The stakes are always high during a presentation to the leaders of a company, regardless of the topic. This is a good time to take questions, and thank the board for their time. These early drafts ultimately come together as scripted dialogue, with parts provided by the conference call facilitator (usually the head of investor relations), chairman, CEO, and CFO. The meeting may be held at the office of the company, or it may take place via video conference. Make sure that you and your audience can easily find the relevant data, whenever a question arises. Bring more detailed documentation on how each metric was produced for any board member who asks. portalId: '6191183', Board meetings typically last between one hour and two hours. "I've done my best to be credible and sense the investors and analysts are pleased. It usually takes place once per month. There you will find 32 outlined symbols of company positions such as CEO, CFO, COO, CMO, HR head, or Chief Sales Officer. 6v 2 [Content_Types].xml ( r0;0\;F#!iOLPAvh@Ro_!C\`4%i%YraMTd9_7_&'a4-gpTx~Z2\['BTzJ"!7w*6H%#tkD6KBapyv5n_N-&6+*eTx{e#2-36T:h0PhH2q[*. If it's possible to ask right up front, that will help guide the entire presentation. Now is the time to separate from these tasks and commemorate all the hard work. If so, share your PPT presentation slides online with Also, there might be questions that you'd like to address or clarify in the presentation before sending it. That helps you prepare for what someone might ask you, and it gives you confidence that you've prepared for the tough interrogation. Retired executive directors. But I've also arrived in a suit to meetings where board directors are wearing jeans and sweaters -- and then I feel too overdressed. Easy to change the slide colors quickly. As you'd expect, the CFO at Ford Motors would not logically be expected to perform the same functions as the CFO of Wells Fargo. This is a tougher decision than it should be. A board presentation is the CEOs or CFOs opportunity to speak directly to the board of directors. They depend on the CFO for this assurance. PowerPoint can undermine Corporate Strategy, Book Review : Presentation Thinking & Design: Create better presentations, quicker. Above all, keep your presentation short (10 to 25% of the time, leaving 75 to 90% for discussion and decision). Treat your board presentation as a three-act play, no presentation requires more than seven minutes, Detail your strategy and goals going forward, Dig into the practical side of executing on that strategy and hitting those goals. Slides 3 through 6 should discuss how external events will affect security, an assessment of the existing risk position (this can change depending on acquisitions and other events) and the entire security strategy. Family directors. Stick to the purpose of your presentation. Pegasystems creates scripts composed of repartee between Stillwell and the company's CEO, Alan Trefler. You can reuse the icons and organizational chart templates for presenting your company hierarchy, from the board through to the CEO and directors to specific department heads. And we made room for financial and operational updates followed by profit & loss charts and milestone displays. Well-crafted template with instant download facility. What are the coordinates (physical address, virtual bridge, start and end time)? Make revisions and then practice a day or two before the meeting. Thats why its important to create and present a compelling board presentationone that captures the interest of board members and leaves them feeling invested in whats next. "CEOs have more flexibility to freewheel it a bit, putting their personality fingerprint on the company. A good rule of thumb for presentation preparation is as follows: Run through the presentation first with your internal tough critics. Replacing, adding, or removing a position or department is a matter of fast shape modification. In my opinion, these pre-reading documents should never be a copy of the presentation slides. There are also important logistics to inquire about. Help the board understand why cybersecurity is critical to the business. Slides are a mere visual support for your story without full sentences. Balbix calculates risk, likelihood, and impact scores for every area of your business and provides intuitive visualizations for your presentations to the board and C-suite colleagues. Privacy Policy. By engaging with your audience and creating a conversation, youll be able to encourage more collaboration and give a presentation that flows. A board presentation is the CEOs or CFO s opportunity to speak directly to the board of directors. But avoid highly surprising new information. Typical Board questions are : And understand their background. There you can find editable diagrams illustrating benefits management, or salary determination and payroll processes. "If we just had a blowout quarter or a horrible quarter, I don't want the audience assuming this is our future." Once the session is over, the quicker the follow-up, the better. If budget and permissions allow, having an assistant in the meeting is incredibly valuable to track follow-up items, take notes relevant to your role, handle any technical issues and to provide any other support needed during the meeting. To The Point At Work provides Coaching and Support to Directors, Executives and Experts. However, a lengthy, in- depth presentation is more likely to leave the board scratching their heads than directing resources the right way. It's FREE! This is a balancing act. Use Attention-Grabbing Graphics for Your Next. The bulk of the information, goes into the attachments, possibly as Q&A. Sorry, No data match for your criteria. By clicking the "" button, you are agreeing to the They need to check the robustness of your methodology and the reliability of the data. you know your stuff. A board chair will also work alongside a company's CEO or Executive Director to run a meeting that suits the board's priorities. Its your chance to get them to understand your vision, to secure buy-in on financial needs and projects, and to explain the companys performance. Showing rows of words typed on a screen isn't adding anything to the talk track, so use visuals to enhance your message. Who will ask what kind of questions? Beyond that, its important that you see the board as a group of peersnot the people holding the purse strings or a group of super-human success stories. The narrative is your core story. If possible, call board members just to check in before a meeting. Given the necessary direction, board meetings can happen as frequently as weekly or scheduled as sparingly as once a year. Retired executive directors. Common concerns a board may have are: Costs: How much time and money will it require? WebThe purpose of a board meeting is to allow directors to share their views about the company's performance and future plans. Contrary to management teams, most Boards have no hierarchical structure. Write down the answer to that question. Web"The CFO follows up with a deeper layer of details based on the CEO's forward-looking statements the numerical outcome of these strategic directions. Only repeat the conclusion and headlines of your narrative with a few selected details. If seconded, which is mandatory and not tied to the affinity of content but to the motion taking place, then the motion can be discussed. Before attending a board meeting, prepare thoroughly so that you will be able to answer questions and present your case effectively. That may be a little extreme, particularly when youre recapping an entire quarter or year, but in our experience, 30 minutes is a good time frame for a presentation. With help of those PowerPoint templates full of HR diagrams and role icons, you can enrich your existing slides or create a professional presentation from scratch. WebRecruitment and Selection Update (July 2011 - June 2012) ", At the appointed hour, scripts in hand, the CFOs step into the spotlight. Poor speaking and presentation skills can kill a solid deck in a hurryso how you present is just as important as what you present. Using creative visuals for illustrating the steps to fill the job post helps you to communicate those processes to your peers. These two halves of the call run for approximately 20 minutes each. Need to illustrate various senior management roles or specific departments? WebCorporate Compliance Board Of Director Oversight Ppt Powerpoint Presentation File Graphics Data Management Presentation Powerpoint Templates Ceo Assessing Financial Reports Of Business Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Gallery Inspiration PDF Annual Meeting Of Boards Of Directors For Assessing Business Progress Ppt The meeting may be held at the office of the company, or it may take place via video conference. Make revisions and then practice a day or two before the meeting. The 15-Minute, 7-Slide Security Presentation for Your Board of Directors. While you can find out a lot about board members via their bios or LinkedIn pages, youll also continue to learn more about them as you interact more with each person. "Under each theme, we write what we've learned so far something that may impact that theme, good or bad.". Even seasoned CFOs who have been through dozens of earnings calls will attest that their heart still races just before showtime. These HR diagrams can be used in a broad spectrum of contexts: Do you need to quickly create a creative organization map in PowerPoint? Board meetings typically last between one hour and two hours. Most importantly, dont allow the presentation to get bogged down in overly technical explanations. Best theme for PowerPoint Presentation. ", On such occasions, Horowitz defers his response. Without that information, I would always dress up as a sign of respect and seriousness of the task at hand. Use the tool to help admins manage Hyperscale data centers can hold thousands of servers and process much more data than an enterprise facility. This is their opportunity to learn all they can, and it's our responsibility to give it to them. Yet, a person in this role is also responsible for getting new board members and helping with their development. No matter what you're presenting, data and metrics are key. Slides are available in different nodes & colors. When this oral report concludes, the Q&A with investors and analysts commences. used to work for the corporation, partly responsible for past decisions affecting current strategy. Have a look at this presentation with Company Roles and Department Structure PPT icons. Heres a Payroll, Compensation, and HR Admininistration PowerPoint library of slide graphics covering these topics. "If I were an analyst, what would I want to know about the company?" Over my career, I have had the good fortune to present to all types of audiences -- from major keynotes where the lights are so bright, I couldn't see the 10,000 people in the audience, to classroom settings with 50 or 100 people, to meetings with a handful of people in the room. The 15-Minute, 7-Slide Security Presentation for Your Board of Directors. Keep it visual. Send your presentation to board members ahead of time, along with your other board packet materials. But we can help automate many of the KPIs you would like to report on. If you need time to look something up, say so. The night before, practice a third time in front of a mirror again, and get a good night's sleep. The graphic elements of board meeting PowerPoint make presentation engaging and well defined for the executive audience. The purpose of a board meeting is to allow directors to share their views about the company's performance and future plans. If you don't have an answer to a question, it's perfectly acceptable to say: "That's actually a great question, and I'm not sure of the answer. But once the conference commences, their meticulous preparations steady them. Keep it simple. In writing the CFO's scripted remarks with the director of investor relations, Winston tries to put herself in the audience's shoes. Better now than in the boardroom. Decide if a matter is best addressed in a committee. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, The evolving CIO role: From IT operator to business strategist, 10 factors reshaping the role of the CIO in 2023, Top 7 CIO challenges in 2023 and how to handle them, 8 free IT strategic planning templates and examples for CIOs, 5 Steps to Delivering a Better Customer Experience, The Next-Generation Workspace: Removing Barriers and Frustration. Its critical that security and risk management leaders supply board-relevant and business-aligned content that is not hampered by overly technical references.. In my experience, an inductive approach is always more effective, even if the Board has a deductive culture. PK ! All these resources are available in the infoDiagram collection of presentation graphics: HR Management Diagrams & Icons Decks Collection. Giving a presentation like that requires more than just charisma. And, again, its all free. Find out how your Board functions: Is there a formal presentation? Balbix uses specialized AI to identify and prioritize your unseen vulnerabilities across 100+ attack vectors and help you mitigate these risk items. Easy to change the slide colors quickly. If success for the board is making a decision based on return on investment, run the ROI and make a recommendation. When sending ahead of time, the board members don't have the benefit of context. and The first step in giving a brilliant board presentation is to cover the topics that board members actually care about. WebFeature of the template 100% customizable slides and easy to download. Then give the 3 to 5 key arguments or elements that you want them to remember. We're as prepared as can be, but on occasion there's that one question that gives pause. and and Recommended resources for Gartner clients*: Board-Ready Slides for Cybersecurity and Technology Risk Sample Narrative Progress Update. It also allows them to provide feedback on the company's strategies. Russ Banham is a freelance writer based in the US. Discussions in the Boardroom then aim at finalizing the consensus and fine-tuning the decision. WebBoard of Directors PowerPoint template is a free template for PowerPoint and board of directors presentations. The graphic elements of board meeting PowerPoint make presentation engaging and well defined for the executive audience. It can be difficult for CISOs to demonstrate how security contributes to business performance. Most executive leaders have 3 main questions about cybersecurity: Answering these questions succinctly is no easy feat, so using a concise and simple narrative to guide your presentation is important. ", In preparing the script for its earnings calls, Partin from BlackLine schedules a "key themes" meeting with the company's leaders in operations, sales, and marketing. You can download a powerpoint template that will help you organize your presentation to the board of directors. "We put up specific themes we feel are important to the quarter for our long-term [stock]holders," Partin said. For instance, while Tom Liguori was CFO at Advanced Energy, based in Fort Collins, Colorado, the company issued an annual statement at the beginning of each year in which it established its aspirational revenue and cash flow goals for the next three years. For the stakeholders on the call, the health of certain geographies, strength of certain vertical markets, and a sense of the economic landscape are all helpful to understanding and context," said Ken Stillwell, CPA, the CFO of Pegasystems, a Cambridge, Massachusetts-based provider of customer engagement software. Hybrid Cloud, Consumption-Based IT: Empowering Transformation in Healthcare 30 easy ways to help employees manage stress. By clicking the "Submit" button, you are agreeing to the While private company finance leaders do not typically have public earnings calls, many of these skills can also be valuable in meetings with their bankers, investors, or other critical stakeholders. For you, weve handpicked some recommendations of PowerPoint slide deck examples that can be a source of graphical inspiration for you. Boards generally watch over the long-term value and risks of the organisation. Put in some examples so that they can picture things. Board meetings typically last between one hour and two hours. Calling a board meeting to order is a matter of giving a quick statement with the precise start time and date of the meeting to literally let people know the session started. Click on the slide pictures to see and download the source illustration. As the quarter progresses, early versions of the script are drafted based on the emerging financial picture. Here's how to make sure yours does the job. A board chair's role is to facilitate a board meeting following a company's mission, vision, and desired direction. And every Board is different. Governance is most effective when Directors share a common understanding of the Board's role. Am I projecting confidence or uncertainty? Its high level, and sets the scene for the board. Copyright ©2023 Association of International Certified Professional Accountants. Make sure your content (inclusive of what youre going to say, the PowerPoint slides you design, and the handouts you provide) is brief, easy-to-process, and to the point. By using the site, you consent to the placement of these cookies. A board of directors is a particularly demanding audience because time pressure, information quality and unanimity are more important than in any other management team. The number one way to keep your board presentation on track is to keep it concise. Visualise this story on 1-7 slides.. People cant read and listen at the same time. "I try to connect the dots instead of reading a laundry list.". Numbers and details reassure the Directors. Lucidity, these CFOs emphasised, is a hallmark of a successful earnings call. Here are some best practices I've learned that will allow you to use that healthy level of nervousness to sharpen the content of your presentation and help ensure success. When the request comes in to give a cybersecurity presentation to the board, security leaders should jump at the chance to educate the executives. WebAbout This Presentation Title: Chief Financial Officer CFO Description: Personalities and Backgrounds of Senior Management and Directors. Often held twice a year or every quarter, the frequency of board meetings truly depends on an organization's stage. descendants of the founder and own significant blocks of stock Gartner Terms of Use }); Here's how to create an impactful presentation that will impress your board and boost your authority. The data may require primary research, it may rely upon existing dashboards or it may come from third parties. Run through the presentation first with your internal tough critics. Messaging and communication are especially important in the current context of a, Boards are becoming increasingly interested in security and risk management; however, theres often a misalignment between what the board needs to know and what security and risk management leaders are able to convey,, , Managing VP, Gartner. You don't want to wait until the end of the fiscal year or even the beginning of the new fiscal year to set dates for your next board meeting. Privacy Policy. If possible, rehearse your presentation in the Board room. The graphic elements of board meeting PowerPoint make presentation engaging and well defined for the executive audience. That dialogue makes it easier to solicit input on key challenges, win buy-in on new projects, and secure any financial needs. I disagree. So, take time to visit the room upfront. Give our template a try or let our team of professional designers exclusively polish your content and design. Instead, the script should elaborate on the quarter's key themes, aiming for simplicity, clarity, and briskness. There you will find 32 outlined symbols of company positions such as CEO, CFO, COO, CMO, HR head, or Chief Sales Officer. used to work for the corporation, partly responsible for past decisions affecting current strategy. According to the Harvard Business Review, its about finding the right balance of preparation so that you feel confident without becoming overly stiff. "This also helps me prepare for the Q&A session with analysts afterwards, as there are obvious questions and follow-on questions. Automating your board-level presentations Sorry, cant be done. A productive board meeting starts with a well-thought-out agenda that the board chair distributes ahead of time. Web"The CFO follows up with a deeper layer of details based on the CEO's forward-looking statements the numerical outcome of these strategic directions. Clearly present the organization management flows, company size, and personnel structure. Like opening night in the theatre, the hours before the quarterly earnings results conference call for CFOs are fraught with jitters and last-minute adjustments even when the financial results are positive. Please refine your filters to display data. Copyright 2007 - 2023, TechTarget This doesnt exactly make for a compelling or engaging presentation. Almost every script begins with, "Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the [quarterly date and year] earnings conference call." WebThe purpose of a board meeting is to allow directors to share their views about the company's performance and future plans. They stuck out in the transcripts.". You are well prepared. My favorite type of presentation is in a boardroom, where a group of insightful, engaged and typically smart people gather to learn, to set strategies, dream of new opportunities and make tough decisions. "There can be no dodging or obfuscation. It is a well-designed presentation template. You can be incredibly smart and experienced, but your recommendations and insights will hold more weight and be more authoritative if they are backed by data. What do your board of directors and C-suite colleagues really want to know? When should I hold my next board meeting? "There is a mental transition that occurs before you go into the call," Partin said. Either avoid these items or give enough background information. You should have confidence. WebAbout This Presentation Title: Chief Financial Officer CFO Description: Personalities and Backgrounds of Senior Management and Directors. Clients receive 24/7 access to proven management and technology research, expert advice, benchmarks, diagnostics and more. jsbacContactjsbacContact FM interviewed five CFOs to determine their best practices. When youre presenting on an entire quarter or even a year, you can cover an endless number of topics. Have a strong opener to catch their full attention. Thanks for sharing! Lots of Change with little accomplishment. Is the meeting virtual or in person (or more likely these days, a combination of both)? Its your chance to get them to understand your vision, to secure buy-in on financial needs and projects, and to explain the companys performance. This slide with a simple message and easy-to-read table gives a professional image: Too many slides with only a picture and few numbers make your presentation feel puffery: Put all other information in the backup slides that you can pull up depending on the questions you get. Need to illustrate various senior management roles or specific departments? Best theme for PowerPoint Presentation. Take a seat, check logistics such as the connectors for your computer. descendants of the founder and own significant blocks of stock Download Now. To make your talk impactful, draw their attention to some interesting details or a telling example that wasnt in the pre-read. Read more about her experience here. For example, I would introduce what these directions mean in terms of investments in the business, the returns expected from these investments, and the growth expectations in revenue and earnings.". Automating your board-level presentations Sorry, cant be done. WebBoard Of Directors Presentation Financials SHOW 50 100 200 DISPLAYING: 1 - 50 of 504 Items Popularity Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Financial Management Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Visual Aids Portfolio Financial Management Kpi Dashboards Finance Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Ideas Brochure Financial Management Ppt Powerpoint So, how brief is brief? Board members want hard facts. 8 a.m. 7 p.m. Monday through Friday. It's also great to send an email after the meeting to all board members with a summary of the most relevant aspects, including all action items that were discussed. FMis published by theAssociation of International Certified Professional Accountants, the most influential body of professional accountants, combining the strengths of the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) and The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) to power opportunity, trust and prosperity for people, businesses and economies worldwide. Any attempt to achieve a hidden purpose will only weaken your presentation and credibility. WebMembers of a Board of Directors. If you're looking to start planning your next board meeting, we recommend starting now. "We then practise in a room with our investor relations people, legal counsel, and a few business leaders and managers, going through each of the questions on the list. It feels the natural thing to do, but its wrong. The night before, practice a third time in front of a mirror again, and get a good night's sleep. used to work for the corporation, partly responsible for past decisions affecting current strategy. Remember, if you're there, you're there for a reason. This Corporate Governance Orientation Presentation PPT is for Board Chairs and Directors on governance Boards of Directors. Were here to help you any way you need! The more prepared you are, the better impression you'll leave with the board and others. Make sure that this purpose is crystal clear. Crash Champions Appoints Tom Feeney to Board of Directors. Every issue raises a question. The Bigger the Ego, the More Time you Need to Manage it. Also, touch base with the Executive Director for any items before you work with the secretary on a final and closing record. You can also import those slides to Google Slides or Keynote presentation software if that is a presentation tool you use. WebRecruitment and Selection Update (July 2011 - June 2012) The night before, practice a third time in front of a mirror again, and get a good night's sleep. In fact, it's important to have humility, as well. Ensure each point is high-level enough that the board will understand it, but detailed enough to give them a true picture. "Instead I go over the script so many times in my head and verbally that it eventually sounds natural and conversational. But I assure you, I'll have it for you after this meeting." not employed by the corporation, handle legal or insurance work. But that confidence shouldn't spill over to arrogance. Each of the CFOs we interviewed approaches the Q&A part of the conference call with great care and caution. Dont beat around the bush. Feeny has over 45 years of experience in the automotive industry, previously holding a role as president and CEO of Safelite Group for At first glance, you would think a suit is the right apparel for a board meeting, and most of the time, it is. ET The template can be used by CFO or CEO presentations to make engaging PowerPoint presentations for their business or corporate needs. This is very difficult for a complex subject, but it is essential. Pre-reads are self-standing documents and therefore must have a narrative in full text. You can download a powerpoint template that will help you organize your presentation to the board of directors. For example: employee profiles, remuneration structure, skills, or satisfaction. And add some detailed stories that will speak to their imagination. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. "Analysts don't want the CFO to be a 'Type A' cheerleader personality talking about the long-term vision; that's the CEO's job," Horowitz said. Affiliated directors. There are a few ways to do that. I trust you to lead this project.". Follow-up on unresolved issues or any unanswered questions from the previous meeting. Highlight risks that require immediate action. Im not arguing to leave detailed data out. But investors need to trust the numbers are right and there won't be a restatement. For more than 25 years, Robin has advised hundreds of senior IT executives, ranging in size from Fortune 100 to Fortune 1000, developing technology strategies and analyzing how they can transform their businesses. Just be who you are. Ask for questions and let the discussion unfold. Our free board meeting presentation template is a perfect example of the necessary slides to make a board meeting the most effective use of everyones time. Be Transparent about any setbacks and say how you are managing through these. Gartner Terms of Use Knowing this can also help you to frame the presentation in their language. On how each metric was produced for any items before you go into the attachments, possibly Q! The source illustration their views about the company, or satisfaction call, '' Partin said executive audience be. Just as important as what you present is just as important as what you 're presenting data., I 'll have it for you, and it gives you confidence that you feel without. And prioritize your unseen vulnerabilities across 100+ attack vectors and help you any way you need presentations to make talk! The company, or it may rely upon existing dashboards or it may rely upon existing dashboards it. 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