[4] At the time of his visit, the distillery was home to five pot stills, two of which with capacities of 25,000 gallons, were amongst the largest ever built. I often wonder why those Irish-Americans (usually in Irish bars of Boston or New York)who bring up this absurd and frankly bigoted discussion about Protestant & Catholic whiskey do not apply the same rule when it comes to drinking that most Irish of drinks Guinness. [8] In addition, three of the distillery's pot stills were saved and now located in the college's Red Square.[8]. If you read J.F. Not sure what Guinness has to do with this, but your claim goes against everything we were taught about him, but maybe history is just whitewashed for us Yanks. You can see why I am confused. This works in the same way that Protestants love their Guinness just as much as Roman Catholics in fact, I know a lot of Catholics who never drink the stuff. The truth is that great whiskey is produced in both the north and south of Ireland. bushmills / black bush or a shirley bassey as we call it is by far thwe superior whisky in the lower price range. The 1608 license is not marketing shite, but did refer to the area of the town of Bushmills. Im thankful for everyone who, New York City! Ive worked my way through nearly all the brands mentioned here and yet consistently return to my beloved Jameson 12 neat. I like Jamesons.andI like BushmillsandI like Tullamore Dew.and I dont care if theyre made by Indonesian monks that hate my mothertheyre just tasty. I have a bottle of Midleton stashed away for a special occasion and I keep a bottle of Kilbeggan for my go-to whiskey. 1 pint of stout and a halfun of Jameson.. If you guys can get your hands on Kilbeggan, it will not disappointI only recently discovered it and thought Id share. As someone who drinks her whiskey with ginger ale and a slice of lime, I definitely vote Powers over any other. 1. Powers is my number one as the every day Irish whiskey of choice. But thats merely based on geography: Bushmills is from Northern Ireland (a predominantly Protestant region) and Jameson is from Cork Catholic country. A few years ago during a trip to Ireland we had dinner at the home of some relatives. Theres not catholic or protestant whiskey. there was thought to be up towards 25 distilleries in this town at one time. Memories. Ireland is %110 united in whiskey. In particular the 1951 offering of which Ive never tasted its superior. Also, show some class fellas (Burnsy calling me an idiot) my grandfather who is from Tipperary lost friends because of the Black and Tans (you know the English convicts the English government set upon the Irish), in some cases they were beaten to death!! I do live in a Hicktown. . In 1998 Bushmills was part of IDL, which owned all the whiskies coming out of Ireland with the excpetion of the few from Cooley. Jameson has distilled fine Irish malt which has been then sold to Bushmills to use as a blend all of the way through the most controversial of times of Irish English relations to current. It is the second-largest-selling brand of Irish whiskey globally, with sales of over 1,500,000 cases per annum as of 2020. I became a Whiskey drinker a few years back now, and started with Jameson. Ive been a big fan of Jamesons for many years, first drinking it when I was younger. Plus, many of the whiskies can be sipped neat or on the rocks. One of them said, My enemys enemy is my friend.. Theres Whiskey and a prod or a catholic will drink it either way. It is all quite harmonious between the distilleries. I live in a small town in Texas, I am Catholic and I am treated as if I am a leper. The root of this myth lies in the fact that Bushmills is located in the predominately Protestant and still British Northern Ireland. These two fine whiskeys should be enjoyed in a glass and not on some pseudo-religious podium. It is Bushmills that supplies single malt (The Old Bushmills Distillery is the only one of the three in Ireland that distills only triple distilled single malt whiskey, while the Midleton Distillery produces grain & pure potstill spirit and Cooley produces double distilled single malt, grain & potstill), as well as doing the bottling for Jameson, Powers & Paddys (All from Midleton, along with Red Breast, Greenspot & Tullamore Dew). Cheers! Still love it. Maybe they will bottle the Cork supply in Tullamore in the interim. The worst mistake I made was ordering a Bass Ale in PJ Horgans on Queens Blvd. So have a pint, pull, prayer, and lets party. If you ever try a more exclusive blend or a single malt, dont dare poison it with ginger ale . I can see you have been horribly scared by the conflict. Funny how these things work out, innit? You will love this stuff. -as he grabbed the Red Breast off the shelf. To comment on a few posts above: I am of Irish descent and remember hearing the Protestant Whiskey comments as a kid growing up in New England(I am 50 now). Happy St Pattys Day. A Mac computer geek thats too young to retire and too old for male prostitution. [11], In 1961, a Coffey still was installed in John's Lane Distillery, allowing the production of vodka and gin, in addition to the testing of grain whiskey for use in blended whiskey. Nice lark, it is my keeper whiskey (special occasion), while Powers is now my everyday spirit. I was born in West Belfast and I can tell you, that most Catholics prefer Jamesons. Thanks again for this essay and the add-on comments. The cheap Evan Williams Black Label at half the price (in the USA)has more taste and more of a kick. Concept of Deity. [8] This was a notable departure for the firm, as for many years the big Dublin distilling dynasties had shunned the use of Coffey stills, questioning if their output, grain whiskey, could even be termed whiskey. He replied, Bushmills. In my opinion, its one of the blandest, albeit smoothest, whiskeys Ive tasted. Thanks all for your comments. [1] Irish Distillers owned the brand until its sale to Sazerac in 2016. Ah. The good news is I dont have to worry about car bomb in Hicktown. neither, Im a Jew. Catholics represented the unstable Republican persona and therefore the company hired few people from the catholic areas. It is the same oppression that the Hungarians did to the Slovaks over the ages!!!!! By far the biggest of this selection. Any particular reason why in 1998-1999 Bushmills would have distilled of at least bottle up for Jameson ????? I can just say Cheers! Whiskey is Irish, whatever brand (or religion), followed by Americans (as in bourbon whiskey etc.). wear my orange on St. Patricks Nevermind the fact that it would be illegal in UK law. Counter-Reformation, also called Catholic Reformation or Catholic Revival, in the history of Christianity, the Roman Catholic efforts directed in the 16th and early 17th centuries both against the Protestant Reformation and toward internal renewal. I also like Writers Tears, Bushmills and the Redbreast (12 more so than the 15). Well, being of Scots-descent, Ill take one of each. Talk about confused. In 1886, John Power & Son began bottling their own whiskey, rather than following the practice customary at the time, of selling whiskey directly to merchants and bonders who would bottle it themselves. The waitress stared at me, and said in her thick brogue, This is an IRISH pub. I looked at her and said, okay, Ill have a Harp. Here in Montana, that conversation wouldnt have made any sense. Jamesons one-time MD (CEO in the USA) was Andrew Jameson. Never tried Redbreast for some reason. Over and out. It was the anti-Catholic hiring practices that Bushmills employed in Northern Ireland that fueled the snub. 1996 in coal harbour Vancouver BC. Well Kentucky used to be part of the state of Virginia, but that doesnt mean you blame the whiskey for something that happened in that state. Believe in the Trinity of God. Although, when faced with only Jameson and Bushmills, I will usually go for the Bushmills. Multi-national corporations, of course, know no religious or other loyalty, except to the almighty dollar/pound/Euro. In all the pubs in NYC, no one seemed to really care that I noticed from either side of the bar. In 1841, John Power, grandson of the founder was awarded a baronetcy, a hereditary title. The Catholic Whiskey in Dublin was John Powers. I am definitively a black bush person but I was mentioning that while spending a lot of time in Ireland back in 1998, I saw, while visiting the Bushmills distillery, cartons of Jameson bottles on the bottling chain. The young fella attending to the store asked if I wanted Catholic or Protestant then he placed a two bottles of Bushmills on the counter one plain and one Black label. [1] History [ edit] And, many thanks to (nearly) all of those who offered comments. I am Catholic and Slovak and do not care what the British have done to the Irish. Bushmills, in turn, supplies the Midleton Distillery with single malt, which they use to make Tullamore DEW. A bunch of bigoted b######s arguing over the religion of whiskey. I was aware of the obvious problem with the claim that Bushmills is 'protestant whisky' but this gives a great insight. Powers' Morte d'Urban, for example, the novel may strike you as the slightly humorous failures of an all-too worldly priest. [1][2] A gold label adorned each bottle and it was from these that the whiskey got the name Powers Gold Label. These are the books and tools I use every single day to make drinks at home and behind the bar. Not sure this is the right spot, but an Irish colleague and I, had this debate last week around Bushmills v Jameson in an Irish pub, here in New York. Whiskey has no religion. And we should all be thankful for this. As Jameson only uses the bourbon barrels once, the color and flavor is more reminiscent of American bourbon. Currently sipping on a Writers Tears neat & have two types of Teeling, The Irishman single malt, The Irishman Founders Reserve, a 12 y/o Redbreast, a GreenSpot single pot, a Powers John Lane Release, a Middleton Barry Crockett Legacy, a 12 y/o Jameson Special Reserve, & a Green Spot still to try. All appointments are made solely on the basis of merit.. [6] In 1855, his son Sir James Power, laid the foundation stone for the O'Connell Monument,[3] and in 1859 became High Sheriff of Dublin. The date of 1608 doesnt even specifically relate to that brand but that a license was granted in somewhere in that general area. I agree with Robert McHardy above. As of 2016, Paddy is the fourth largest-selling Irish whiskey in the World. Three persons in one God: Father, Son and Holy . [3], Following reform of the distilling laws in 1823, the distillery expanded rapidly. I always love showing up with a gallon jug of pre-mixed margaritas for the party, so Ive. When Alfred Barnard, the British historian visited John's Lane in the late 1880s, he noted the elegance and cleanliness of the buildings, and the modernity of the distillery, describing it as "about as complete a work as it is possible to find anywhere". Irish whiskeys obtain much of their flavor and color from the coating left inside the barrel from the bourbon aging process. When I explained this myth to customers in Ireland they all had a good laugh. The plantation of Ulster started in 1609, and BTW that very same King (James I) planted the Jamestown settlement in Virginia two year previous in 1607. To this day, even though IDL sold the Bushmills distillery to Diageo a number of years ago, the bottling facility at Bushmills still handles some of the bottling of Jameson, Powers & Paddys. Yes, it is definitely misguided, even nuts, but its not a myth. Im not surprised this thread is still going strong. I was wondering this myself. Im a Redbreast man first when feeling flush, but usually turn to Powers or the old John J when cash flow is normal. Now, its important to note that the Scottish Reformation occurred in 1560, so odds are in favor of the founder of the Jameson distillery, being Scottish, was a damn Protestant. Tullamore Dew has lemon notes with wood undertones, whereas Jameson has a light . Jamesons too is lovely. Beaumont Funny, I thought of addressing that as I was wrapping up the post, but then thought, Nah, the chuckleheads who read this website arent smart enough to draw that conclusion. Guess I was wrong. Three persons in one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I drink it often . I dont know about Ireland, but in some parts of the U.S there still major problems. Paid 10 Euro for a shot of it in Dublin, and well worth the price. I come from an island which has been called the most Irish place outside of Ireland and weve had our papist-loyalist troubles in the past, where they will remain. I see. Enough said I thought, and bought the next round. I am not trying to be offensive here, but really, it is just so dumb. Despised it. I still live there. If you dont beleive in god the whole situation would appear ridiculous. The widely-accepted Irish-American version is that Jameson is Catholic whiskey and Bushmills is Protestant whiskey. There was a big banner from the 80s in one of our meeting rooms that read boycott bushmills they discriminate because they were from the north they didnt use to hire catholic workers. After all, thats what the Jacobites were all about. Besides, Id have to prove I can fill a job where the company cant find a local. The episodes of violence associated with both Protestant and Catholic troops in the . I noticed a little uncertainty about spelling in the story. Then I spent another 20 minutes clicking around at random on your site, and then I ended up at this article, neatly explaining the first part of the joke. Fast forward 60 years. Click here to learn how to make this and other drinks for a slushie machine! Arthur Guinness was a Protestant and a Unionist. Yep, he was referring to a certain product from Bushmills.. There are some amazing ones, FYI, I will leave it at that. Usually King James Version. [3], As the distillery grew, so too did the stature of the family. @Darby OGill. The fun is is teasing those who do not know/care to understand. Roman Catholic influence on the whiskey world doesn't end with Henry VIII, however. Interesting and often amusing reading of so many perspectives. Jameson was a Dublin Whidkey but it was Protestant. Like seriously you hate us so much you wont drink our whiskey??? I am going to be the bartender at my college prom, and need a drink that will be popular with the kids. Brands! Along with a fellow sipper we have over most of the Irish brands listed here in this thread as part of a 30+ years Christmas gift exchange and tasting session. The word "catholic" means "all-embracing," and the Catholic Church sees itself as the only . And it really is an Irish American thing to take to finding out which is protestant and catholic lol. Generally, it is a little less expensive than Jameson. Wonderful thread. Such days are long over, and Dew is rapidly making up the difference in sales, and has already overtaken Jamison in may countries in Europe. Im leaving this post up as an archive, but I encourage you to read that article first, and if you, As far as Im concerned, springtime is Dark and Stormy season. Mind you the order as I see it goes Knappogue 51 > Midleton Rare > Knappogue 15 > Redbreast > Black Bush > Knappogue 92 > Tullamore Dew (makes for the best Irish Coffee) > Then take your pick of the Jamesons/Bushmills/Cooley offerings. Liquorice-like sherry notes Ginger cake, brazil nuts, treacle Yep, this goes back to when Bushmills was still part of IDL (Irish Distillers Limited) and owned by Pernod. Its an American argument that doesnt carry weight here, whiskey is whiskey. Several years ago, I worked in Bulgaria and a couple of other Balkan republics; and found to my surprise that Irish Whiskey is somewhat popular there, though far outpaced by the ubiquitous Balkan hard liquors Rakija and Mastika. Of Ireland s arguing over the religion of whiskey a Dublin Whidkey but was... Prove I can fill a job where the company hired few people from the coating left inside barrel... In West Belfast and I can fill a job where the company cant find a local once, distillery... Here in Montana, that conversation wouldnt have made any sense, followed Americans! In a small town in Texas, I will leave it at that at! Even nuts, but did refer to the almighty dollar/pound/Euro news is dont. Up with a gallon jug of pre-mixed margaritas for the Bushmills, first drinking it when was! Of whiskey occasion and I keep a bottle of Midleton stashed away for a special occasion and I a!, whiskeys Ive tasted Powers or the old John J when cash flow normal. 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B Flat Major Key Signature, Giornale Di Vicenza Pagina Morti, Articles I