailers or bunkhouses. I am well aware of the acceptability of these games by the general public and the misplaced attitude of Whats the big deal? The few drifter-lifestyles left are heavily frowned upon. "For someone who has been convicted, served his time and is now released and rehabilitated, they have a right to work as well.". My dad built his own candy apple stand when he was in college and stayed in the business for over 30 years. That pretty much sums it up. Its a fundamental divide in human society, and the sedentary city-folks have mostly won. Young teens are the now the focus at carnival festivals. When the victims got in touch, Nix duped them into sending the mob large sums of money to pay for his legal defense. Before long, other Dixie Mafia inmates got involved in the scam, placing more fake photos in gay publications and coming up with tall tales about why they needed more money before they could leave jail (or wherever else they claimed to be). That occurred even though state police checked carnival workers' backgrounds. I requested (verbally and in writing) that Richardson or his deputies investigate the fraud and gambling nature of the 12 deceptive (optical illusion) rims, where winning was nearly impossible, even for high school varsity players. There were hundreds of victims. That would surely subject them to a false arrest claim and a possible headline about their rip-off (the kids) church festival. Im more afraid of the patrons than the carnies. Get up to work twelve hour days for the next two weeks or so, then work a twelve hour day, take down your ride, show, what have you and drive it to the next spot, without sleep, usually a few hundred miles away. On the night of November 29, 1988, near the impoverished Marlborough neighborhood in south Kansas City, an explosion at a construction site killed six of the citys firefighters. To address the puzzling doggedness of plain-sight crooked carnival games, one has to first take a look at the history, criminalities, winks and nods of police, and the behind-the-scenes components enabling and perpetuating this century-old system of corruption. They never went anywhere and interacted at least occasionally with normal society. Bobby Reynolds? Its not a gig where they ask too many questions about your personal or employment history or your plans for the future. It's actually a really fun environment. (No, not that Cecil. I typed out my detailed fraud/gambling complaint for Richardson and provided him with a copy of the Michigan Carnival Games Manual. Drifter is closer, if you ask me. At large expositions, such as a state fair, the money is massive and the split is different. They dont have ties in the community. Assisting the NBCs Today show (and reimbursed for expenses) as their police carnival games expert, I was assigned by Thomas to investigate Michigan carnivals and especially the games at the 2012 Arab Festival, which draws about 300,000 patrons. What sideshows have you worked in? Of course, one of my friends who went home from university for the summer and has no criminal record was also one of the local workers this year. The big con: With very close examination, it is revealed that the marble board is 3s- and 4s- heavy, making 29 the eight marble average tally. Either way, you can generally find them within a few miles of where they need to show up for work the next day. Cops are discouraged from arresting the dishonest carny for two obvious reasons: money and politics. For 15 years, his city has required carnival companies to submit employees' names--since a 10-year-old boy was sexually molested by a carnival worker who had just been released from prison for a similar offense. Frank had been granted state fair contracts in Michigan and Florida over the previous 25 years. As reported in the. (Source: National Council on Problem Gambling NCPG). I never worked the rides, but my parents had several concession stands when I was growing up, and we'd spend every summer moving from fair to fair, working your [butt] off, tearing down, driving for hours, setting up, and doing it all over again. Gaffed and chance-based games travel to thousands of carnival lots and fairs each year, raking in billions of dollars in ill-gotten gains with virtual impunity. U.S. The average carnival worker salary is $27,198. Im a public librarian, and I gotta say I really dont like Larry who drinks in the bathroom checking that safety catch on the Scrambler, ya know? Gaffed and chance-based games from the same carnival companies travel to thousands of carnival lots and fairs each year. Because the job is so transient, some unscrupulous carnival workers have been known to commit minor or even major crimes while working in a town Aside from being an illegal chance-based game, it teaches kids how much fun it is to wager bets several years before they can gamble legally. Yeah, maybe. Pete Halat, Kirksey McCord Nixs former lawyer who once served as the mayor of Biloxi. What the Greatest Showman Got Totally Wrong, The Bittersweet Story of Jumbo the Elephant, Carnival Workers Describe What The Life Is Really Like. Not only were you most likely cheated, but your police department was likely not interested in protecting you from professional lawbreakers. An Arizona man has been charged with human trafficking for allegedly holding Mexican workers hostage to staff his traveling carnival. Youll also find quite a few references to various arrests, some of "For small fairs, it's very hard to even have a carnival," Ostermeier said. The mark must accumulate 100 yards (or over) to win that X-Box or HD TV. When interviewed by reporters, carnival owners and managers never will admit to personal misdeeds and will fabricate a tale about being unaware of any criminal activity on the midway. I dont have children, however, I do not plan to bring them [when I do] to the carnies that come through town here. Police departments must take appropriate action to guarantee that all midway games are skill-based, checked, and rechecked by valid security, thus reducing the chances of illegally obtained cash laundered via middlemen (sponsors), to pay the contract for midway security. Good ol Uncle Cecil. Prior to that episode, Frank was arrested, convicted and fined in Waterford, Michigan (1974), for running an illegal carnival game. So usually, we don't tell townies that we are carnies because they immediately judge us for it. Nix and later Halat were both convicted in the conspiracy that led to the judges death. Its a mix. There were at least two casualties: Margie George, a 44-year-old fortune-teller who was hacked to death for refusing to reveal the location of a supposed safe, and Gary Elbert McDaniel, a known Dixie Mafia associate who turned up dead a month after the murder. All players lay a bet down on a color and only one of the players throws a rubbery ball in a bin of 96 colored holes. Burbank's policy--like other municipalities'--has no teeth because it cannot stop someone with a criminal history from working at a carnival, said lawmakers and law enforcement officials advocating stronger legislation. Convicted of bank loan schemes in 1986 and never spending a day in prison, the Gregorys befriended Tony Rodham, brother of President Bill Clintons wife, and now presidential candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and were awarded the contracts to operate his carnival, In 2008, campaign finance records show that Frank contributed to the following U.S. Congressional candidates: Joe Baca, Brian Bilbray, Gerry Connolly, Jim Costa, Randy Forbes, Zoe Lofgren, Mike Pence, Dennis Rehberg, and, In my early years as a police officer of the Dearborn Police Department and working the information desk, a man named Steve Nowosielski walked in to complain that carnival employees were stealing from the patrons with Razzle at the city carnival only 100 yards from the police station. If you get busted for [illicit substances], youre gone. For decades, this gang operated lawlessly and targeted anyone who stood in their way. Razzle, which combines the magic of sleight of hand with bait and switch, and psychology, is difficult to explain without physically demonstrating it. Which Animated Disney Movie Should Get A Horror Adaptation Next? In the Play Football eight-marble version of Razzle, the mark agrees to use a free pass, then spills eight marbles on a board containing 143 numbered holes with values from one through six assigned to each hole. In my view, what Deputy Chief Dennis Richardson did isnt much different from what disgraced former Chief Willie Lovett did for nine years: Conspiracy to obstruct enforcement of criminal laws. (Lovett probably tossed every Razzle and hoop complaint at all his cheating carnivals.). Theyre Other, therefore theyre not to be trusted. Ranking police officers and elected politicians have always cooperated with carnival owners, as in a partnership. I remember he went about two or three years (jobless) chasing down an injury lawsuit when he got hurt on a job. It does tend to be full of gossip since everyone works and lives with each other in close quartersRide and customer safety is the number-one priority. Natasha Ishak is a staff writer at All That's Interesting. This is lawful gambling provided that the event is licensed and monitored by the state. He bought a truck-mounted merry-go-round and charged people 10 cents to ride it. But even incarceration couldnt stop them from committing crimes. They collected roughly $12,000, although the victims may have underreported the theft to avoid tax troubles. The ongoing investigation comes as police officials and some lawmakers are calling for legislation that would require background checks for carnival workers, a measure they say is vital to protecting children from transient workers with sordid pasts. The assailants who were masked and armed ambushed the camp and used chains and padlocks to restrain their victims. Repeat for nine months. It's the exact opposite of what most folks describe. 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